The Boss is Reborn with his Little Fairy

Entering November, Wen Ke’an gradually became busier. She had a certification exam to prepare for, so she spent most of her time in the library.

After finishing the exam, Wen Ke’an could finally relax a bit.

While she was thinking about where to go for fun, she received a message from Jin Ming.

“An’an! Did you finish your exam?”

“It’s done!” Wen Ke’an replied.

Since it had been a while since they last met, Wen Ke’an and Jin Ming arranged to have dinner at the night market.

The night market was bustling with students, and there were plenty of delicious foods. Wen Ke’an especially missed the fried skewers and grilled cold noodles there.

The two of them bought some food and eventually went to a popular fish noodle restaurant for dinner.

“What have you been busy with lately?” Wen Ke’an asked while eating the skewers.

“I’m interning with my mentor. Currently, a major company is preparing a talent show,” Jin Ming said. “I’ve been away from school for a while and just got back.”

“Will you have to go back again?” Wen Ke’an asked softly.

“Yes, the real busy period will start when the show begins,” Jin Ming said.

Wen Ke’an remembered that these talent shows often became very popular. Although she didn’t usually enjoy watching such shows, she knew they were quite a hit, but she had never seen an episode.

“By the way,” Jin Ming suddenly looked at her, “It’s the registration period for the show. You’re great at dancing; would you like to join?”

Wen Ke’an was startled and replied, “But I can’t sing well.”

Jin Ming suddenly remembered that she had never actually heard Wen Ke’an sing solo.

“That’s not a problem; you’re good-looking and a great dancer. That’s enough!” Jin Ming laughed.

Wen Ke’an never considered becoming an idol, and after hesitating for a moment, she declined, “I think I’ll pass.”

After dinner, it was already late. Gu Ting was concerned about her going home alone, so he came to pick her up. Wen Ke’an arranged to meet at Jin Ming’s school gate so she could drop Jin Ming off first.

“I’ll head back now, An’an. Let’s meet again in T City,” Jin Ming said at the school gate.

“Okay!” Wen Ke’an smiled, “Hurry back before the dorm closes.”

After Jin Ming left, Wen Ke’an walked toward Gu Ting, who was standing under a streetlamp not far away.

“Did you ride your bike today?” Wen Ke’an noticed the helmet in Gu Ting’s hand.

Gu Ting smiled, “What do you think?”

He approached and gently helped her put on the helmet.

Wen Ke’an stood obediently, looking up at him.

Gu Ting’s motorcycle was a beautiful silver bike, with her initials engraved on it.

“It’s time to go, hold on tight.”

Hearing his words, Wen Ke’an quickly hugged his waist tightly from behind.

After a moment, Gu Ting heard her muffled voice, “I’m ready.”

Gu Ting rode his bike quickly, and they got home in under ten minutes. Wen Ke’an went to take a shower right after getting home. When she came out, she saw Gu Ting working at his desk.

“Still working this late?” Wen Ke’an asked softly.

Gu Ting looked up at her. Her hair was wet and dripping water.

She never liked drying her hair properly and often went to bed with it wet, resulting in headaches the next morning.

“Come over here.”

Hearing his words, Wen Ke’an walked over in her slippers and sat on his lap.

As Gu Ting dried her hair with a towel, he softly said, “I need to tell you something.”

Wen Ke’an looked up at him, “What is it?”

“After the exams, I have to go on a business trip abroad.”

“What?” Wen Ke’an was stunned. “How long will you be away?”

“About a month and a half.”

This meant he might not be back before the New Year.

Seeing the disappointment in her eyes, Gu Ting said, “But I’ll try to finish work quickly and come back sooner.”

“It’s okay.” Worried he’d overwork himself, Wen Ke’an said, “If you can’t come back for the New Year, we can always video call. Don’t exhaust yourself.”

Gu Ting, reflecting for a moment, added, “After the holiday starts, don’t go out late at night. Stay safe, and remember to have breakfast, okay?”

Wen Ke’an listened quietly to his nagging and mumbled, “Got it, you’re so naggy.”

Gu Ting paused, “What did you say?”

Wen Ke’an: “…Nothing.”

Gu Ting looked at her for a while, a hint of melancholy in his voice, “Are you already growing tired of me?”


Wen Ke’an cupped his face, kissed it loudly, and said with a smile, “I love you the most!”

The Finance Department’s finals were early, so after Gu Ting finished his exams, he went on his business trip. Wen Ke’an stayed busy and lived in her dorm.


Wen Ke’an had just come out of the library when she saw Chu Han waiting for her at the entrance.

Wen Ke’an glanced at her watch, then looked at Chu Han, “It’s already 9:30 PM. Why are you here so late?”

“I just got here,” Chu Han smiled, “I wanted to discuss something with you.”

“What is it?”

“A talent show invited me to audition, and I’m thinking about going. Are you free tomorrow?” Chu Han asked pitifully.


“Since Gu Ting isn’t here, why don’t we go together?”

Seeing Wen Ke’an considering, Chu Han added, “Just accompany me, okay? I’m scared to go alone.”

After a moment’s thought, Wen Ke’an nodded, “Alright.”

“An’an, you’re the best!” Chu Han said happily, “I’ll come find you tomorrow!”

The next day, Wen Ke’an and Chu Han met at nine. Their audition was at ten, but the venue was close to their school. They took a taxi and arrived quickly.

Since it was the first season and not very popular yet, there weren’t many contestants.

“It’s almost our turn.” Chu Han glanced at the time, feeling a bit nervous.

“But An’an, are you really going to sing?” Chu Han asked in a low voice.

“Yes, really.” Wen Ke’an said with a smile, “Dancing is much harder.”


There were three interviewers in the room. When the two of them walked in, the interviewers’ eyes lit up.

“These two girls are really beautiful.”

“Yeah, but I wonder how their skills are.”

The interviewers whispered to each other.

After a brief self-introduction, they started their performances. Chu Han’s singing was quite good, and the interviewers nodded frequently in satisfaction.

However, after Wen Ke’an finished her song, it was obvious that the sparkle in the interviewers’ eyes had faded.


“Do you have any other talents?” one of the interviewers asked.

Wen Ke’an: “No, that’s it.”

The interviewers gradually frowned.

Originally thinking she had no chance, Wen Ke’an was surprised to receive a notification after her final exam that she had actually passed the interview.

Shortly after receiving the notice from the show, Wen Ke’an got a call from Chu Han.

“You passed, An’an!”

“Why?” Wen Ke’an was puzzled, “I sang so poorly, why did I still pass?”

“Ha ha ha, it must be because you’re so good-looking!”

After laughing, Chu Han hesitated for a moment and asked softly, “Are you still going to participate?”

Although Chu Han was usually cheerful and outgoing, she tended to get nervous in big situations.

Knowing that Chu Han would probably be very uncomfortable going alone and thinking she had nothing planned for the winter break, Wen Ke’an said, “Okay, I’ll go with you.”

Wen Ke’an briefly told her parents she was going to participate in a show and then started preparing the contracts and paperwork.

After signing the contracts, the show was set to start recording soon, but the dorms weren’t ready yet, so the show had arranged hotels for the contestants.

There were a total of one hundred contestants in the show, and over the next couple of days, she often ran into various beautiful sisters at the hotel.

“I previously heard from the staff that for this show, trainees from Anyu Entertainment, New Star Entertainment, and Xia Entertainment are participating.”

“Oh my god, really? Those are all very powerful companies!”

While eating, Chu Han overheard a nearby girl discussing this.

Absentmindedly, she took a bite of her bun and looked up to Wen Ke’an and asked, “By the way, An’an, which company are you with?”

She had heard Wen Ke’an mention that she signed with a company before, but she had always forgotten to ask which one.

“Anyu,” Wen Ke’an replied.

Chu Han was taken aback: “You’re with Anyu?”

Anyu Entertainment is currently considered a very impressive company with many well-known artists under its label.

“When did you sign with them? How come I didn’t know?”

Wen Ke’an responded, “It’s Gu Ting’s company.”

Chu Han gave a silent thumbs-up, “Awesome.”

“Did you sign with anyone?” Wen Ke’an asked.

“I did,” Chu Han said. “Xie Huaiyan didn’t want me to sign with another agency, so he just acquired a company himself.”

“You might not have heard of it, the company’s name is Star Entertainment.”

The dormitory for the show was quickly arranged, and the rooms were four-person dorms, with allocations handled by the show staff.

Wen Ke’an and Chu Han happened to be placed in the same dormitory.

“The dorm environment is actually quite nice,” Chu Han said with a glance around, feeling quite satisfied.

The dormitory had a very girly and pink aesthetic.

“Everyone tidy up, the dorm supervisor will come to collect things tomorrow.”

Before the novelty wore off, they heard an announcement from the show’s staff over the PA system.

After listening to the announcement, Chu Han mysteriously smiled and said, “We aren’t allowed to bring mobile phones here, but I came prepared.”

“I brought ten phones, and I’ll find a place to hide them later.”

They were supposed to stay in this place until they were eliminated. Wen Ke’an quickly calculated that if she were eliminated in the first round, it would be just around the end of the year, and Gu Ting would likely be back by then.

It was just after the dormitory lights went out at night when Wen Ke’an received a video call from Gu Ting.

To avoid disturbing her roommates, Wen Ke’an quietly went to the bathroom before answering the call.

“Where are you?” Gu Ting asked, unable to see anything because Wen Ke’an hadn’t turned on the light.

Wen Ke’an didn’t respond to his question right away. She noticed that the background behind Gu Ting looked familiar, and after a brief pause, she asked softly, “Did you come back early?”

“Yes,” Gu Ting replied. “I wanted to surprise you.”

“What about your work?” she asked.

“There was a bit of an issue at work, so I handed it over to someone else,” Gu Ting explained. “Are you at home?”

Wen Ke’an initially thought Gu Ting wouldn’t be able to come back, so she hadn’t told him about her participation in a variety show.

After a moment of silence, Wen Ke’an slowly said, “I have a surprise for you, too.”


“I’ve joined a variety show, and its rules state that I can’t leave unless I’m eliminated.”

“So right now, I can’t get out.”

Gu Ting responded with a puzzled expression: “?”

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


  1. hdms says:

    Lmao these girls are truly best friends, their boyfriends go to the same lengths 🤣

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