The Boss is Reborn with his Little Fairy

“This is not something I bought.”

Wen Ke’an walked over to Gu Ting, reached out, and took the small box from his hand.

“It’s a gift from a friend.” Wen Ke’an said softly as she glanced down and closed the small box.

“No wonder,” Gu Ting nodded. “Logically, you shouldn’t have remembered it wrong.”


Wen Ke’an didn’t feel like talking to him right now.

“By the way, which friend gave it to you?” Gu Ting knew she was shy, so he smiled, bent over, and glanced at her.

“I don’t want to tell you,” Wen Ke’an replied, annoyed.

Gu Ting thought for a moment, “Chu Han?”


Wen Ke’an hadn’t visited the store for a long time. These days, her parents were busy renovating a new house and looking for new store locations.

Currently, their four stores were doing well. While they still could manage and had some money, Wen Qiangguo planned to try expanding to other cities.

Wen Qiangguo rented several rooms near their neighborhood, specifically for making braised food. Currently, their business model involved making the braised food there and supplying it to the four stores. Wen Qiangguo primarily handled the braised food preparation, while Liu Qing was in charge of sales. The couple had a clear division of labor.

Having nothing much to do at home, Wen Ke’an decided to visit Wen Qiangguo’s braised food workshop.

All the braised foods were handmade by Wen Qiangguo, and there were about a dozen workers in the workshop. Wen Qiangguo had also taken on several apprentices.

Wen Ke’an sneaked into the workshop and walked behind Wen Qiangguo, calling out, “Dad!”

“Oh, what brings you here?” Wen Qiangguo was delighted to see his precious daughter and quickly took off his gloves, “Have you eaten?”

“Yes, I have.”

Even though her parents weren’t around in the morning, Gu Ting was there. By 8 a.m., Gu Ting had already bought breakfast and brought it to her home.

“You came at the right time. I just developed a new product. Try it and see if it’s good.”

With that, Wen Qiangguo took a newly made braised item from a big tub.

“Smells so good.” Wen Ke’an first caught the aroma, and then she realized it was pig’s trotters.

Wen Ke’an eagerly took a bite. Unlike the pig’s trotters she had before, these had a rich texture—very soft yet slightly chewy.

“How is it? Tasty?” Wen Qiangguo asked eagerly.

Wen Ke’an gave a thumbs-up silently, “Super delicious!”

Hearing his daughter’s praise, Wen Qiangguo was overjoyed. “Take some home later and give some to Gu Ting as well.”

Most of the workers in the workshop were men, and they couldn’t help but take a few more glances at such a pretty girl.

“Focus on your work!” Wen Qiangguo said, slightly displeased.

No sooner had he spoken than a nearby apprentice came over, “Is she your daughter, Master?”

Little apprentice, while speaking, glanced in the direction where Wen Ke’an was.

Wen Qiangguo was cutting meat, without even lifting his head, “What else?”

The little apprentice sighed, “Your daughter is really beautiful.”

Wen Ke’an initially planned to go home for dinner, but just as the evening set in, she received a message from Chu Han, inviting her out for dinner.

The two decided on a nice restaurant nearby.

When Wen Ke’an arrived, Chu Han was already there. She had ordered two drinks and was sitting at the table, bored and daydreaming.

Wen Ke’an’s intuition told her that something was definitely on Chu Han’s mind.

“What’s wrong?” Wen Ke’an sat across from her.

Seeing Wen Ke’an, Chu Han couldn’t hold it in any longer, “Damn it, I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life!”

“I feel like someone is deliberately messing with me!!”

“What happened?” Wen Ke’an asked softly, taking a sip of her cold drink.

“Oh my god, let me tell you, someone sent a box of condoms to Xie Huaiyan.” Chu Han got angrier as she recalled the situation.

After hearing Chu Han’s words, Wen Ke’an still didn’t quite get it, “And what does that have to do with you?”

“Originally, nothing.” Chu Han’s voice rose with anger, “But the delivery had my name on it!”


“Damn it, using my name to send the package is one thing, but they were all the smallest size.”

“Xie Huaiyan even came to see me yesterday and seriously told me.”

“‘This size doesn’t fit me at all.’”


“Do you know the most ridiculous part?” Chu Han looked exasperated.

“What?” Wen Ke’an asked curiously.

“Xie Huaiyan told me his size and asked me not to buy the wrong one next time.”

“Ahhhh damn it, there won’t be a next time!!” Suddenly, Chu Han snapped out of her rant, “Wait, I didn’t even send this time!”


After finally comforting Chu Han, Wen Ke’an increasingly suspected a particular person as she thought more about it. Upon returning home and after taking a bath, Wen Ke’an messaged Gu Ting.

“Did you send Xie Huaiyan’s gift?”

“Yes.” Gu Ting replied confidently with just one word.


In mid-August, Wen Ke’an received her acceptance letter from University A. She was successfully admitted to the Journalism Department of University A.

The competition had concluded, and Wen Ke’an was now back home preparing the things needed for the new semester.

As a top-tier school in the country, A University still holds an entrance exam at the start of the new term. Although the exam shouldn’t be too difficult, Wen Ke’an still plans to prepare well for it.

Very quickly, the first day of school arrived.

Wen Ke’an’s home is quite far away, so she needed to head to school a few days early to register.

Wen Qiangguo couldn’t let his daughter go alone, so he and Liu Qing decided to take her to the school themselves.

On the high-speed train, Wen Qiangguo, finding himself bored, peeled an orange for Wen Ke’an and asked, “Did you meet Gu Ting in A City?”

“Huh?” Wen Ke’an was momentarily stunned.

Wen Qiangguo continued, “I ran into him a few days ago. He mentioned he had been in A City recently, and I thought he went to see you.”

Hearing this, Liu Qing, who had been quietly looking at her phone, glanced at Wen Ke’an.

Wen Ke’an naturally felt Liu Qing’s gaze. She hesitated for a moment before saying, “We met a few times.”

This conversation reminded Wen Qiangguo of another matter. “Gu Ting said he has already convinced the girl he likes to be with him.”

Wen Qiangguo boasted, “I always said persistence pays off, just like how I pursued your mother.”

Liu Qing couldn’t listen any longer. She quietly raised her hand and stuffed the orange into Wen Qiangguo’s mouth. “Eat your orange.”

The first day of school was exhausting; Wen Ke’an had to collect various items. By the time she had everything sorted, it was already dark. Wen Qiangguo and Liu Qing had returned home on an evening train.

Wen Ke’an arrived early, so her dormmates weren’t there yet.

There were still many things she hadn’t unpacked. While she was unpacking, she suddenly heard the dorm door open.

She thought it was her new dormmate, but to her surprise, it was Gu Ting.

Wen Ke’an was momentarily stunned. “How did you get in?”

“Security isn’t very strict right now; guys can come in,” Gu Ting explained, then glanced around her dorm. “Haven’t finished unpacking?”

“Mm.” Wen Ke’an responded quietly.

Gu Ting had come specifically to help her unpack.

With Gu Ting there, Wen Ke’an increasingly felt like she was useless at doing anything on her own.


While Gu Ting was making the bed for her, a small voice suddenly appeared at the door.

Wen Ke’an turned her head to look, and standing at the door was a girl holding luggage. The girl was dressed rather differently, looking like she might be from a minority ethnic group.

The girl seemed a bit shy, her face flushing a bit, and she asked softly, “Is this 1001?”

“Yes, it is,” Wen Ke’an nodded.

After speaking, she glanced up at Gu Ting.

Gu Ting had almost finished tidying up the room for her and knew it was no longer appropriate to stay. He said, “I should go now.”


“The weather here is very dry, remember to drink some water before bed,” Gu Ting reminded her before leaving.

The new roommate’s name was Sha Yi.

After Gu Ting left, they briefly introduced themselves. Sha Yi then asked quietly, “The guy just now, is he your brother?”

Wen Ke’an was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and asked in return, “Why do you think he’s my brother?”

Sha Yi thought seriously for a moment, “He seems to take good care of you, not like a boyfriend.”

The next morning, Wen Ke’an had almost finished tidying up her things when a senior sister pulled her to do some volunteer work.

Gu Ting, having nothing better to do, followed Wen Ke’an to do volunteer work together.

For some reason, she kept calling him “brother” all day.

At first, Gu Ting didn’t pay much attention to it, until a male volunteer suddenly stopped him in the afternoon.

“Uh, are you her brother?” The guy asked awkwardly.

Gu Ting: “?”

Seeing Gu Ting’s lack of reaction, the guy gathered his courage and added, “Bro, can I have your sister’s contact information?”


For some reason, Gu Ting’s expression suddenly became very intimidating.

The guy took a step back and whispered, “Bro?”

“Get lost.”

It was fine originally. Wen Ke’an just went to the restroom, but when she came back, she noticed that Gu Ting’s face was off.

The weather was too hot now, so Wen Ke’an naturally picked up a bottle of water and handed it to Gu Ting. Gu Ting helped her twist it open and then gave it back to her.

Wen Ke’an took it and said with a smile, “Thank you, brother.”


Gu Ting stared at her for a moment, half smiling, and said, “Say it again.”

Wen Ke’an paused for a moment, then fearlessly continued to provoke him.


Gu Ting: “Do you see the green flames on my head?”

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


  1. hdms says:

    Lol these two couples are a vibe. I hope they remain close friends 😂

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