The Boss is Reborn with his Little Fairy

The class representative glanced back, “Why does that guy look at you so weirdly?”

Chu Han also looked in Xie Huaiyan’s direction.

Today, Xie Huaiyan was dressed in a simple tracksuit. His features were exceptionally striking and handsome, making passersby take an extra look at him.

To Chu Han’s surprise, the moment she looked over at him, he actually raised his head and looked back at her.

That gaze was really quite strange.

The moment their eyes met, Chu Han felt her goosebumps stand up.

“What’s wrong, Xiaohan?” The class representative noticed Chu Han’s unease.

Chu Han stiffly turned around, grabbed the class representative’s sleeve, and whispered, “Let’s walk quickly.”

On the way home, Chu Han kept recalling the look Xie Huaiyan gave her. To put it bluntly, that gaze was like looking at a dead person—particularly chilling.

Ever since her classmate’s reminder, Chu Han would look back every time after school to see if someone was following her. Xie Huaiyan sometimes followed her home, but he always kept a certain distance and didn’t get too close.

Chu Han had met his eyes several times, but she still didn’t dare to approach and greet him.

Initially, she thought he might stop following after a few times, but Chu Han didn’t expect him to keep following for a whole week.

Recently, some issues had come up at home too: her parents had divorced, and she now lived with her mother.

Her mother had remarried and moved to another place.

Chu Han was struggling with whether or not to tell her mother about this, but she was worried about causing her mother trouble, so she hadn’t said anything.

Although Xie Huaiyan always followed her, he maintained a proper distance and didn’t look like a bad person.

Now, Chu Han had moved to a very upscale neighborhood. The property management there was very strict; without an access card, a person couldn’t enter.

Xie Huaiyan would usually follow her home and stop at the neighborhood gate. Without a gate pass, he couldn’t come in. But this night was different: after Chu Han entered the neighborhood, she still felt like someone was following her. Every few steps, she would look back, and Xie Huaiyan had actually followed her inside.

Chu Han walked a bit and then suddenly stopped, thinking for a moment before turning around and walking directly towards Xie Huaiyan.

Xie Huaiyan probably didn’t expect Chu Han to suddenly walk towards him; he stood there, slightly stunned.

They weren’t far apart to begin with, and Chu Han quickly reached Xie Huaiyan.

This was the first time the two were so close. Chu Han looked up at Xie Huaiyan, and with the streetlights, she could clearly see his face. He looked somewhat different from her memory; a few years apart had made Xie Huaiyan more mature and rugged, with less of the youthful innocence.

Chu Han was actually a bit nervous. She tightly gripped her backpack straps. She looked up slightly at him, trying to keep her voice calm, “Why are you always following me?”

Xie Huaiyan didn’t answer her question nor did he speak. The two of them just stood there quietly, the atmosphere growing increasingly awkward.


Chu Han had no idea what Xie Huaiyan was thinking. He just looked down at her without saying a word. However, Chu Han could clearly sense that the way Xie Huaiyan looked at her seemed to have changed, his gaze becoming much gentler.

Not far ahead was her home. They were almost at her doorstep, so Chu Han wasn’t afraid. She was just a bit puzzled. Xie Huaiyan had followed her right to her doorstep today, something he had never done before. How did he get in without an access card?

Chu Han glanced back at her house. The lights were on, meaning her mom and uncle were likely home. “I’m almost home. How did you get in here?” Chu Han mumbled, still puzzled, “You can’t possibly live here too, right?”

Xie Huaiyan still didn’t answer her.

Just as Chu Han finished speaking, she heard the sound of a door opening not far off—it was her mom, coming out to take out the trash. Chu Han’s mom looked at her first, then at Xie Huaiyan, and greeted him with a smile, “Xiao Xie, you’re here too.”

Xie Huaiyan looked at Chu Han’s mom, nodded slightly as a greeting, then turned to look at Chu Han before heading towards the apartment across from Chu Han’s.

Chu Han stood there, dumbfounded, as she watched Xie Huaiyan take out a key and unlock the door to the apartment opposite hers.

It turns out Xie Huaiyan really did live there, and they were neighbors!

Xie Huaiyan had already gone inside. With her backpack on, Chu Han ran to her mom. “I’m so hungry, Mom. What’s for dinner?”

Chu Han’s mom didn’t answer her question right away. Instead, she looked down at her, asking softly, “Do you remember this boy? We used to be neighbors.”

“Oh, it’s him,” Chu Han pretended to realize, “I don’t remember.”

“What were you two talking about?” her mom asked with a smile.

Chu Han made up an excuse, “He dropped something, and I called him to return it.”

After taking out the trash with her mom, Chu Han asked quietly, “Mom, when did he move here? Why didn’t I know he lived across from us?”

Her mom explained, “He moved in just a few days ago. You probably didn’t notice.”

Chu Han murmured a quiet “Oh.”

Her mom, recalling some old memories, said, “I remember when we lived in our old home, Xiao Xie was just fifteen or sixteen. He used to stay home all the time and rarely went out. It’s amazing to think we’re neighbors again. Fate is truly strange.”

Once reminded by her mother, Chu Han recalled some past events.

Back when she first entered middle school, she was really quite a troublemaker. At that time, her parents often quarreled and the house was full of arguments and smoke-filled battles, making the home environment quite unpleasant. She hated being at home. After finishing her homework in the evenings, she would usually go out to play with her classmates or wander around the neighborhood.

She remembered that Xie Huaiyan lived alone back then. From her memories, she only recalled that this “older brother” had a particularly wealthy family, with a grand and beautifully decorated house filled with rare imported snacks and fruits. Every time she visited, he would give her some tasty treats. As a child, she had a strong appetite and frequently visited his place to enjoy the snacks.

Thinking about the past, Chu Han suddenly realized why Xie Huaiyan might be quiet; he was also reserved back then. Her childhood memories were somewhat blurry, but she remembered that after Xie Huaiyan went abroad with his family, they never saw each other again.

As October arrived, the weather grew increasingly cold.

Although Chu Han was not particularly afraid of the cold, she still wore a thick down jacket, looking like a chubby little rabbit.

These past few days, Xie Huaiyan seemed quite busy, and Chu Han hadn’t seen him for several days. But it had become a habit for her to glance at the spot where Xie Huaiyan usually stood after school, to see if he had come.

Since learning that Xie Huaiyan was her neighbor, Chu Han gradually accepted his habit of following her home. He might just be kind-heartedly escorting her back. After all, except for his odd gaze, everything else seemed good.

Sometimes, Chu Han would deliberately slow down her pace to close the gap between them. Xie Huaiyan still did not talk much, silently following her from behind.

But Chu Han was different; she was a chatterbox, and not talking made her feel uncomfortable.

Once, after entering their community, Chu Han turned around and walked up to Xie Huaiyan.

She looked up at him and asked, “Why do you always follow me without saying anything?”


Xie Huaiyan remained silent, only looking down at her, not answering her question or speaking to her.

After several such encounters, Chu Han felt bored. She even rudely asked Xie Huaiyan, “Can you speak at all?”

This time, Xie Huaiyan finally spoke.

He said, “Yes.”

Chu Han: “……..”

Over time, Chu Han came to realize something about Xie Huaiyan.

He was a blockhead.

Recently, there was another monthly exam at school, and Chu Han achieved good results. Her mother was so pleased that she bought her some beautiful clothes.

While everything seemed to be going well, something happened in the past few days that started to bother Chu Han.

A vocational school delinquent recently developed a crush on her and has been pursuing her. She often receives various love letters and flowers out of nowhere, all from that delinquent.

This delinquent frequently does such things; many girls at the school have been pursued by him in this way. However, if one ignores him, he naturally gives up. Chu Han didn’t take this matter to heart because something else was more important. The final exams were approaching, and she was under a lot of pressure to study at school.

Whenever Chu Han received letters and flowers, she would casually throw them into the classroom trash can. She also had someone tell the delinquent that she wasn’t interested in dating right now and hoped he would stop bothering her.

Originally, since these few days Chu Han hadn’t responded, the delinquent would soon give up. But unexpectedly, the delinquent didn’t give up.

Every afternoon after school these days, Chu Han saw the delinquent at the school gate.

Sometimes, the delinquent would purposely stop her to talk. The boys in Chu Han’s class who played well with her knew she was being harassed by the delinquent, so they would accompany her on the way home until she was safe, then leave.

Xie Huaiyan, who hadn’t shown up these past few days, might have encountered something at his company. Chu Han hadn’t seen him for several days.

Just when Chu Han thought Xie Huaiyan might not come, she saw him at the familiar spot at the school gate on Monday afternoon. Xie Huaiyan was wearing a black trench coat, his tall figure standing out in the crowd.

Not long after seeing Xie Huaiyan, Chu Han noticed the delinquent not far away.

For some reason, seeing Xie Huaiyan now gave Chu Han an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

He stood under the big tree beside the school.

The sunset was beautiful, and Chu Han glanced up to meet his gaze.

She was slightly stunned but then smiled at him.

Chu Han was about to go over to talk to Xie Huaiyan, but the delinquent noticed her. Before she could reach Xie Huaiyan, the delinquent came over to block her path.

“What a coincidence, Xiao Han,” the delinquent said with a lazy smile.

Chu Han frowned slightly.

She didn’t want to talk to him, so she ignored him.

Before the delinquent could say a second sentence, Xie Huaiyan had already walked over and pulled her behind him.

Xie Huaiyan was very tall, and from a distance, he seemed quite thin. But now standing behind him, Chu Han suddenly realized he wasn’t as skinny as he looked. His shoulders were broad, his height perfect – a model physique.

Though not as tall as Xie Huaiyan, the delinquent felt he couldn’t lose his momentum. He looked at Xie Huaiyan, raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked in a very unfriendly tone: You must be crazy, blocking my way! Get lost.”

Chu Han usually had a good temper at school, but she wasn’t someone who avoided confrontation. Seeing the hooligan cursing Xie Huaiyan, this was the first time Chu Han got angry. She took a step forward, just about to retort at the hooligan, but Xie Huaiyan was faster than her and directly took action.

Chu Han was stunned on the spot.

It was the first time she saw such a terrifying Xie Huaiyan. His usually indifferent eyes turned even colder. That death-like stare appeared again.

“Oh my God, what’s happening?”

“Whoa, they’re actually fighting. Quick, call a teacher!”

“The guy hitting others is kinda handsome, though.”

Chu Han stood behind Xie Huaiyan, noticing that some students had already gone back to school to call the teachers. Xie Huaiyan was hitting really hard, and if something serious happened, it would be bad. Chu Han was a little scared of the current Xie Huaiyan, but she still reached out and gently tugged at the hem of his shirt, softly saying, “Stop fighting.”

She thought Xie Huaiyan wouldn’t listen to her at this moment, but to her surprise, he obediently stopped.

Chu Han looked down at his hand.

His hand was red from the hitting.

Chu Han hadn’t expected that despite Xie Huaiyan’s cold and noble demeanor, with a scholarly air, he could be so ruthless in a fight. It seemed like he was hitting him to death, making one wonder if there was some deep-seated grudge.

The hooligan was probably scared too. Taking advantage of Xie Huaiyan turning his head to look at Chu Han, he quickly got up and ran away.

“Are you okay?”

Chu Han noticed out of the corner of her eye that the hooligan had run off, but she didn’t care. All her attention was on Xie Huaiyan.

Xie Huaiyan’s eyes were slightly red, looking somewhat out of it. He seemed angry, scared, and regretful. His gaze was too complicated for Chu Han to understand why he suddenly looked at her this way.

Just as Chu Han was about to speak again, the man beside her suddenly slumped and reached out to hug her.

His embrace was somewhat cool, carrying his unique scent.

Chu Han stiffened in his arms.



Since the incident with the hooligan, Xie Huaiyan would wait for her at the school gate every day.

Xie Huaiyan remained the same as before, keeping a certain distance and following her from afar. Although it still felt strange to Chu Han, considering Xie Huaiyan’s personality, she found it rather reasonable.

On Fridays, school ended earlier than usual. After school, Chu Han didn’t go straight home but went to a nearby mall with her classmates to buy some things. There was a relatively large mall near the school, with a bit of everything. Chu Han bought a cup of milk tea and some snacks, finally stopping at the door of a hamburger shop.

“I really want to eat fries,” Chu Han murmured softly, looking at the advertising sign.

“You’re so thin, it wouldn’t hurt to eat a little,” her classmate persuaded.

Chu Han thought for a moment. Her allowance was already limited, and she had spent quite a bit in the past few days, so she didn’t have much money left. She had previously picked out a small gift at the gift shop to give to Wen Ke’an as a back-to-school present, but she hadn’t bought it yet because she didn’t have enough money.

After thinking for a moment, Chu Han gritted her teeth and decided to save her money. She decided to skip the fries for now and buy them later when she had more money. “Forget it, my allowance is already low, and I still want to save up for a nicer gift for my best friend.”

Although she didn’t buy the fries, Chu Han still thought about them.

The next day in class, her mind was filled with thoughts of fries.

That day, the teacher kept them late, so it was already a bit late when school ended.

Chu Han walked home slowly, still thinking about her saving plan.

However, as soon as she reached her doorstep, she was stunned by a pile of things at the door.

It was like a dream.

The pile at the door, like a small mountain, was filled with the fries she had been craving but had not bought yet.

These fries were very tasty but also quite expensive, costing over thirty yuan per small box. Chu Han thought her classmates could not afford to buy so many fries, so the only possibility was Xie Huaiyan, who knew her home address.

“Wow,” Chu Han exclaimed and instinctively turned around to look.

However, Xie Huaiyan was nowhere to be seen. Though she didn’t see him, Chu Han was certain that it was he who sent the fries.

Before she could enter the house, the door suddenly opened. Standing there was her mother. She looked at Chu Han, then at the pile of fries at the door, and was momentarily stunned.

After a while, she said to Chu Han, “One pack would have been enough, why so many?”


Chu Han felt she couldn’t explain away the situation. She mumbled, “I didn’t buy these at all.”

“If you didn’t buy them, did someone give them to you? So many?”


“From now on, don’t waste your allowance. Save it. If you buy so many fries, we won’t be able to eat them all, and it would be a waste,” Chu Han’s mother said, bending down to bring the fries inside while scolding Chu Han.

Chu Han felt helpless. The situation was strange, and if she said Xie Huaiyan sent them, her mother probably wouldn’t believe it. Moreover, since Chu Han’s mother didn’t think they had any significant interaction, she might overthink it. To avoid more trouble, Chu Han decided to silently accept the blame and swallow the truth.

Feeling frustrated, Chu Han called her best friend Wen Ke’an to hang out after dinner.

At 8 PM, Chu Han informed her mother and went out. She met Wen Ke’an at a busy park. The park was lively with many elderly people exercising.

The moment Chu Han met her best friend, she couldn’t help but start venting.

“Let me tell you, my recent days have been bizarre.” Chu Han took a sip of her hot milk tea and said.

“What happened?”

“A few days ago, I got harassed by a thug. He followed me home, looking very menacing. At first, I wasn’t too concerned, but then one day after school, I ran into Xie Huaiyan. You won’t believe it, Xie Huaiyan went crazy and almost beat the thug to death.”


Chu Han took another sip of her milk tea to calm down.

“And do you know the scariest part??”


“I mentioned at school that I wanted some fries, and when I got home, there was a huge pile of fries at my door. Like a mountain, you know?”

“My mom thought I bought them and scolded me for wasting money.”


“It’s just too scary.” Chu Han patted her chest, still frightened, and then asked Wen Ke’an with a puzzled face, “Do you think that guy is crazy?”


“I think next time, I should say I want a Maserati and see if he buys it for me.”

Chu Han soon regretted saying that.

Because the next day after school, she saw a brand-new Maserati parked at her door.

Chu Han suddenly felt that Xie Huaiyan was quite terrifying, knowing everything she said. The Maserati was just a joke, but Xie Huaiyan actually bought it.

While she was staring dazedly at the Maserati, Xie Huaiyan somehow appeared beside her. Looking up at him, she saw the car keys in his hand.

In the quiet night, she heard him seriously say.

“This car is for you.”


Stunned by his straightforwardness, Chu Han was frozen.

Not only did she not know how to drive, but she also didn’t dare to accept such an expensive gift.

She looked at him for a long time and finally managed to utter, “You’re kidding, right?”



These days, Chu Han wasn’t very focused in class and often got scolded by the teacher.

Even her deskmate couldn’t stand it and actively asked, “What’s going on with you lately? Another breakup?”


Chu Han felt that ever since meeting Xie Huaiyan, her peaceful life had become filled with bizarre events.

Her deskmate’s question pushed her to spill everything.

After hearing the whole story, her deskmate looked at her enviously, “Isn’t this just like a real-life version of a CEO falling in love with you? You’re living the dream! Buying you everything, even a Maserati!”

“If you two aren’t together, it’s a crime against nature!”



After the final exams, it was finally winter break.

Chu Han arranged with her classmates to hang out after the exams.

They planned to go to a bar, a place of curiosity for kids who haven’t yet entered society.

Chu Han’s family was very strict, and she rarely drank. This was her first time trying various cocktails.

The taste of the cocktails was strange, but Chu Han’s curiosity drove her to try each one, ending up drinking a bit too much.

Not knowing her own alcohol tolerance, Chu Han found the cocktails quite enjoyable.

Everyone was going out clubbing for the first time. It wasn’t time yet, so they were all hanging out in the bar, chatting, and having some drinks.

Chu Han was enjoying her drink when a hand suddenly reached over from behind and snatched her glass away. She was startled and turned around to see a somewhat familiar face.

It was Xie Huaiyan.

Chu Han had planned her visit to the bar carefully to avoid running into Xie Huaiyan. She had arranged to go with her classmates early, knowing that Xie Huaiyan hadn’t arrived at school yet.

She had no idea how Xie Huaiyan found out she was at this bar.

Having had a little to drink, Chu Han’s face was flushed, and her mind was a bit muddled.

She stared at Xie Huaiyan for a while before asking curiously, “Why are you here too?”

Chu Han’s voice, softened by the alcohol, sounded different from her usual tone.

“This drink is quite strong,” Xie Huaiyan said gently, looking down at her.

Their classmates noticed the unfamiliar guy showing up suddenly and instinctively assumed he was Chu Han’s boyfriend. Many of them had drunk a bit and were starting to feel tipsy.

They saw Xie Huaiyan acting so intimately with Chu Han, and many people started to jeer and joke that they were a couple.

Chu Han had never been in a relationship before and was quite sensitive about such matters. Although she usually appeared carefree, she felt quite shy when faced with such teasing.

Perhaps out of embarrassment and anger, Chu Han reached out to grab the wine glass from Xie Huaiyan’s hand, but he lifted his hand, not letting her have it.

Already slightly tipsy, Chu Han lost her balance and fell directly into Xie Huaiyan’s arms.

The surrounding crowd erupted in cheers.

Chu Han, annoyed, looked up at Xie Huaiyan and angrily said, “Give me back the wine glass!”

Xie Huaiyan did not return it, saying, “Don’t drink anymore, you’re already drunk.”

This comment completely angered Chu Han.

On the verge of tears, Chu Han looked up at Xie Huaiyan and angrily said, “Who do you think you are? Why do you keep controlling me? Even my parents don’t control me like this—what right do you have?”

Frustrated, Chu Han tugged at her hair, “You are really annoying.”

Despite Chu Han’s strong reaction and unwillingness to be controlled, Xie Huaiyan still took her out of the bar.

The bar had heating, but it was cold outside.

Xie Huaiyan took off his jacket and draped it over Chu Han.

Still angry, Chu Han tried to throw his jacket to the ground, but Xie Huaiyan wasn’t upset. He bent down, picked up the jacket, and continued to follow her.

Chu Han knew she reeked of alcohol and if she went home, her mother would definitely notice. Her mom, usually good-tempered but strict in certain areas, would surely scold her if she found out Chu Han had been drinking.

Therefore, Chu Han didn’t dare to go home and just walked aimlessly toward home anyway.

Xie Huaiyan understood he had upset her and didn’t dare to get too close. He simply followed, holding the jacket.

Finally, Chu Han reached a small park and sat on a bench, looking back at Xie Huaiyan standing nearby. Thinking about everything that had happened, she started to feel upset again.

Chu Han decided to call Wen Ke’an.

The call connected quickly.

Hearing Wen Ke’an’s voice, Chu Han’s grievances surged, “An’an, where are you?”

“I’m out; where are you?”

“I’m also outside. I’m at the park near the No. 1 High School.” Chu Han’s voice was trembling.

Wen Ke’an noticed that something was wrong with Chu Han. “I’m not far; I’ll be there right away.”

When Wen Ke’an arrived, she immediately saw Chu Han sitting on a bench by the small lake. Not far from her stood a man, who was watching Chu Han with his eyes lowered.

As Wen Ke’an got closer, she realized the man was Xie Huaiyan.

At that moment, Xie Huaiyan held Chu Han’s coat in his hand.

Wen Ke’an walked up to Chu Han, who had her head down, her eyes red, clearly having cried recently.

“An’an!” Chu Han’s tone was filled with grievance as soon as she saw Wen Ke’an.

“Why are you crying?” Wen Ke’an asked softly, sitting next to her.

“It’s all because of Xie Huaiyan!” Chu Han said through gritted teeth.

“Did Xie Huaiyan bully you?” Wen Ke’an glanced at Xie Huaiyan and slightly frowned.

“Who is he to tell me not to drink?! I had already agreed with my classmates; now I look like an untrustworthy person!” Clearly, Chu Han had had a little to drink, her face blushing.

Wen Ke’an knew Chu Han couldn’t handle alcohol well and got drunk easily. Given her heightened emotions, now was not the time for reasoning with her.

“When I tried to drink, he snatched my glass. My friends who came to hang out with me were bewildered.” Chu Han spoke with a catch in her voice. “They all thought he was my boyfriend!”

“But he isn’t!!”

Wen Ke’an was almost amused by Chu Han’s indignant tone; to someone unaware, it would seem as though Chu Han loved Xie Huaiyan but couldn’t have him.

Xie Huaiyan, who had been silent all along, looked down at Chu Han and earnestly said, “I could be.”

“No, you can’t!” Chu Han felt he was just trying to piss her off!

“I don’t want to talk to you.” Chu Han turned her head and buried it in Wen Ke’an’s embrace, her voice muffled. “From now on, I’m a mute!”

Despite the cold winter night, Chu Han, having drunk, felt warm. She was only wearing a thick sweater. Wen Ke’an glanced at Xie Huaiyan. He seemed somewhat upset as well, his eyes cast downward in silence.

Worried that Chu Han might catch a chill, he quietly walked over, gently placed her coat on her shoulders, and then kept a distance, silently watching over her.

Wen Ke’an coaxed for a while, and finally, Chu Han’s mood improved a bit. It was getting late, so Wen Ke’an decided to take Chu Han home first.

Xie Huaiyan didn’t dare to approach Chu Han. Wen Ke’an and Chu Han walked in front, while Xie Huaiyan and Gu Ting followed behind.

The sight of the group walking on the road looked rather peculiar, attracting quite a few glances from passersby.

“I’m home,” Chu Han said as she walked to a stop.

It was Wen Ke’an’s first time visiting Chu Han’s new place. Chu Han’s stepfather was wealthy, and her new home was in a neighborhood with villas.

There was a luxurious car parked in front of Chu Han’s house. It seemed that ever since Xie Huaiyan drove it there, it hadn’t been moved.

Looking at the Maserati, Chu Han whispered with a bit of distress, “I only found out today that she even bought the parking spot in front of our house.”

“Alright, don’t think about her anymore. Go home, take a good bath, and get some sleep,” Wen Ke’an advised.


Chu Han wasn’t one to hold grudges. After a couple of days, she came to terms with everything and wasn’t upset anymore.

Especially after she sobered up, she heard some rumors at school. Apparently, something unpleasant happened to a girl who had drunk too much at the bar that night.

Knowing this made Chu Han a bit scared. With her low alcohol tolerance, if something had happened to her, she wouldn’t have been aware of it. After thinking it over, she realized why Xie Huaiyan didn’t want her to go to the bar. Maybe it was thanks to him showing up and taking her drink that she didn’t get drunk that night.

Chu Han thought for a long time and felt she might have misunderstood Xie Huaiyan. After all, he was only trying to protect her. Reflecting on her attitude towards him, she believed he must have felt really hurt.

Chu Han concluded she was in the wrong.

Now that she was calm, she felt she should apologize to Xie Huaiyan.

It was winter break, and Chu Han usually stayed home. Xie Huaiyan had to go to work and would typically return in the evening. Figuring out his schedule, Chu Han prepared some homemade cookies to give him.

Even though she wasn’t sure if he would like them, the cookies were the best she could offer.

When Xie Huaiyan returned home, Chu Han, wearing a pink bunny pajama, slipped on her shoes and ran out.

As Xie Huaiyan reached his door, he heard someone call his name.

Turning around, he saw Chu Han in her pajamas, holding a small box.

With a smile, Chu Han looked up at him and said, “I’m sorry for misunderstanding you last time. These are some cookies I made. I hope you’ll accept them!”

Xie Huaiyan didn’t expect her to suddenly show up, nor bring him a gift. He was stunned for a while before he remembered to say thank you.

It had been snowing for the past few days, and the weather wasn’t great. The temperature outside was very low. Xie Huaiyan had already opened the door, worried she might catch a cold. He asked, “Do you want to come in and hang out for a bit? It’s cold outside.”

There was no one else at home; just her. Her mom hadn’t returned yet. Chu Han hesitated for a moment before nodding and saying, “Sure.”

It was Chu Han’s first time at Xie Huaiyan’s new place.

His home was the same as before, in gray and white tones, looking clean and cold, with no extra items. It was clear that Xie Huaiyan lived there alone.

Chu Han felt a bit shy since it was her first time at Xie Huaiyan’s home. She only looked around the living room and didn’t go anywhere else.

Xie Huaiyan took the cookies she brought him, opened the package, and ate one.

Noticing Xie Huaiyan’s actions, Chu Han curiously moved closer and asked, “How is it? Do you like it?”

She didn’t expect a response, but to her surprise, Xie Huaiyan seriously nodded and said, “It’s good.”

“If you like it, I can make more for you next time! I don’t have much to do at home these days since I’ve almost finished my homework. I’ve been really into making all kinds of quirky pastries lately. My mom says they taste great.”

Being praised made Chu Han very happy, and she started talking a lot more.

Xie Huaiyan was taken aback for a moment, then he smiled gently and looked down at her, saying, “Okay.”

This time, it was Chu Han’s turn to be stunned.

She hadn’t seen Xie Huaiyan smile before despite knowing him for so long.

It was also the first time she realized how good-looking he was when he smiled.

With the New Year approaching, Chu Han’s parents were very busy with work and often stayed late. She spent most of her time alone at home. Her good friends lived far away, so she rarely went out, her most frequent destination being Xie Huaiyan’s home.

Xie Huaiyan was quite remarkable. Even though they hadn’t spent much time together, he knew her tastes very well—what snacks she liked, what kind of food she preferred.

Chu Han wasn’t very good at cooking; her mom usually did that for her. With her mom being busy lately and not coming back for lunch, Chu Han ordered takeout every day. She had almost exhausted the options around her home and found nothing particularly tasty. Meal times became a source of frustration.

Until one day, Xie Huaiyan invited her for lunch at his place. Chu Han realized for the first time how delicious his cooking was and how well it matched her tastes.

Chu Han loved spicy food, so Xie Huaiyan always added plenty of chili peppers, which delighted her.

Spending so much time with Xie Huaiyan lately, Chu Han’s mom began to notice something was off, given how often Chu Han went to play at or visit Xie Huaiyan’s home.

The two are around the same age, and Chu Han has just reached the age where emotions blossom. Before, she barely visited Xie Huaiyan, but recently she often goes to his house for meals. Inevitably, Chu Han’s mother began to overthink.

One evening, as Chu Han returned from Xie Huaiyan’s house, she was cornered by her mother near her bedroom door.

“Are you and that neighbor Xie Huaiyan seeing each other?” Chu’s mother asked bluntly.

Chu Han, who had just returned from supper at Xie Huaiyan’s house, was taken aback, “No, why would you ask that?”

Chu Han always believed she was merely freeloading meals at Xie Huaiyan’s, and although they talked more now, their relationship remained pure.

Xie Huaiyan still didn’t speak much, but he was very kind to her.

Things were a bit different now; when she was younger, playing at his house, Xie Huaiyan barely paid her any attention, absorbed in his own activities. But now, when she visited and asked him anything, he would answer earnestly, never dismissively.

“I’ve noticed you going to his house a lot recently, so I thought you two might be together,” Chu’s mother said.

“No, I just go there for meals. We’re just friends,” Chu Han explained.

Chu’s mother looked at her, somewhat disappointed, and nodded, “I see.”

Chu Han couldn’t lie effectively; her lies were always obvious. So, her mother believed her.

But Chu Han didn’t understand.

Her mother seemed disappointed to learn she and Xie Huaiyan weren’t involved.

Chu Han looked at her mother and asked, “Do you wish something else was going on between us?”

Chu’s mother thought for a moment, “Xie Huaiyan is quite handsome, from a good family, and wealthy. It wouldn’t be bad if something else happened.”

Chu Han knew her mom and dad had endured tough times before, so her mother now valued financial security in a son-in-law. There’s a saying, money can’t solve all problems but can solve 99% of them.

Her mother firmly believed this.

Chu Han had an epiphany.

She had worried her mom would misunderstand her relationship with Xie Huaiyan, but it was unnecessary. Her mom probably hoped for something between them. After all, in her eyes, Xie Huaiyan was an excellent catch.

Chu Han looked at her mother for a while before saying, “You’re hoping for me to snag a wealthy husband quickly.”

Mom joked with a smile, “Exactly!”


High school days passed particularly quickly. After the New Year, it was soon the beginning of senior year, and Chu Han felt immense pressure. Her family hoped she could get into a good university, and she had a specific university she really wanted to attend. Therefore, she studied diligently every day. Since entering her senior year, she barely had any time to play. Most mornings, she would get up at five or six o’clock to go to school, and she studied late into the night daily.

She spent less time with Xie Huaiyan during those days, but he still insisted on picking her up from school every day, rain or shine.

Every day, after school, Chu Han would directly find Xie Huaiyan. Now, instead of trailing behind her, he was right by her side.

There were some rumors circulating in the school that Xie Huaiyan was her boyfriend. Chu Han explained several times that he wasn’t, but the rumors continued to spread regardless, so she eventually gave up trying to explain.

Senior year was especially stressful, and Xie Huaiyan often gave her small gifts or helped relieve her stress. He talked more than before, and gradually, they became more at ease with each other.

Finally, June arrived, and the college entrance exam ended smoothly. Chu Han could finally breathe freely, having escaped the hardships of high school.

After the exams, Chu Han particularly wanted to go out and play. However, most of her friends already had their own travel plans.

Chu Han’s most desired destination was City A. Coincidentally, An’an was also going there for a competition. Although Chu Han could dance too, she didn’t want to compete, so she planned to travel with her best friend. She could watch An’an’s competition and also explore other places on her own.

City A was an ancient city with a deep cultural heritage, a place Chu Han had long wished to visit since childhood. But her family was always busy, and she was too young back then, which meant her parents wouldn’t agree to let her go alone. Now, as an adult, she could finally explore with this perfect excuse.

An’an was about to leave, and after packing her luggage, Chu Han informed An’an about her travel plans. She didn’t tell Xie Huaiyan about it, fearing it might interfere with his busy work or prompt him to accompany her unnecessarily. Plus, her parents approved since she was traveling with Wen Ke’an.

Unexpectedly, shortly after arriving in City A, she ran into Xie Huaiyan. It almost felt uncanny that he always knew where she was, even without her telling him.

Upon investigating, she found out Xie Huaiyan was in the city for work, as his company’s headquarters were located there.

Chu Han had meticulously planned her trip, packed her things, reserved her hotel, and decided to hike. Yet, to her surprise, as she stepped out of the hotel early the next morning, she bumped into Xie Huaiyan waiting for her at the entrance.

Xie Huaiyan was already dressed, wearing a simple tracksuit, exuding a cool and aloof aura.

Chu Han hesitated for a moment but walked up to Xie Huaiyan and asked, “Why did you come so early?”

“Afraid you’d leave,” Xie Huaiyan answered very sincerely this time.

“So, you came this early?”

For some reason, Chu Han suddenly found Xie Huaiyan a bit silly at that moment.

Recalling past events, Chu Han realized that over the past two years, she rarely did anything alone. Most of the time, Xie Huaiyan was either with her or silently following her from behind.

Seeing Xie Huaiyan at the hotel entrance this time, Chu Han roughly understood his intentions. She looked up at him and quietly asked, “I want to go hiking. Will you come with me?”

Xie Huaiyan had come here precisely to accompany her.

Chu Han thought it might be nice to have someone with her, as she knew Xie Huaiyan well. Her first destination was a famous mountain in City A, a place she had wanted to hike for a long time.

They drove there and arrived at the foot of the mountain in the afternoon. Chu Han planned to reach the peak at night to watch the sunrise. So, they started hiking up the mountain in the afternoon. The scenery along the way was incredibly beautiful.

Chu Han, a bit of a chatterbox, often couldn’t help speaking to Xie Huaiyan. Compared to before, Xie Huaiyan talked a bit more now.

When Chu Han spoke, Xie Huaiyan would respond simply, preventing any awkwardness for Chu Han.

Since it was summer vacation, many tourists were there. When Chu Han bought things or chatted with other tourists, nearly everyone assumed Xie Huaiyan was her boyfriend. Given their similar ages and good looks, it was natural for people to think they were a couple.

At first, Chu Han felt a bit embarrassed, but she gradually got used to it, as there was no need to explain to strangers.

Midway up the mountain, some sections were particularly difficult to traverse. By evening, visibility was reduced, and Chu Han noticed something was off with Xie Huaiyan. He had beads of sweat on his forehead.

“What’s wrong?” Chu Han instinctively touched Xie Huaiyan’s hand, finding it cold.

Understanding dawned on her, and she frowned, asking softly, “Are you afraid of heights?”

Xie Huaiyan didn’t speak, just nodded slightly.

Chu Han hadn’t expected him to actually be afraid of heights. They had climbed so far, and he hadn’t said a word. Feeling both angry and concerned, she snapped, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

Given the current altitude, Chu Han could only imagine how uncomfortable Xie Huaiyan must be.

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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