The Boss is Reborn with his Little Fairy

After getting home, Wen Ke’an took a quick shower. When she came out, she saw her parents huddled on the couch watching a video. They were laughing so heartily that she could hear them from the bathroom.

Originally planning to go straight to her room to sleep, Wen Ke’an’s curiosity got the better of her. She walked up behind the couch and casually glanced at what they were watching.

And then she froze.

Her parents were watching a video of her dance practice from when she was a child.

“Dad, Mom,” Wen Ke’an called softly. Seeing them turn around, she asked with a smile, “What made you decide to watch old videos?”

“It’s been so long since we saw you dance,” Wen Qiangguo said. “We miss it.”

“Yeah, our An’an was the best dancer in the class,” Liu Qing added with a smile.

Wen Ke’an hesitated for a moment, then said, “I have something to tell you.”

“What is it?” Wen Qiangguo put down his phone and asked.

“I want to start dancing again.”

“To pursue a talent path?” Liu Qing paused and asked.

“No, I got invited by a teacher to join a dance competition after the college entrance exams,” Wen Ke’an explained.

Dancing requires long-term practice, and if you stop, you can lose even the basic skills. So, Wen Ke’an plans to train in advance if she decides to participate in the competition.

“Is that so?” Liu Qing asked.


Wen Qiangguo and Liu Qing exchanged glances, then said, “Of course.”

Wen Ke’an was slightly stunned to hear that.

She had expected them to refuse since this is a crucial time for most people, and her parents might not understand why she wants to do this. After all, studying is more important than dancing.

Wen Qiangguo smiled at his daughter and said, “An’an, just follow your heart. Whatever path you choose, we will always support you!”

Wen Ke’an felt warmth spreading inside her, making her want to cry.

She lowered her eyes slightly and whispered, “Okay.”

Wen Ke’an informed Teacher Wang that she could participate in the dance competition. Wang was delighted and even arranged a good practice studio for her.

Wen Ke’an never thought she would pick up dancing again, something she had almost given up on.

Now, every weekend, besides completing school assignments, she heads to a nearby dance studio to practice.

The studio Wang arranged is well-known in the city, filled with students preparing for art exams. Everyone there assumed Wen Ke’an was one of them, and she did not clarify.

As the weather got colder, Wen Ke’an wore more layers.

Each time she arrived at the studio, her classmates would laugh at how she looked like a little penguin.

The clothes were layered on too much, making it particularly tough to take them off each time. Wen Ke’an had just changed her clothes when she overheard a few female classmates chirping not far away.

“The guy in the neighboring shooting range is really handsome!!!”

“Ahhhh, I saw him too, his side profile is perfect!!”

“Should we go have a look?”

“Sure, let’s go!”

Wen Ke’an originally didn’t want to go, but the group leader saw that she had already changed and enthusiastically pulled her along.

Actually, Wen Ke’an was a bit curious herself about the much-hyped handsome guy. Could he be more attractive than Gu Ting?

Just as the image of Gu Ting appeared in Wen Ke’an’s mind, the next moment, she saw him in the opposite shooting range.


At that moment, Gu Ting was wearing a white training outfit, seriously focused on shooting. Almost all the girls in the dance studio had come out, peering through the windows to catch a glimpse inside.

Most of the students here were from the third and fourth middle schools, so they probably didn’t know Gu Ting.

“I heard he’s from the first middle school. He’s so handsome, definitely at the level of a school heartthrob!”

“Oh my god!!!!”

“Ke’an, you’re also from the first middle school!” The group leader turned to Wen Ke’an and asked, “Do you know him?”

Wen Ke’an was silent for a moment, “Yes, I do.”

Wen Ke’an’s voice wasn’t very loud, and it was drowned out by the screams of the other girls.

The dance training lasted for two hours. When Wen Ke’an came out of the training room, she saw Gu Ting waiting for her outside.

There were still some female classmates behind her. She glanced at him once, and then expressionlessly walked right past him.


After exiting the building and saying goodbye to her classmates, Wen Ke’an hadn’t walked a few steps before her wrist was grabbed by someone.

Wen Ke’an turned and saw Gu Ting looking down at her.

Gu Ting had changed his clothes and was now wearing a black hoodie.

“Avoiding me?” Gu Ting asked softly as he looked at her.

Wen Ke’an replied, “Afraid of being swarmed.”


Before Wen Ke’an could speak further, Gu Ting, sounding a bit aggrieved, said, “Sigh, it’s not enough that I can’t see you in front of your parents, but now I can’t see you in front of your classmates either.”

Wen Ke’an ignored his sighs, calmly saying, “You’re too handsome.”

Gu Ting smiled and asked, “Really?”

Wen Ke’an was silent for a moment, then decided to change the topic, “Why did you come here today?”

Gu Ting knew she was cold, so he wrapped his hands around hers to warm her up and said with a smile, “I’m here to take my princess home.”


These days, Wen Ke’an spent her time either practicing dance or studying, and time flew by quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was the end of December.

This year, the school had a new leadership, and they approved holding a New Year’s Eve party to relax a bit. Every class had to prepare their own performance to present during the evening self-study session on New Year’s Day.

The programs were all organized by the students themselves, so they could do whatever they wanted. Wang Yilin had already announced in advance that she wouldn’t be attending this year’s New Year’s Eve party.

Without the class teacher present, the students became even bolder.

They bought all sorts of weird snacks and various drinks.

When the lights went out, the music blasted. It became practically a giant nightclub scene.

Wen Ke’an had no interest in dancing; she boredly hid in a corner eating snacks. The purchasing group did a great job this time, as the snacks were excellent and the drinks were tasty.

Gu Ting had just finished his duty and returned to the classroom. He immediately spotted the quiet girl sitting in the corner. He walked over and noticed something was off.

Looking down at the drink in front of Wen Ke’an, Gu Ting fell silent.

“Did you drink all of this?” Gu Ting squatted beside her and asked helplessly.

Wen Ke’an was clearly not quite herself; her eyes were a bit dazed. She stared at him for a moment, then suddenly cupped his face and kissed him on the lips.

Gu Ting’s heart fluttered.

“Want to drink a little more?” Gu Ting asked tentatively.

To his surprise, as soon as he finished speaking, the girl beside him really reached for another bottle.

Gu Ting quickly grabbed her wrist, smiling helplessly, and coaxed softly, “I was joking; you can’t drink any more.”

Wen Ke’an didn’t have a good tolerance for alcohol and easily got drunk.

Luckily, they were at the back of the classroom, with not too many classmates noticing them.

“Does anyone want to play a game?”

At this time, the game Truth or Dare was particularly popular. With more people, it became even more exciting. After dancing for a while, they started preparing to play Truth or Dare.

“Wen Ke’an drew the bottle!!”

Wen Ke’an was utterly bewildered. She found herself holding the bottle and about to play the game without knowing how it all happened.

“Truth or dare?”

Wen Ke’an was timid and didn’t dare to choose a dare. After some thought, she said, “Truth.”

The host’s ears turned slightly red as he looked at Wen Ke’an and asked, “Do you have someone you like?”

With this question, everyone understood the situation.

Those in the know glanced secretly at Gu Ting, while the oblivious ones joined in the uproar.

Xie Hongyi quietly glanced at Gu Ting, who was sitting next to Wen Ke’an. He couldn’t understand why some people still hadn’t noticed the obvious situation between them.

As Xie Hongyi pondered this, a boy suddenly stood up beside him, shouting angrily, “What kind of question is that? It’s putting the girl in a tough spot!”

Seeing this, Xie Hongyi first looked at Gu Ting, then quickly grabbed the boy’s neck and said, “Sit down, sit down. Don’t ruin it.”

“Do you have someone you like?” Wen Ke’an thought quietly for a moment and then gently shook her head, “No?”

The informed people present looked at Wen Ke’an in disbelief. Moments ago, the two were showing affection, but now she was denying it.

Jin Ming instinctively tugged at Wen Ke’an’s sleeve.

Xie Hongyi didn’t dare to look at Gu Ting’s expression, but he could already guess what it was—undoubtedly terrifying!

“I don’t have someone I like,” Wen Ke’an paused, “but I do have someone I love.”

Her voice was soft, but as soon as she spoke, the classroom fell silent.

“I love him very much,” Wen Ke’an lowered her eyes to look at Gu Ting and earnestly added, “very, very, very much.”

Her voice was soft and sweet like candy.

If anyone still didn’t understand what was happening after such a grand confession, they must be out of their mind.

In the dim classroom, everyone looked as if they had seen a ghost.

After Wen Ke’an finished speaking, she felt a bit embarrassed, and turning around, she bumped into Gu Ting’s chest.

Gu Ting smiled, reaching out to gently rub Wen Ke’an’s head, and softly coaxed her for a few moments.

After he finished speaking, he raised his eyes and met the gazes of everyone present.

Seeing everyone’s shocked expressions, Gu Ting calmly said,

“There’s no need to look any further. The person she loves is me.”

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


  1. rvmac06 says:

    That’s why he was so okay with it lolololol

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