The Boss is Reborn with his Little Fairy

This year, Wen Ke’an’s family went back to her home for the New Year. Since both families have only one child, Wen Ke’an had discussed it with Gu Ting early on—they would spend the New Year at her place one year and at his place the next year.

Although the family had become wealthy, Wen Qiangguo and Liu Qing hadn’t moved to a new house.

Gu Ting’s apartment downstairs was still there, but they didn’t live there often. Liu Qing would occasionally go downstairs to clean up a bit.

On New Year’s Eve, the house was filled with festive cheer. The little one even wore a red cotton-padded jacket, looking like a little blessing doll.

After finishing the New Year’s Eve dinner, Wen Ke’an and Gu Ting took their child, Xiangxiang, to play in the park downstairs. Many people were setting off fireworks in the park’s square, all very safe little fireworks.

Wen Ke’an bought a star-shaped firework for Xiangxiang, who was very brave and not scared at all to play with fireworks for the first time.

When the star-shaped firework was lit, Xiangxiang held it in one hand and tugged at Wen Ke’an’s coat with the other, looking up at her, “Mom and Dad, look, it’s so pretty.”

Worried that the little one might get bumped in the crowd, Gu Ting picked him up. Xiangxiang loved the star-shaped fireworks and set off several more.

The fireworks cast a beautiful light, softly illuminating Gu Ting and Xiangxiang’s faces. Wen Ke’an watched them, feeling an overwhelming sense of happiness.

Wen Ke’an kissed her son’s cheek suddenly. Xiangxiang was momentarily stunned by the unexpected kiss.

After recovering, Xiangxiang hugged Wen Ke’an’s face with his chubby hands and gave her a kiss in return.

Smiling and looking at Wen Ke’an, Xiangxiang earnestly said, “Mommy, you must also kiss Daddy.”

Though a bit embarrassed with people passing by, Wen Ke’an rose on her toes and lightly kissed Gu Ting on the lips.

Caught in the middle, Xiangxiang shyly covered his eyes with his pudgy hands, “Ah!”

After the New Year, life got busy again.

Wen Qiangguo and Liu Qing had been quite busy at the company because a new product was about to launch, so they were handling various matters related to it.

Wen Ke’an didn’t have anything particularly important to do at home, so she took Xiangxiang to the company during the day to help out.

Xiangxiang was very well-behaved and never disturbed the adults while they worked, even going to the restroom by himself.

In just a few days, he had charmed the uncles and aunts at the company, gathering a pile of snacks each time he made a round.

However, Xiangxiang was very disciplined, knowing that children shouldn’t eat too many snacks, so he would put his snacks on Wen Ke’an’s desk for her to eat.


Wen Ke’an and Liu Qing were discussing something in the office when her assistant Xiao Liu nervously knocked and entered.

Surprised to see Liu Qing there, Xiao Liu paused, “President Liu is here too.”

“What’s the matter?” Wen Ke’an asked.

“Something happened suddenly just now,” Xiao Liu frowned, “The celebrity who was supposed to endorse us had an accident and broke her leg. She’s in the hospital now and can’t come to shoot the commercial. But our new product is about to be launched. Contacting other famous celebrities now is too late.”

After Xiao Liu finished speaking, the atmosphere was eerily quiet for a few seconds.

This tight schedule indeed posed a problem because the new product launch had been moved up, making the timing a bit rushed.

“Let’s contact the celebrities we’ve worked with before to see if they have any openings,” Liu Qing suggested softly, also frowning slightly.

“I’ve already contacted them, but their schedules are fully booked except for two who aren’t very well-known.”


The little one sitting in an office chair, chewing on food, looked at the people in the office with her big eyes. Suddenly, he spoke up, “My mom is prettier than the celebrity sister.”

At her words, Liu Qing and Xiao Liu turned their gaze towards Wen Ke’an.

Wen Ke’an had participated in programs and acted in TV dramas before, so she could be considered a celebrity.

Xiao Liu’s eyes lit up as she looked at Wen Ke’an and softly said, “An’an, maybe you could…”

Seeing their expectant looks, Wen Ke’an sighed and smiled wryly, “I’ll do it.”

After all, shooting a commercial shouldn’t be too difficult.

Since giving birth to Xiangxiang, Wen Ke’an had stopped updating her dance video account and had rarely appeared in the public eye. She wasn’t sure if she still had fans who remembered her.

The day of the commercial shoot happened to be a sunny day.

Gu Ting was on vacation and accompanied Wen Ke’an.

The makeup room was quiet, with only faint sounds of labored breathing.

If someone were there, they would see a beautiful woman seated in front of the makeup counter, currently being pinned to the chair by a man, her head tilted back as she endured his kisses.

Since having their son, Wen Ke’an had noticed that their alone time had drastically decreased, leaving Gu Ting somewhat unsatisfied.

A kiss that used to last a few minutes now extended to twenty minutes with Gu Ting pinning her to the chair.

When he finally stopped, Wen Ke’an could feel her lips tingling.

Her eyes were red from the prolonged kiss, with a few tears threatening to fall.

Gu Ting chuckled softly and gently wiped away her tears, skillfully apologizing, “My bad.”

“You really are…” Wen Ke’an looked at Gu Ting, but thinking about the frustration he’d endured recently, she couldn’t bring herself to scold him and swallowed the final two words unsaid.

Noticing the shooting time drawing near, Wen Ke’an glanced in the mirror and realized all the lipstick on her lips had been kissed off by Gu Ting.

She grumbled softly to herself, “The lipstick is gone.”

Before she finished speaking, Gu Ting swiftly picked up the lipstick from the table. “I’ll do it for you.”
When the makeup artist came in, she saw Wen Ke’an slightly tilting her head. A very handsome man stood next to her, gently holding her chin with one hand and carefully applying lipstick with the other. His eyes were filled with tenderness.

Gu Ting’s application was pretty good, and Wen Ke’an was quite satisfied.

After Gu Ting left, the makeup artist curiously asked in a soft voice, “Is that your husband, An’an?”

Wen Ke’an nodded, “Yes, he’s my husband.”

The makeup artist sighed softly, “So handsome.”

The commercial shoot went smoothly, and three days later, it appeared online.

Wen Ke’an logged into her long-dormant social media account and shared the commercial video.

At first, she didn’t think much of it; she posted it and then went to play with Xiangxiang.

An hour later, she suddenly received a call from Xiao Liu, saying she had unexpectedly trended on social media.

Wen Ke’an opened her social media platform and saw that her post had been shared by over three thousand people and had tens of thousands of comments.

Wen Ke’an looked through the comments.

[Comment]: “Wahhh An’an, are you finally back!”

[Comment]: “OMG, this commercial is surprisingly well-made!”

[Comment]: “How come you haven’t changed a bit after having a baby.”

[Comment]: “It’s impressive that you can land such great gigs right after coming back. Tsk tsk.”

[Comment]: “Wonder if she’s got another wealthy backer.”

There were many positive comments, but also some negative ones.

Wen Ke’an hadn’t expected so many fans to still remember her. However, she felt that the sudden trending was due to the innovative and well-made commercial.

Many people now assumed Wen Ke’an had returned to the industry. Over the next few days, she trended multiple times.

Because she suddenly became popular again, many paparazzi were keeping an eye on her.

But Gu Ting was very cautious; he deliberately exposed many fake addresses, making it hard for most paparazzi to find her.

After the commercial shoot, Wen Ke’an didn’t have any immediate work from her company. She happily spent a few days at home.

In the evening, Wen Ke’an finally managed to coax the little one to sleep. She walked slowly over to Gu Ting’s side and hugged him from behind, whispering, “Hubby.”

Gu Ting’s body stiffened slightly. He turned around and looked down at her, asking softly, “What’s wrong?”

Wen Ke’an pouted, “I’m hungry.”

“I want to eat crayfish.”

Wen Ke’an had been craving the crayfish from a nearby restaurant just outside their community, but that restaurant was always busy and didn’t offer delivery. Since the little one couldn’t eat spicy food, Wen Ke’an hadn’t gone there.

“The one outside the community?” Gu Ting asked.

Wen Ke’an nodded, “Hmm!”

It just so happened that Liu Qing was at home and could watch over Xiangxiang.

Wen Ke’an and Gu Ting changed their clothes and went out for a late-night snack together.

Even though it was already late, the restaurant was still crowded.

As Wen Ke’an happily ate her crayfish, she didn’t notice a few ordinary-looking men not far away who were excitedly watching her.

“Holy crap, isn’t that Wen Ke’an?!”

“And the guy sitting across from her looks really familiar. Isn’t he Gu Ting, the CEO of Qingteng Group?”

“Wow, our luck is incredible! Just came out for a late-night snack and we bumped into Wen Ke’an!”

“Quick, take pictures!!”


Wen Ke’an was woken up early by a voice call from Chu Han.

“An’an, check the trending topics!” Chu Han’s excited voice came through the phone.


Still groggy, Wen Ke’an opened the app and glanced at the trending topics. Seeing the hot search, she instantly became wide awake.

Photos of her and Gu Ting having a late-night snack had been exposed, and now various rumors were spreading online for the sake of clicks.

“Hahaha, Wen Ke’an on a late-night date, suspected of cheating,” Chu Han read out the headline.

Just as Chu Han finished speaking, Wen Ke’an looked up to see Gu Ting standing at the door.

He must have heard everything Chu Han had said clearly.

Before Wen Ke’an could say anything to Gu Ting, Chu Han’s voice continued to come through from the phone.

“I thought you had grown up, going out with another man in the middle of the night.”

“So it turns out it was your husband all along. Haha, that’s hilarious.”

Author’s note: Gu Ting: Making myself jealous, I’m quite experienced with that.

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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