The Boss is Reborn with his Little Fairy

Since giving birth to her baby, Wen Ke’an has developed a special fondness for documenting her little one’s adorable moments.

Her baby has chubby cheeks and becomes cuter by the day. Wen Ke’an even created a separate account specifically for posting videos of her baby.

She has never appeared on camera, so no one online knows she’s “Lemon.” However, by a stroke of luck, her videos often end up being recommended and trending. Now seven months old, the little one has already started earning money for milk powder through these videos.

After waking up from her nap, Wen Ke’an came out of her room to find her little one, who also had just woken up, playing in the living room with grandma.

Since it was the crawling age, Gu Ting had laid down some soft carpets in the living room. The baby has a strong learning ability; even before reaching seven months, he could crawl and babble in an incomprehensible baby language.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the baby turned around. When he saw that his mother had woken up, he waved his hand excitedly and smiled brightly at Wen Ke’an.

“Xiangxiang!” Wen Ke’an called out as she approached.

As soon as Wen Ke’an spoke, the little one on the floor tried hard to crawl towards her. But perhaps due to exhaustion, he toppled over and plopped onto the carpet.

Seeing this from a distance, Liu Qing quickly came over to pick him up and smiled wryly, saying, “He was crawling so fast just now. How come he toppled over when he saw his mom!”

Despite the fall, the baby just looked at Wen Ke’an with a silly grin.

“You’re still so happy even after falling?” Wen Ke’an reached out and tickled his chin.

The baby’s cheeks were very soft, like jelly. Wen Ke’an often found joy in gently squeezing them.

His eyes were getting bigger and his black pupils made his eyes look like little round grapes.

“Mm~ Mama~” The baby looked at Wen Ke’an and stretched out his arms for a hug.

Surprised by the baby calling her ‘mama,’ Wen Ke’an picked him up and held him close, still a bit in disbelief. “Did he just call me mom?”

“Yes, I heard it too, haha,” Liu Qing laughed from the side.

“Say it again, baby, say mama,” Wen Ke’an coaxed, looking down at the baby in her arms.

She thought the earlier instance was a fluke, but Xiangxiang quickly called out again, “Ma~ma~~”

Hearing the soft baby voice call her ‘mama,’ Wen Ke’an was overjoyed.

Unable to resist, she kissed the baby’s cheek, “Xiangxiang is amazing!”

Since giving birth, Wen Ke’an hasn’t worked and prefers staying home with her baby. Also, Chu Han is pregnant, so she occasionally checks in on her.

The baby is growing rapidly and is very smart, learning everything quickly. By a little over one year old, Xiangxiang could walk and babble, though some words were still unclear to adults.

Actually, Wen Ke’an is not a qualified full-time mother, because most of the time it’s Gu Ting taking care of the child. Gu Ting doesn’t let her handle any of the dirty and tiring tasks.

In the mornings, Gu Ting generally wakes up early. After waking up, he gets up and goes downstairs to prepare breakfast.

Shortly after Gu Ting wakes up, Xiangxiang also wakes up.

He fusses around for a while, then realizes his dad is no longer in the room, and it’s just his mom sleeping on the bed.

Xiangxiang would bother his dad but not his mom.

After discovering his dad is not there, Xiangxiang becomes quiet immediately and stops fussing.

However, he feels bored, so he entertains himself for a while on the bed. Even after some time has passed, his mom is still not awake.

Xiangxiang slowly crawls to Wen Ke’an’s face and sits beside her, looking at his mom for a while before finally bending down to gently kiss her face.

Wen Ke’an was dreaming when she suddenly felt something soft rubbing against her face.

Wen Ke’an drowsily opens her eyes and sees her son’s big, beautiful dark eyes.


“Ma~ma~, wake up,” Xiangxiang says in his soft baby voice, tilting his little head.

Although Wen Ke’an is awake, she has not gotten enough sleep; her mind is still foggy.

The little one looks at his mom for a while, then sensibly says, “Mama, you sleep. Xiangxiang will change by himself.”

Xiangxiang had already felt uncomfortable under his bottom. His mom wasn’t awake yet, so he shouldn’t disturb her.

Skillfully, Xiangxiang crawls to the other side of the bed to find clean, unused diapers.

His dad had taught him how to change diapers before, and Xiangxiang had already done it himself several times now, getting better each time.

Although clumsy, he quickly changes his diaper by himself.

Seeing his mom still not awake, Xiangxiang even takes his clothes to put them on by himself.

Wen Ke’an, now awake, instinctively looks at her son by the bedside. The little one is struggling with his clothes, but despite his age, he does a pretty good job.

Xiangxiang’s head is slightly bigger than average, making it more challenging to put on clothes.

Wen Ke’an watches as his little hands struggle to pull the clothes, and just as she considers helping, Xiangxiang’s head finally pops out of the neckline.

Not expecting to see his mom as soon as he puts on his clothes, Xiangxiang looks a bit confused.

But he quickly reacts, smiling brightly at Wen Ke’an and happily saying, “Mama, Xiangxiang dressed himself!”

Wen Ke’an is also surprised that Xiangxiang can dress himself and praises him with a smile, “Xiangxiang is amazing!”

Hearing this, Xiangxiang puffs out his little chest proudly.

“Daddy is cooking outside. Can Xiangxiang go find Daddy by himself?” Wen Ke’an, still dizzy and unwell, wanted to lie down a bit more.

Xiangxiang firmly says, “Xiangxiang can!”

They had been staying in another house lately, this one single-storied, so there was no danger for Xiangxiang to go out by himself.

Wen Ke’an lies down again, watching Xiangxiang through her squinted eyes.

The little one swiftly climbs off the bed, remembering to take his used diaper.

After napping for another ten minutes, Wen Ke’an wakes to find Gu Ting back in the room, tidying up.

“Awake?” Gu Ting notices her movement and extends a hand to her.

Wen Ke’an slowly places her hand in his, and Gu Ting helps pull her into a sitting position.

“Where’s Xiangxiang?” Wen Ke’an looks around, realizing her son is not in the room.

“Xiangxiang is eating by himself.” Gu Ting glances towards the living room, where Xiangxiang sits in his high chair, earnestly eating.

Xiangxiang had learned to eat by himself early, and Gu Ting wasn’t the type to spoil him.

“You actually let our son eat by himself.” Wen Ke’an looked up at Gu Ting and said deliberately.

“This is to coax his mom out of bed.” Gu Ting lowered his head and lightly kissed her forehead, smiling, “Get up, honey. Breakfast is getting cold.”

The weather had been getting colder lately, so Wen Ke’an and Gu Ting took their son Xiangxiang to the mall to buy some winter clothes.

Xiangxiang had his own preferences for clothes. Although he was still very young, he wanted to pick out his own clothes. He had a good eye and chose very nice clothes.

After putting on a new outfit, the little boy twirled in front of the mirror, admiring his clothes.

Xiangxiang, now one year and eight months old, looked even cuter in his puffy winter clothes, making him appear chubbier.

Once Xiangxiang had his clothes, he glanced back at Wen Ke’an and then ran over to her, his little legs moving quickly.

He was so small, barely reaching Wen Ke’an’s knees.

Wen Ke’an bent down and picked him up, “What’s up?”

Xiangxiang looked up, wanting to see the sky, but quickly realized there was no sky inside the mall. He refocused his gaze on Wen Ke’an and spoke seriously in his baby voice, “It’s so cold, mommy needs new clothes too.”

“Does Xiangxiang want to buy clothes for mommy?” Wen Ke’an asked, smiling at the little boy in her arms.

“Yes!” Xiangxiang nodded earnestly.

But then, seeing his dad standing nearby, he remembered he had no money, so he added, “Daddy will pay.”

This made Wen Ke’an laugh, “If daddy pays, Xiangxiang must remember to buy clothes for daddy too.”

“I remember!” The little boy’s eyes twinkled as he explained, “Daddy loves mommy, so daddy would definitely want mommy to get clothes first.”

In fact, Wen Ke’an had planned to get some clothes for herself and Gu Ting on this trip anyway.

This time, she picked out her clothes quickly, as they were all chosen by Xiangxiang.

She liked what her son picked, so she bought them all.

After she finished, the little boy ran over again, looking up at Wen Ke’an, “Mommy, you picked your clothes, so now let’s pick ones for daddy.”

“Okay.” Wen Ke’an smiled, wiping his little face with her hand. She wondered where he had been playing, as his nose had gotten dirty.

The little one started hopping around, “And also for grandpa and grandma! Let’s buy for all of them!”

The New Year is approaching, and it has snowed heavily.

This is the first time Little One has seen snowflakes since growing up, and he is very curious.

Wen Ke’an went to the study room. When she came out, she couldn’t find her son.

Gu Ting pointed her to the direction, “There he is.”

Following Gu Ting’s direction, Wen Ke’an saw the little guy lying by the floor-to-ceiling window, gazing longingly at the snow outside.

The house was very warm, and the windows were covered with fog.

The little guy stood by the window, his face almost pressed against the glass.

“Xiangxiang,” Wen Ke’an called out.

Hearing the voice, Xiangxiang immediately turned around, “Mama~”

Wen Ke’an walked to Xiangxiang’s side, squatted down, and took his little hand.

Xiangxiang is quite smart. He knew the window was too cold and had put on his little gloves.

“Do you want to go outside and play?” Wen Ke’an asked softly.


“Then we can go out for a while.”

Xiangxiang was instantly overjoyed. He hugged Wen Ke’an’s neck and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Wen Ke’an glanced back at Gu Ting and then gave the little guy a signal.

Xiangxiang immediately understood. He toddled quickly over to Gu Ting, “Daddy hug~”

The moment Gu Ting picked him up, Xiangxiang leaned in and kissed his dad on the cheek too.

Because it was so cold outside, Gu Ting carefully wrapped both Wen Ke’an and Xiangxiang in warm clothing.

Wen Ke’an was fine as she was already used to it.

But Little One, who had just learned to walk not long ago, found it hard to move with so many clothes on.

However, seeing the snow, Xiangxiang was still very happy and wanted to touch it.

As soon as Gu Ting put him down, the little guy eagerly toddled towards a small snow pile.

With his little gloves on, the little guy squatted in front of the snow pile. He looked like a small dumpling, carefully molding a little snowman.

Not long after, Wen Ke’an approached and saw that the little guy had made something quite impressive. Several small snowballs were piled together, some large and some small.

“Mom, look!” Xiangxiang looked up at Wen Ke’an after playing for a while, his nose already red from the cold but still extremely happy.

“Hmm?” Wen Ke’an squatted down beside him.

The little guy insisted on calling Gu Ting over. He pointed seriously at the few small snowballs in front of him and explained in a cute, earnest voice, “This one is Xiangxiang, and this one is Mom.”

“What about Dad?” Wen Ke’an asked.

Xiangxiang pointed at the largest snowball, then looked up at Gu Ting with his eyes sparkling, “This one is Dad!”

Author’s Note: The little one’s nickname is Xiangxiang, and his full name is Gu Zhixin.

I’ve seen all the name suggestions from everyone and I’m very grateful! You’ve all saved me from my naming dilemma.

Special thanks to Miss Mòyú for coming up with this name, combining “wen gu” (温顾) and “zhi xin” (知新).

I also noticed that many sisters like the name Nian’an. I think it’s a good name too, but it feels more suitable for a little princess. If they have a daughter in the future, she will be called Nian’an. Haha.

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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