The Boss is Reborn with his Little Fairy

Qiao Sheng’er was dazed for a while. She glanced at Wen Ke’an and then at Gu Ting, incredulous, “You two are together??”

“Yes, we’ve always been together,” Gu Ting said.

Qiao Sheng’er blinked and asked a question she was really concerned about, “Are you the one supporting or being supported?”

Wen Ke’an couldn’t help but laugh, “He’s both.”

Qiao Sheng’er felt like her mind was spinning, “I need to calm down.”

Gu Ting moved Wen Ke’an’s things to her room. He was about to leave when she grabbed his hand. Since she had just come upstairs from downstairs, her hand was cold. Almost instinctively, Gu Ting held her hand in reverse to warm it up.

“Do you dislike Aunt Qiao?” Wen Ke’an asked softly.

She truly didn’t know the relationship between Gu Ting and Qiao Sheng’er. If Gu Ting didn’t like Qiao Sheng’er, she’d be willing to keep her distance from her because, after all, Gu Ting was the most important to her.

“She’s okay, like a normal elder.” Gu Ting knew what she was worried about. He patted her head gently and said softly, “Aunt Qiao doesn’t have any bad intentions. Just get along with her normally.”

Wen Ke’an looked up at him and smiled, “Okay, I understand.”

It wouldn’t be polite to let Qiao Sheng’er go home alone, so Wen Ke’an asked Gu Ting to take her home.

During the drive, Qiao Sheng’er was very quiet in the passenger seat, perhaps still in shock from the big surprise.

Almost home, Qiao Sheng’er finally reacted and asked quietly, “Have you two been together for a long time?”

Gu Ting: “Yes.”

“Was your high school girlfriend An’an?” Qiao Sheng’er hesitated and asked again.

Gu Ting: “Yes.”

Qiao Sheng’er remained expressionless, but inside she was screaming wildly.

After a while, she sighed, “Gu Ting, you really have good taste!”

Upon arriving home, Gu Ting considered for a moment and decided to park the car and go inside. They originally planned to spend the New Year in City A, but because Qiao Sheng’er wanted to see Wen Ke’an, they returned to City T a few days before the New Year.

Gu Hao didn’t need to go to the company these days but still had some work to do. When Gu Ting and Qiao Sheng’er got home, Gu Hao was working on some documents.

“Oh, you didn’t stay with your girlfriend? You remembered to come home,” Gu Hao said, taking off his glasses and looking at Gu Ting.

Gu Ting, busy changing his shoes, didn’t reply.

Qiao Sheng’er couldn’t help but say, “Why do you always say that when Gu Ting comes home? Being with a girlfriend shows he’s a good and responsible boyfriend!”

Gu Hao, bewildered: “??”

“What’s gotten into you today? Have you been enchanted?” Gu Hao was very confused.

Qiao Sheng’er snapped, “You’re the one who’s been enchanted! Gu Ting’s girlfriend is great. Don’t say anything careless!”

“? ? ?”

Wen Ke’an returned to her hometown on the second day of the lunar New Year. Their ground floor had long been vacant, but Liu Qing still found time to visit and do some cleaning.

Although life has gotten better and they moved to a larger house, this place has been their home for more than a decade.

Wen Ke’an looked at the small courtyard, still remembering that summer a few years ago when his father cooked braised food there, making the neighbors so envious that they would come by every day for a look.

Time has flown by, and now they even have their own braised food brand.

“Since we don’t have to work for the next few days, let’s stay here for a few days,” Wen Qiangguo said with a smile.

“Sure,” Liu Qing replied.

Most of the things in the house were still intact. Liu Qing began tidying up the small garden again. Her plants had mostly withered, but she went to the flower market to buy some new ones, bringing the garden back to life.

The big orange-colored cat also came with them. Perhaps back in familiar surroundings, the usually lazy cat was now lively and jumping around.

Wen Ke’an missed the night market here as well. Gu Ting had promised to meet her there today, so they set the meeting place at the night market.

By five o’clock, it was getting dark, and the night market was starting to get crowded.

It’s the Chinese New Year holiday, so many families came out to have fun.

The night market had changed a lot, likely due to stricter city management, and the environment had improved significantly.

Wen Ke’an was waiting for Gu Ting near the entrance of the night market, under a big tree adorned with beautiful neon lights.

“Is that Wen Ke’an?” Even before Gu Ting arrived, Wen Ke’an heard a male voice calling her.

She turned around and found it was Li Yaobai.

“It really is you,” Li Yaobai said with a hint of surprise.

It had been many years since Wen Ke’an saw him. Li Yaobai had also changed a lot, trading youthful arrogance for maturity and steadiness.

“Long time no see,” Wen Ke’an said with a smile.

“Yeah, it’s been a while,” Li Yaobai said, looking at the girl before him. Today, she was wearing a white cotton jacket and a red scarf, with bright eyes that were cute and charming.

“Which university did you attend?” Li Yaobai asked softly.

“I’m at University A. What about you?”

“I didn’t do well in the college entrance exam and went to an ordinary university in the south,” Li Yaobai said with a smile.

After some awkward small talk, Li Yaobai suddenly asked, “Are you waiting for someone here?”

“Yeah, my boyfriend will be here soon,” Wen Ke’an said softly.

Li Yaobai hesitated for a moment and then asked, “Are you still with Gu Ting?”

He had known they were together since high school, which was why he never disturbed them.

“Yes,” Wen Ke’an smiled and subtly changed the topic, “How’s your grandmother?”

“She’s doing well, playing mahjong with her friends every day,” Li Yaobai responded with a laugh.

“That’s good.”

After saying that, Wen Ke’an noticed Gu Ting approaching not far away. She waved at him and then told Li Yaobai, “My boyfriend is here. I have to go.”

A hint of sadness flashed in Li Yaobai’s eyes: “Alright.”

He stood there, watching Wen Ke’an happily run towards Gu Ting. Gu Ting gently helped her straighten her slightly messy scarf and then held her hand as they walked away together.

From these small details, it was clear they still liked each other very much.

Li Yaobai had always thought Gu Ting was the playful type who would leave soon enough. He never imagined Gu Ting would stay with a girl for this long.

After a while, Li Yaobai watched their backs and softly said, “I wish you both happiness.”

This time, Gu Ting’s visit meant he could openly stay in Wen Ke’an’s room. After all, they were already planning to get engaged, were mutually in love, and Wen Qiangguo now treated Gu Ting like his son-in-law.

Wen Ke’an came out after her bath and saw Gu Ting already in pajamas — the ones her dad had recently bought. They radiated a very mature masculine charm.

Wen Ke’an couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“Finished your bath?” Upon hearing her laugh, Gu Ting turned and asked with a smile.

“Yeah!” Wen Ke’an, dressed in her cute pink bunny pajamas, looked at him warmly, “There’s still hot water. Do you want to wash up?”

“I’ve already bathed.”

“What? So quickly?”

Just as Wen Ke’an’s words fell, she saw Gu Ting walking over with a hairdryer. It was winter, and drying her hair was a good idea.

Wen Ke’an obediently sat by the bed and let Gu Ting dry her hair.

“An’an, little Gu, do you want some fruit?” Liu Qing knocked on the door, peeked in, and asked quietly.

Liu Qing thought Wen Ke’an was drying her own hair, but seeing Gu Ting doing it, she was briefly surprised and then quickly closed the door.

“No, thanks, mom,” Wen Ke’an said softly, feeling a bit shy.

From outside came Liu Qing’s amused voice, “Alright, then I’ll give it to your dad!”

The room was quiet, and Wen Ke’an, feeling warm from the drying, was almost falling asleep.

Half-asleep, she suddenly heard Gu Ting say, “It hasn’t been easy.”

Wen Ke’an looked up at him, “What?”

“Moving in so openly, it hasn’t been easy,” Gu Ting said with a smile.

Talking about this made Wen Ke’an recall how, in high school, he would often climb in through the window to see her.

Wen Ke’an sat up straight, pinched his cheek, “Yeah, my little thief Gu finally has an official status~”

Coincidentally, the company was still closed for the holidays, so Gu Hao brought Qiao Sheng’er to visit Wen Qiangguo’s family to celebrate the new year.

Gu Ting had some errands to run, so he just left as Gu Hao arrived.

Old comrades have endless conversations when they sit together.

“Is An’an already twenty-one years old? She should be getting married in a few years,” Gu Hao said with a smile.

“An’an has a boyfriend now, haha. He’s a pretty good guy. We’re planning to meet his parents after the New Year and settle the marriage,” Wen Qiangguo said as he poured tea. “By the way, is Gu Ting also at the age to get married? I heard he has a girlfriend.”

“Yes,” Gu Hao said, taking a sip of tea. “Gu Ting has been with his girlfriend for quite a while.”

“It’s time to discuss marriage,” Wen Qiangguo laughed.

“There’s no rush. Let’s wait for Gu Ting to graduate and work for a while, then we’ll talk about it,” Gu Hao wasn’t in a hurry at all.

“Why is that?”

“I wish Gu Ting’s girlfriend were half as obedient as An’an,” Gu Hao sighed. “Ever since Gu Ting started dating, he rarely comes home. If he gets married, we might see even less of him.”

Gu Hao was particularly bothered by Gu Ting’s infrequent visits home.

Wen Ke’an sat to the side and, hearing Gu Hao’s words, glanced at Qiao Sheng’er with confusion.

Qiao Sheng’er understood Wen Ke’an’s confusion and explained with a smile, “I didn’t tell him; it’s a surprise.”

Qiao Sheng’er eagerly anticipated Gu Hao’s reaction upon discovering that Wen Ke’an was his future daughter-in-law.

“I called Gu Ting. He’ll be here soon,” Gu Hao said.

“My future son-in-law will be here soon. Perfect timing to meet him,” Wen Qiangguo laughed.

Shortly after Wen Qiangguo finished speaking, the doorbell rang.

Wen Ke’an quickly stood up and ran to open the door.

As Gu Ting walked in, he greeted, “Uncles and Aunties, I’m back.”

Both Wen Qiangguo and Gu Hao stood up simultaneously and spoke.

“Little Gu is here.”

“Gu Ting…”

The atmosphere suddenly became tense for a moment.

Gu Ting glanced sideways at Gu Hao and called, “Dad.”

Even the slowest-witted person could now understand the situation.

“Wh-what? An’an is your girlfriend??” Gu Hao couldn’t believe it.

Gu Ting replied, “Yes, she is my girlfriend.”


It wasn’t until lunchtime that Gu Hao gradually came to his senses.

After finishing the meal, Gu Hao suddenly grabbed Wen Qiangguo, smiling happily as he began to speak.

“Well, in-laws.”

“When can our families discuss and arrange an engagement?”


Author’s note: Wen Qiangguo: Now you’re in quite a hurry.

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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