The Boss is Reborn with his Little Fairy

Two people stood still here for a few minutes.

Not far away, there were some inns and guesthouses halfway up the mountain. Chu Han held Xie Huaiyan’s hand and walked towards one of the guesthouses.

“I’m fine.” Xie Huaiyan’s usually cool voice sounded softer, perhaps due to some weakness.

Chu Han had already made her decision, “I don’t want to go up, it’s quite nice viewing from halfway up the mountain.”

Xie Huaiyan lowered his eyes to the hand holding his, then looked around and said earnestly, “You might not be able to see the sunrise from halfway up the mountain.”

Chu Han was silent for a moment, then turned to him and pretended to be annoyed, “You’re so annoying, I just don’t want to go up.”


Chu Han looked back at Xie Huaiyan and noticed his lips were a bit dry. She took out a bottle of water from the bag Xie Huaiyan was carrying, and handed it to him, “Drink some water.”

After speaking, she thoughtfully twisted open the bottle cap for him.

Xie Huaiyan paused before accepting it, “Thank you.”

When they arrived at the guesthouse, Chu Han booked two rooms.

At eight in the evening, feeling bored, Chu Han wandered inside the guesthouse and discovered a nice spot. The guesthouse had a small rooftop terrace from where countless stars could be seen.

Tonight, the moon was full and there were many stars.

The rooftop was beautifully decorated with lots of small flowers and a swing.

Feeling lonely, Chu Han sat on the swing and called Xie Huaiyan.

“Are you feeling better?”

“Much better,” Xie Huaiyan replied.

Chu Han hesitated for a moment, then softly asked, “Want to come out and see the stars?”

“In the small rooftop terrace of the guesthouse,” Chu Han added, “Don’t come if you’re not feeling well.”

As soon as she said this, she saw the door of the terrace open. Xie Huaiyan, wearing a simple black T-shirt, appeared holding a cup of milk tea.

“You came so fast,” Chu Han whispered.

Xie Huaiyan, with his long legs, quickly reached her and, without a word, handed her the milk tea.

Chu Han took it, paused for two seconds, and then looked up at him, “It’s hot.”

“Cold isn’t good.”

“But it’s summer now,” Chu Han muttered softly.

Even though she didn’t really want to drink hot milk tea, Chu Han took a sip out of courtesy.

The milk tea was somewhat hot, but still drinkable.

The stars in the night sky were beautiful, and a light breeze brought a faint scent of flowers.

Chu Han was sipping the milk tea when she turned to speak to Xie Huaiyan, only to find him taking a photo of her secretly.

Xie Huaiyan didn’t expect her to look over suddenly and paused, then quietly put away his camera.

Chu Han smiled and joked, “There’s a fee for taking my photo secretly.”

It was just a joke, but Xie Huaiyan unexpectedly asked seriously, “How much?”

Under the night sky, the pretty girl on the swing pouted and huffed proudly.

Overall, the summer vacation was quite enjoyable. They spent several days having fun in City A, and it happened to coincide with Wen Ke’an’s competition being over, so they all returned home together.

The day after they returned home, Chu Han received her school admission notice. It was the school she had wanted to attend. She immediately shared the good news with her friends.

Before Chu Han could calm down, she heard her doorbell ring. Thinking it was her mother returning, she put on her slippers and ran to open the door. To her surprise, it was Xie Huaiyuan, carrying several gift boxes.

“What are those?” Chu Han asked curiously as she peeked over.

Xie Huaiyuan, quite familiar with her home, placed all the items on the shelf by the entrance. “These are gifts for your college admission.”

Xie Huaiyuan was the first to give her a college gift, and combined with her already excited mood, Chu Han jumped onto him, hugging him tightly. “Ahhh! I’m super happy right now!!” she exclaimed joyfully.

Worried she might fall, Xie Huaiyuan instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist.

When they both realized what they were doing, they stiffened a bit.

Sometimes, Chu Han felt there was something different about her relationship with Xie Huaiyuan, though she couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was. When she didn’t see him, she would miss him, and she had gotten used to his presence.

One night, something awkward happened, making Chu Han’s feelings even more confusing.

Xie Huaiyuan messaged her to come to his house. Since they were neighbors, Chu Han went over in her pajamas.

Xie Huaiyuan’s door lock was fingerprint-based, and her fingerprint could open it. As she entered, she saw a package on the table and Xie Huaiyuan holding a small box.

At first, she didn’t think much of it and curiously went over. She saw her name on the package, which wasn’t unusual since Xie Huaiyuan sometimes used her name for deliveries. However, when she saw what was inside the box and the small item in his hand, she was stunned.

“This, you, I…” Chu Han tried to explain but didn’t know how.

Before she could gather her thoughts, Xie Huaiyuan spoke.

His expression remained calm. “This size isn’t right.”

“Ah?” Chu Han was puzzled.

“It’s too small; I can’t wear it,” Xie Huaiyuan said seriously, with a touch of gentleness.

Chu Han stared at the small item in his hand, and after a few seconds, her ears turned red.

She had to admit that Xie Huaiyuan had beautiful hands, and holding that item inexplicably made them seem a bit sexy, sparking her imagination.

With her mind in a complete mess, Xie Huaiyuan then seriously told her his size.

In the end, Chu Han couldn’t remember how she got home; her mind was filled with thoughts of Xie Huaiyuan’s size.

After this incident, Chu Han didn’t want to see Xie Huaiyan for several days.

Actually, it’s not that she didn’t want to, but more likely because she felt shy. She would secretly open her room and look towards Xie Huaiyan’s door. She also anticipated messages from him.

However, this state didn’t last long. She was about to start school soon. Her school was in City A, the same city as her best friend.

On the day of enrollment, her mom and stepfather took her to school together.

Since it was her first time living in an unfamiliar city, Chu Han had many things to handle. Fortunately, her roommates were all very nice.

Days passed, and Chu Han gradually adapted to her new life in university and made some new friends.

Xie Huaiyan also came to work in City A, and his company was not far from her school. Xie Huaiyan remained the same, frequently visiting her and buying her favorite snacks.

Gradually, her roommates all knew she had a very excellent big brother.

Chu Han was an outgoing girl. She joined several clubs and became a member of the student council. Because she frequently appeared in various places, many boys noticed her. Chu Han was beautiful, and since starting university, she also began to dress up and wear makeup. Her family’s financial situation was good, with both Xie Huaiyan and her mom buying her various clothes and bags.

Originally good-looking, her appearance enhanced her temperament after dressing up. The number of her admirers in school increased, and her name frequently appeared on the confession wall.

As the weather turned colder, it often started snowing in December. With the temperature too low outside, Chu Han generally liked to stay in her heated dormitory when she had no particular activities.

On a Saturday night, Chu Han was working on a PowerPoint presentation in her dormitory when she suddenly received a message from Xie Huaiyan.

“Are you in the dorm?”

Chu Han immediately replied, “Yes!”

After sending the message, Chu Han quickly ran to the balcony to look down. When Xie Huaiyan sent such messages, it often meant he was already waiting for her downstairs.

Sure enough, Chu Han saw a familiar figure downstairs in the dormitory.

It was still snowing lightly outside. Xie Huaiyan was wearing a black coat and a scarf. He had a tall and outstanding presence that made the passing students glance at him involuntarily.

Chu Han had been annoyed while working on the PowerPoint, but seeing Xie Huaiyan lifted her spirits.

She eagerly put on her coat, wrapped herself in a scarf, and ran outside.

“What brings you here?” Chu Han ran up to him, smiling as she looked up at him.

Xie Huaiyan took a roasted sweet potato and a warm bag of candied chestnuts from his pocket. “It’s getting cold, so I came to see you.”

Chu Han accepted them, feeling warmth spread through her hands.

The sky had darkened a bit, a small crescent moon appeared at the horizon, and the street lights on campus had begun to illuminate gradually.

Chu Han pulled Xie Huaiyan towards the nearby sports field. There had been heavy snow in the afternoon, covering the field entirely. Although it was still snowing now, the snowflakes had lessened. Under the warm yellow streetlights, the gently falling snow looked beautiful.

Given the low temperature, Chu Han had thought the sports field would be deserted. To her surprise, she saw more and more people arriving after dark, mostly couples.

Chu Han was a regular feature on the confession wall; many people at school knew her. Now, as she strolled on the sports field in the evening, accompanied by a handsome but unfamiliar man, many students couldn’t help but steal a few glances and whisper among themselves.

Chu Han felt a bit embarrassed, but she didn’t really understand why she felt that way. She quietly lifted her eyes to look at Xie Huaiyan. Under the warm streetlights, even Xie Huaiyan seemed a bit gentler.

Xie Huaiyan didn’t talk much; most of the time it was Chu Han who spoke, and Xie Huaiyan listened. Chu Han didn’t know why, but she always had a lot to say to Xie Huaiyan.

They would talk about things like the gossip about their classmates or which teacher’s class they had the next day.

Seemingly boring topics, but she really enjoyed sharing them with him.

The two of them walked around for a while, and finally, at nine o’clock, Xie Huaiyan sent her back to her dormitory.

As soon as she returned to the dormitory, her roommates surrounded her.

“Chuchu, did your brother come to visit?”

“Your brother is so handsome. Does he have a girlfriend?”

Xie Huaiyan had good looks and an air that hinted at a wealthy background. Although he didn’t come often, it was clear that some of her roommates were very interested in Xie Huaiyan.

She originally wanted to tell the truth and say that Xie Huaiyan didn’t have a girlfriend. But when the words were at the tip of her tongue, she suddenly changed and said, “He has a girlfriend.”

Her roommates were visibly disappointed, “Oh, really? Well, okay.”

The dormitory lights went out at ten o’clock that night.

Chu Han lay in bed early, but she couldn’t fall asleep at all. Her mind was filled with thoughts of Xie Huaiyan.

Something felt off.

Since she started university, Xie Huaiyan had continued to visit her often, and she seemed to have gotten used to his presence. She was used to him looking after her, used to his nightly goodnights, and always had a lot to say to him. Whenever she felt upset or sad, the first person she thought of was not her mother but Xie Huaiyan.

She thought she might actually like Xie Huaiyan.

This feeling was strange and different from the way she liked Lu Qi back in high school. When she first experienced romantic feelings in high school, she liked Lu Qi, but she only liked him for less than two months. After she found out he had a girlfriend, she decisively let go, and didn’t even feel much sadness afterwards.

But this was different. She liked Xie Huaiyan and wanted to be with him at all times. She wanted him to belong solely to her. If Xie Huaiyan really had a girlfriend, she would likely be very, very sad. She was used to his presence and didn’t want him to leave.

Chu Han thought about it for a long time and finally understood. Her feelings in high school couldn’t be considered true love, just a childish crush. But now, she liked Xie Huaiyan maturely and genuinely wanted to be with him.

Having figured this out, Chu Han barely slept that night.

She thought to herself, she needed to clarify things with Xie Huaiyan.

She knew that Xie Huaiyan had been waiting for her all along.

Xie Huaiyan liked her, Chu Han was very certain of that.

But his liking wasn’t overbearing. He was gentle, waiting patiently for her to like him back.

In the morning, Chu Han sent a message to Xie Huaiyan. She got ready and waited for him at the school gate.

In less than ten minutes, Xie Huaiyan arrived. He even brought her favorite breakfast.

Winter mornings were cold, and the sky was painted with the red of the rising sun.

Chu Han ate a little, then looked up at Xie Huaiyan, “Can you keep me company for a walk?”

There was a small lake in the school, with a broad path in front of it lined with tall plane trees. At that time, the branches and the path were covered with white snow.

It was very quiet in the morning, and you could even hear the chirping of small birds.

“Brother,” Chu Han, walking ahead, suddenly turned back and called out to Xie Huaiyan.

“Do you like it when I call you brother?” Chu Han asked with a smile.

Xie Huaiyan was slightly taken aback, but he didn’t say anything.

Chu Han didn’t mind. She walked to his side, her cold fingers hooking around his hand, and said seriously, “I don’t want to see you as a brother anymore.”

Xie Huaiyan’s body stiffened. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he softly called out, “Chu Chu.”

The sun had already risen, and the lake’s surface was sparkling.

Xie Huaiyan saw the girl beside him smile sweetly.

She said, “Xie Huaiyan, be my boyfriend.”

“I will treat you well.”

Author’s Note: Xie Huaiyan’s heart at this moment: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! I agree!

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


  1. Hpnl says:

    I want Xie Huaiyan’s pov too… I’m very curious about Xie brothers’ past lives and wonna know how things went after big bro xie’s rebirth

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