The Boss is Reborn with his Little Fairy

“I know.” Wen Ke’an smiled at him. “I know you can take care of me.”

“But once I’ve decided to do something, I must do it well.” Wen Ke’an tilted her head and looked at him. “Don’t you agree?”

Gu Ting lowered his gaze and didn’t speak, focusing intently on massaging her.

Wen Ke’an knew he was concerned about her health. Injuries were common for dancers.

“I promise to take it easy and not overtrain,” Wen Ke’an whispered, sneaking a glance at him.

Gu Ting sighed. It was already autumn, and she was wearing too little. He looked at her and asked softly, “Are you cold?”

Wen Ke’an shook her head. “No.”

“Stay at my place tonight.”

After the recent scare, Gu Ting was wary of letting her stay in the dormitory alone.

Seeing that he wasn’t angry anymore, Wen Ke’an immediately agreed with a smile, “Okay.”

Before leaving, Wen Ke’an thought to send a message to Chu Han. Just as she finished, Gu Ting came over with a coat he found somewhere and gently draped it on her shoulders.

“Xie Huaiyan is here too, so you don’t need to worry,” Gu Ting explained gently.

Wen Ke’an had already received Chu Han’s message saying she was currently with Xie Huaiyan.

“Okay.” Wen Ke’an put down her phone, looked up at Gu Ting, and smiled. “Let’s go home.”

Wen Ke’an’s ankle couldn’t bear too much strain. She had planned to practice secretly at home when Gu Ting went to work. However, to take care of her, Gu Ting had been staying home for the past few days.

The second round of the competition required a rehearsal a day in advance. Gu Ting didn’t go to the company that day and took her to the rehearsal.

“It’s such a pity. I mean, she’s so pretty, why is she with a disabled boyfriend?”

Wen Ke’an was doing her makeup while listening to two other contestants, hidden by the makeup table, chatting across from her.

“The guy looks fine, maybe he’s rich.”

“But with her looks, she could easily find a healthy rich man.”

At first, she listened with interest but gradually realized they seemed to be talking about her and Gu Ting.

“Right, I heard the guy is the president of an entertainment company.”

Upon hearing this, Wen Ke’an was 100% sure they were talking about her and Gu Ting.

Wen Ke’an decided to defend Gu Ting. She spoke up quietly, “He’s only got a sprain, not a broken leg.”


There was suddenly no sound from across.

Wen Ke’an had no idea how the rumor about Gu Ting being disabled spread, but it seemed all the contestants knew she had a disabled boyfriend.

Unexpectedly, Gu Ting came to see her today, pretending to be in a wheelchair.

Wen Ke’an could clearly feel the faint trace of pity in the looks directed at her by the others.

After the rehearsal ended, Wen Ke’an came off the stage and planned to change her clothes before looking for Gu Ting. Unexpectedly, she was intercepted midway by a male contestant.

Wen Ke’an remembered this male contestant; he was the boy who often watched her dance from upstairs when she was practicing in T City. Today, he was wearing a rather formal white shirt, and his figure looked a bit thin.

“Can I bother you for a few minutes?” the boy asked, looking slightly downcast.

“Is something the matter?” Wen Ke’an asked softly.

“I heard your boyfriend has trouble with his legs?”


The boy slowly said, “Would you consider giving me a chance?”


The boy’s direct words left Wen Ke’an stunned.

There were still some contestants backstage who hadn’t gone on yet, and the boy’s voice wasn’t quiet, so many people heard it clearly.

“Not considering,” Wen Ke’an immediately replied after coming to her senses.

At the same time, a familiar voice sounded behind her, “Heh.”

Gu Ting had appeared unnoticed, and calmly walked over to her, holding her hand.

He looked at the boy with cold eyes and said indifferently, “No need to poach; her boyfriend’s legs are just fine.”


After leaving the competition building, Gu Ting deliberately sighed with a tone of grievance, “Sigh, I took my eyes off for a moment and you’re already flirting.”

Wen Ke’an was amused by his words and looked up at him, saying seriously, “Isn’t that because you pretended to be disabled?”

Wen Ke’an: “Is it my fault?”

“No.” Gu Ting laughed, “It’s my fault.”

The second round of the competition went very smoothly, and Wen Ke’an advanced again without incident.

The first episode had already aired. Because the show was a niche, purely dance-focused program, it didn’t attract many viewers, but it received good ratings due to its high quality.

When Wen Ke’an went to the costume room to select her performance outfit, she unexpectedly ran into Xiao Xiao, who was also there to try on clothes.

“Have you watched the first episode?” Xiao Xiao asked quietly.

“Yes,” Wen Ke’an replied.

“I laughed so hard. Who would’ve thought the only buzz from the show would come from Xia Xiangwan’s fall?” Xiao Xiao said helplessly.

After the first episode aired, Xia Xiangwan’s company seemingly bought trending topics for her.

Netizens were all feeling sorry for the pretty girl falling and inexplicably gave her a popularity boost.

“Aren’t you mad?” Xiao Xiao asked quietly.

“Mad about what?” Wen Ke’an asked, puzzled.

“Your screen time was so little.”

Xiao Xiao thought Wen Ke’an performed well too, but the first episode almost cut her out entirely, with very few scenes of her.

“Should I talk to my dad?” Xiao Xiao became increasingly angry, “I can’t believe what the showrunners were thinking, it’s too unfair.”

Wen Ke’an looked at Xiao Xiao and said, “I requested fewer scenes myself.”

Xiao Xiao was dumbfounded, “Huh?”

Wen Ke’an explained, “I joined the show just to learn, not to become famous.”

“I see.” Xiao Xiao nodded and gave a thumbs up, “You really are a breath of fresh air among the contestants.”

The entertainment industry was too chaotic, and she didn’t want to join it or attract too much attention.

Besides, Gu Ting definitely wouldn’t allow her to enter that world.

“No choice,” Wen Ke’an laughed and shrugged, “My family won’t allow it.”

To celebrate Wen Ke’an’s promotion, Chu Han took advantage of Wen Ke’an’s free evening and invited her over to her hotel room.

When Wen Ke’an opened the door, she was greeted by a big shower of confetti.

“An’an, happy birthday!” Chu Han bounced over to her with a bouquet of flowers she had prepared.

Wen Ke’an was momentarily confused before she realized that today was her solar calendar birthday.

She usually celebrated her lunar calendar birthday, but Chu Han preferred to celebrate her solar calendar birthday.

Chu Han had already decorated the hotel room with many balloons, creating a dreamy atmosphere.

“Did you do all this by yourself?” asked Wen Ke’an, feeling touched as she looked around.

“Yes! Do you like it?”

“It’s beautiful.”

“Today is a celebration just for the two of us,” Chu Han said, grabbing Wen Ke’an’s hand and pulling her into the room. “I also got you a gift!”

Chu Han had prepared a lot of delicious food, including Wen Ke’an’s favorite cake.

The two friends watched TV, snacked, and chatted. Chu Han also brought a bit of alcohol. Although Wen Ke’an didn’t like drinking, she had a little bit because she was happy today.

Chu Han wasn’t much of a drinker either. After a bit of drinking, both of them clearly felt a bit tipsy.

Wen Ke’an became quiet when drunk, preferring to sit in a corner and sober up. But Chu Han was the opposite; she got very cheerful, jumping around and even dancing for Wen Ke’an.

“An’an, look at me! Am I dancing well?” asked Chu Han.

Wen Ke’an looked up and saw multiple blurry images of Chu Han spinning around. She paused for a moment and said, “You’re dancing great.”

Hearing this, Chu Han got even more excited.

Wen Ke’an, still somewhat coherent, sent a message to Gu Ting.

She also took a photo of Chu Han and sent it to Xie Huaiyan.

Despite her cloudy mind, Wen Ke’an knew that Chu Han also needed someone to look after her right now. The best person for the job seemed to be Xie Huaiyan.

Gu Ting and Xie Huaiyan arrived quickly. As soon as Wen Ke’an saw Gu Ting, she slowly got up from the floor.

Gu Ting immediately walked over to support her and softly asked, “Drunk?”

Wen Ke’an replied, “Not drunk.”

Gu Ting smiled, “Do you think I’ll believe that?”

Wen Ke’an leaned into his arms and said nothing.

“Shall we go home?” Gu Ting whispered, looking down slightly.

Wen Ke’an instinctively looked back at Chu Han, who was still acting out in his drunken state, while Xie Huaiyan quietly watched him.

“He will take good care of her, let’s go home first?” Gu Ting coaxed softly.

“Okay.” Wen Ke’an nodded slowly.

When Wen Ke’an gets drunk, she becomes particularly clingy. After they got home, she held onto his hand tightly and wouldn’t let go.

“Honey,” Wen Ke’an said, sitting on the sofa and leaning against him, playing with his hand, whispering.

Gu Ting leaned closer, “Yes?”

“It’s my birthday today.” Wen Ke’an whispered, “I turned eighteen.”

“I’m an adult now.”

Seeing her trying to act all serious despite being drunk, Gu Ting smiled and asked, “Really?”

Wen Ke’an nodded, “Yes!”

After saying that, Wen Ke’an suddenly turned around, pressing Gu Ting down onto the sofa. She sat on his lap and looked down at him for a while.

“Back then, when I turned eighteen, I hadn’t met you yet.” Wen Ke’an murmured softly, “I remember being alone on my eighteenth birthday. My dad was having surgery in the hospital, and I was so scared. You weren’t there either.”

Possibly recalling some unpleasant memories, Wen Ke’an’s mood noticeably dampened.

Gu Ting sat up slightly, pulling her into his arms.

“That won’t happen anymore, I’ll always be by your side,” Gu Ting reassured her softly, squeezing her small hand gently.

Wen Ke’an looked up at him for a while, her gaze eventually falling on his lips.

Taking advantage of his inattention, Wen Ke’an placed her hand on his shoulder and lightly kissed him on the corner of his lips.

She paused after the kiss to observe his reaction.

Wen Ke’an rarely took the initiative to kiss him, but Gu Ting enjoyed her initiative. He deliberately leaned back, looking down at her.

His gaze was so captivating that seeing he didn’t resist, Wen Ke’an leaned in once more for another kiss.

She knelt on the sofa, tilting her head back, kissing him bit by bit.

Gu Ting leaned against the sofa, quietly accepting her kisses. Worried she might fall off, his hand gently protected her waist.


Maybe his reaction was too calm, she seemed a bit dissatisfied and suddenly bit his lip.

“You’ve broken the skin.” Gu Ting looked at her helplessly and said softly.

Wen Ke’an didn’t speak. She lowered her eyes and resolutely started unbuttoning his shirt.

Gu Ting’s throat moved slightly, he lowered his eyes to look at her.

Under the light, her fair neck was beautiful and slender, Gu Ting couldn’t help but lean closer.

Seeing him approach, she instinctively tilted her head back.

Gu Ting placed a kiss on her neck.

He clearly felt her body tremble slightly.

The buttons were already undone, and her hand was still against his chest, igniting sparks everywhere.

This wasn’t their first time engaging in such activities, she naturally knew what he couldn’t resist.

Gu Ting’s heart trembled, instinctively pinning down her restless hand, and asked with a smile, “Do you know what you’re doing right now?”

Wen Ke’an looked up at him, her eyes misty and naturally alluring. She lifted her head and gently kissed his Adam’s apple, “I’ve grown up, now I can have you.”

The warm touch on his Adam’s apple made Gu Ting’s throat involuntarily move up and down again. After a while, he gazed down at her and softly said, “I think you’re trying to take my life.”

Author’s note: The dog: About to die.

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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