The Boss is Reborn with his Little Fairy

“My goodness, is your high school sweetheart from An’an High School really you?” The singer couldn’t help but do the math, then exclaimed, “Then you two have been together for many years.”

“Mhm.” Wen Ke’an smiled, “We got together in second year of high school.”

The crowd let out a collective gasp of surprise.

【Oh my gosh, it’s a love story from school uniforms to wedding dresses!】

【I was wrong, I shouldn’t have doubted them! It’s true love, this is true love!!】

【I’m so jealous, if I remember correctly, An’an’s dad’s company was founded seven years ago, and An’an’s family conditions weren’t that great when she was little. And at that time, Gu Ting was a conglomerate prince.】

【I’m already imagining a sweet campus romance drama!】

The truth-or-dare game continued.

After a few more rounds, the little cup ended up in Wen Ke’an’s hands again.

Seeing Wen Ke’an holding the cup, the singer instantly got excited and asked a question she had been dying to ask.

“When you were dating in high school, did Gu Ting do anything that left a deep impression on you?”

【I love hearing high school early love stories!!】

【Haha, the sister lives up to her reputation, her questions are always so sensational!】

【I also want to know, Gu Ting must have pursued An’an first.】

【Maybe An’an pursued Gu Ting first, haha!】

“A most memorable thing?” Wen Ke’an thought for a moment.

“Because he wanted to date openly, he became the student council president.”

After saying that, Wen Ke’an looked up at Gu Ting.

Time had flown by, thinking of the things that happened before felt like just yesterday.

The actress burst out laughing, “Hahahaha, Gu Ting really knew how to operate!”

“Hahaha, it’s like guarding against himself?” The singer laughed too, “But thinking about it now, it’s quite romantic.”

【Hahaha, that’s a brilliant move, Gu Ting is impressive!】

【Being the student council president in high school isn’t easy; usually, regular students can’t get in.】

【Gu Ting really went through a lot to date, hahaha!】

The game died down, and people started feeling hungry.

The show prepared some delicious local specialties, and everyone began to eat and chat.

No gathering like this would be complete without some alcohol to liven things up. The crew brought out some local specialty fermented wine.

Wen Ke’an normally didn’t drink much, but the wine tastes unusual. At first, she didn’t like it, but after getting used to it, she quite enjoyed it.

Wen Ke’an didn’t talk much in public. She quietly ate whatever Gu Ting put in her bowl.

While eating, Wen Ke’an would sip some of the fermented wine. Unaware, she finished a glass. Seeing this, the crew quietly refilled her glass.

“Stop drinking, you’ll get drunk soon,” Gu Ting whispered in her ear, looking down.

Wen Ke’an obediently nodded upon hearing Gu Ting’s words, signaling she wouldn’t drink anymore.

Wen Ke’an wasn’t great with alcohol. Although she hadn’t had much to drink, Gu Ting could tell she was already somewhat drunk when he saw her flushed face and slightly dazed eyes.

The plan from the production team was to chat on the small lawn after dinner.

The small lawn was decorated beautifully by the team, creating a strong sense of atmosphere. The scenery there was also beautiful, with a star-filled night sky above.

“I heard that if we’re lucky tonight, we might see a shooting star,” the singer sister said softly, looking up at the night sky. “The starry sky here is really beautiful.”

The singer brother brought his instrument and started singing on the lawn.

For a moment, the atmosphere was perfect.

Wen Ke’an sat next to Gu Ting, her head resting on his shoulder. She gazed forward, lost in thought.

Gu Ting gently touched her face, noting how it heated up and turned red after she had some alcohol.

Maybe the coolness of his hand felt good to her.

When his hand touched her face, she nuzzled it like a clingy kitten.

Gu Ting couldn’t help but smile.

【Oh my, An’an’s little move is so sweet! So cute!】

【Too adorable! Just like my little kitty!】

【Another day of envying Mr. Gu!】

【Mr. Gu’s gaze is so doting, he’s always staring at An’an! So charming!】

“Are you uncomfortable?” Gu Ting asked softly, brushing her hair.

Wen Ke’an shook her head, then looked up at him with misty eyes, “I want to go somewhere else.”

They quietly snuck away. The cameraman initially thought they were just going to the restroom, but when they didn’t return for a long time, he realized he had been outmaneuvered.

The cool night breeze felt pleasant.

Without the cameras, Wen Ke’an felt much freer. She pulled Gu Ting and ran around the lawn until they were tired and slowly stopped.

They found a small hill. The starry sky looked especially beautiful from there.

Wen Ke’an looked up and saw a golden streak in the sky.

“I saw a shooting star!” Wen Ke’an stood up excitedly.

There was supposed to be a meteor shower that night, and soon more and more shooting stars appeared.

“So movies were right,” Wen Ke’an said, witnessing such a scene for the first time. “A’Ting, do you think wishes on shooting stars come true?”

“Why don’t you try?” Gu Ting said with a smile.

Wen Ke’an thought for a moment, then closed her eyes and sincerely made a wish with her hands clasped together.

Gu Ting lowered his gaze, looking at her with gentle eyes.

At that exact moment, the photographer found them, capturing the scene perfectly.

Under the starry sky, the two of them appeared romantic and beautiful.

[Ah, so romantic!!]

[There was even a shooting star! Compared to this, idol dramas seem so weak!!]

[Little Gu didn’t make a wish; he was still sneaking glances at An’an!!]

[They’ve been together for so long, yet they’re still this sweet!]

[Oh my, Little Gu is so gentle, An’an is really fortunate!]

When Wen Ke’an opened her eyes, she instinctively looked up at Gu Ting.

To her surprise, he was already looking at her.

Wen Ke’an stared at him for a moment before taking his hand, “Lower your head a bit.”

Gu Ting pretended not to hear, but his body honestly bent down as he asked with a smile, “What?”

Wen Ke’an’s eyes curved into a smile as she lifted her toes to kiss his cheek.

“I wanted to kiss you.”

They stayed in the small town for three days. On the morning of the fourth day, they set off for another city, which was also abroad but closer—so it took less than half a day to reach their next travel destination.

The program crew had arranged a hotel for them, which was very beautiful, almost like a castle.

On the first day in the new city, the crew did not give them any tasks. The couples could explore freely and go wherever they wanted.

There were several famous landmarks near the hotel, so the couples could wander around as they liked.

This was Wen Ke’an’s first time in this city, which was quite different from the small town. The architecture here was beautiful, and churches and white doves could be seen everywhere.

Wen Ke’an and Gu Ting went to the seaside together.

The seaside here had no beach, just rocks.

Flocks of seagulls were flying in the sky.

The weather was nice, with blue skies, white clouds, and the endless ocean.

Today, Wen Ke’an wore a white dress. The sea breeze made the hem of her dress sway gently.

Gu Ting bought some small bread to feed the seagulls nearby.

Wen Ke’an placed a small piece of bread on her hand, and a seagull quickly came over and snatched it away.

Perhaps in gratitude for Wen Ke’an’s feeding, one little seagull perched on her shoulder.

Wen Ke’an suddenly dared not move.

She slowly turned her head to look at Gu Ting and whispered excitedly to him, “Hubby! Look!”

Gu Ting was holding a camera, and he had already taken many beautiful candid shots of her.

After eating several more pieces of bread, the seagull finally flew away.

Wen Ke’an happily walked over to Gu Ting and said, “This place is so beautiful. Let’s bring Xiang Xiang here next time, okay?”


The rocky terrain was unstable, so seeing her walk over, Gu Ting instinctively took her hand.

After playing by the seaside for a while, they only decided to return to the hotel to rest when Wen Ke’an felt a bit tired.

It was just the right time for flowers to bloom. On their way back, there were many beautiful flower shops along the roadside.

Wen Ke’an loved flowers.

Gu Ting bought her a large bouquet of beautiful flowers.

A gentle breeze blew by, carrying a faint floral fragrance.

They also passed by a white church. It seemed that some event was happening there, as they could hear singing from inside.

Occasionally, white doves flew over the church.

Before they reached the hotel, they were suddenly stopped by a blond little girl holding a crystal ball.

Wen Ke’an didn’t quite understand what the blond little girl said, but Gu Ting could understand.

“It’s a small fortune-telling game,” Gu Ting said. “Do you want to try it?”

Wen Ke’an found it intriguing and nodded, “Sure!”

The little girl did some operations, but Wen Ke’an didn’t understand any of them.

Later, she asked Gu Ting to draw three cards.

After the fortune-telling was over, Wen Ke’an asked Gu Ting quietly.

“What does it mean?”

Gu Ting translated, “All the hardships are over; the future is filled with flowers and light.”

Facing the sunlight, Gu Ting looked down at her.

He held her hand and smiled, saying, “The cards mean we will always be happy.”

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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