The Boss is Reborn with his Little Fairy

After Wen Ke’an finished talking with Gu Ting, her gaze turned to the nearby Li Ke.

This semester, Wen Ke’an hardly saw Li Ke at school. Like her, Li Ke seemed to be a quiet girl who rarely left the classroom.

Li Ke was still wearing her school uniform jacket, looking much better than yesterday.

Perhaps it was Li Ke’s distant aura that kept other female students from chatting with her. She sat quietly by herself.

After some thought, Wen Ke’an walked over to Li Ke and said, “Li Ke.”

Li Ke didn’t speak, but her beautiful eyes turned towards Wen Ke’an.

Wen Ke’an smiled and said, “This is for you.”

Opening her palm, Wen Ke’an quietly placed a yellow brooch with a small sun on top and the words “Be Happy” underneath in Li Ke’s hand.

Li Ke was momentarily stunned but then reached out and accepted it, saying, “Thank you.”

“Wish you good luck in the competition!” Wen Ke’an said.

“Thank you,” Li Ke replied softly, holding onto the gift, “You too.”


The crowd in the sports field grew as the competition was set to officially start at 9:00 a.m.

It was already 8:30 a.m., half an hour before the competition was to begin.

Gu Ting left, and Qi Qing sat next to Wen Ke’an, once again checking the live stream on his phone.

Seeing the rapidly increasing number of viewers in the live stream, Qi Qing exclaimed, “Wow, so many people already.”

The viewers had multiplied several times, reaching over a hundred thousand.

A female classmate beside Qi Qing pushed up her glasses and sighed, “So many people here to invigilate us.”

“Hahaha, cheating won’t be possible in this competition,” Qi Qing chuckled.

The competition adopted a round-robin format with one-on-one battles in four arenas. The winner could proceed to the next round for more questions. Answering more than ten rounds consecutively would lead to automatic entry into the final stage. Each round consisted of fifteen questions, answered by buzzing in; one point for a correct answer and one point for the opponent if answered incorrectly.

The competition is about to begin, and the barrage is gradually increasing. Most of them are cheering for their school’s team.

【Barrage】: h – the strongest of the strong!! Let’s go, go, go, go, go!

【Barrage】: s City First High – go, go, go, go, go!

【Barrage】: When does the competition start? This underachiever is here to watch gods fight.

【Barrage】: Ahh, I see our school’s team!!!

After watching the barrage for a while, Qi Qing was filled with enthusiasm. She turned to the person beside her, Wen Ke’an, and said, “I see our schoolmates, many people are cheering for us!”

“Go for it! Let’s achieve good results this time!” Wen Ke’an said with a smile.


Not long after Qi Qing’s words, Wen Ke’an noticed a school team in red uniforms approaching and sitting next to them.

There were also ten students from that school, but their gazes seemed unfriendly.

Seeing them, the smile on Qi Qing’s face gradually faded, turning serious. She muttered disapprovingly, “Isn’t this deliberate? Why are we sitting with them again?”

Wen Ke’an could clearly feel that many students from their school had quieted down, and an undercurrent was building.

“Do you know them?” Wen Ke’an asked curiously in a low voice.

“It’s our arch-rivals,” said Qi Qing, “the Red Kids from the neighboring city’s No.1 Middle School.”


“Actually, it’s mainly because we’ve competed together many times, and our results have been very close.” Qi Qing shrugged and continued, “Those Red Kids are especially annoying, always provoking us during the matches.”

“But their skills aren’t top-notch either.” Qi Qing looked ahead and pointed to a group of schools sitting in the front, “An’an, look at those schools in green uniforms. That’s H City High School, known for having the strongest students. Almost half of their students can get into the top national schools every year.”

“And there’s No.1 Middle School from City A and the Provincial Experimental High School, both very strong,” Qi Qing finished, shaking her head in admiration, “Sigh, the aura of the big shots is different from ours.”

The competition officially began, with all players determining their match order and competition table through a draw.

Wen Ke’an drew Court No. 4, Number 55.

“Which court are you on?” Wen Ke’an turned to Gu Ting and asked softly.

“Three, what about you?” Gu Ting replied.


The host came on stage, briefly explaining the rules of the competition before it officially started.

Wen Ke’an and Gu Ting were in nearby courts, so they kept watching each other’s matches.

“I didn’t expect the Red Kids to be this strong this time?”

By mid-morning, five or six students had already advanced, mostly from the top-ranked schools. The rival schools were performing exceptionally well, with two students already reaching the sixth or seventh round, poised for victory.

The students from the rival school were visibly proud, even engaging in taunts and provocations.

Another student from No.1 Middle School was defeated, making it five students from their school who couldn’t make it past the third round.

The leading teacher from No.1 Middle School furrowed his brows.

“Teacher Xiao Qi, the students you sent this time are not very strong,” the rival school’s teacher said with a smile, approaching Teacher Xiao Qi.

After a moment of silence, Teacher Xiao Qi replied, “Our aces are yet to make their appearance.”

“Hahaha, looking forward to it!” the rival teacher chuckled.

It seemed like old rivals were about to meet as Qi Qing was about to compete against a Red Kid from the neighboring school. Qi Qing clenched her fist, full of determination, “An’an, I’m up next.”

“Go for it!” Wen Ke’an cheered her on.

Shortly after Qi Qing went up, Lili also took the stage.

They were in different exam rooms, with Qi Qing in Court No. 3 and Lili in Court No. 4.

“Come on, give it your all!” Teacher Xiao Qi shouted in excitement.

Though Qi Qing and the student from the rival school were evenly matched, she made a mistake on one question, giving the opponent a point, leading to Qi Qing’s defeat.

“Qi Qing lost?” Anxious students from No.1 Middle School expressed their disappointment.

Just after Qi Qing’s loss, Wen Ke’an noticed another court where Lili had also made a few mistakes and lost to her opponent.

Li YueYue’s opponent is not very strong. It’s possible that Li YueYue wasn’t in good form today, as her reactions were a bit slow at times.

“How did Li YueYue lose??” Everyone was shocked.

With one win and one loss, both sides’ momentum instantly hit rock bottom.

Although Wenzhen’an and Gu Ting, the top students in the school rankings, have not played yet, most students still believe in Qiqing and Li YueYue’s abilities, as their grades have always been stable.

“I thought the ace you sent this time would be stronger.” The teacher from the neighboring school sighed, “It’s not looking good, Teacher Qi.”

Li YueYue returned, still expressionless but her slightly low spirits were palpable. She walked up to Teacher Xiao Qi and whispered, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, just do your best.” Teacher Xiao Qi, seeing Li YueYue’s weak demeanor, did not blame her. “Rest well.”


Li YueYue returned to her seat, and Wen Ke’an approached her.

“Are you feeling unwell?” Wen Ke’an handed Li YueYue a bottle of water, gently placing it beside her.

Li YueYue looked up at Wen Ke’an. “I’m fine.”

“Don’t worry, Ah Ting will definitely avenge you.” Wen Ke’an comforted her.

Gu Ting and Li YueYue were on the same field, separated by only one person.

Shortly after Wen Ke’an came over, Gu Ting also walked up to Li YueYue.

Li YueYue glanced at him and softly said, “Go for it.”

During the break in the middle of the game, the two warriors from the neighboring school were about to advance. As they approached, one of the students taunted the direction of the central school.

The crowd from the central school got angry instantly.

“They are too arrogant!!”

“The next game will be Ah Ting’s turn! Ah Ting will show them!!”

At the same time, the broadcast sounded: “Court 3, No. 53, Gu Ting, prepare.”

“Court 4, No. 55, Wen Ke’an, prepare.”

Wen Ke’an and Gu Ting went to the stage together.

While no one was paying attention to them, Wen Ke’an reached out and quietly held Gu Ting’s hand, whispering, “Good luck.”

In the dim light, Gu Ting placed his hand on his chest.

On his chest was the lucky brooch she had given him. Gu Ting looked down at her, smiling softly, and said, “I won’t let you down.”

“After all, I have a lucky charm.”

The match officially began, with Wen Ke’an and Gu Ting stepping onto the stage, causing a commotion in the barrage:

【Barrage】: Two students from the central school are on stage at once.

【Barrage】: Ahhh, why are the students this good-looking this year?

【Barrage】: Wow, that girl is so pretty!!!

【Barrage】: Our school, our school!!!

Not only the barrage but also many teachers from various schools were whispering.

“Who are these two, have you seen them before?”

“Haven’t seen them, it seems like they haven’t really participated in competitions before.”

“Could it be that they don’t have strong students left and brought in two to make up the numbers?”

Amidst the various opinions, the match officially began.

Wen Ke’an’s opponent was a tall, thin boy, probably not expecting to compete against such a good-looking girl. The boy blushed slightly and dared not make eye contact with Wen Ke’an.

Wen Ke’an didn’t pay attention to the reaction of the student opposite her and focused on preparing to answer.

At the beginning of the competition, Gu Ting lost three questions in a row.

Wen Ke’an, on the other hand, was always more stable, winning all of them. Perhaps the male student on the other side was a bit embarrassed at first, but realizing that Wen Ke’an’s skills were not bad, he started taking it seriously and tried to answer the questions.

“What’s wrong with Gu Ting? Why did he get such simple questions wrong?”

“Oh my, although it’s not nice to say this, could that rumor be true?”

“Are you saying Gu Ting bought his spot in this competition?”

Just as these words were spoken, Gu Ting on the competition stage finally won one question.

Perhaps the opponent’s player was too complacent, and being overly confident, Gu Ting managed to answer a question first.

At first, the opponent’s player didn’t pay much attention, thinking it was just one question. But then, Gu Ting suddenly exerted himself and almost answered all the questions correctly.

After dozens of questions, he completely confused the opponent’s student.

Not only were the students confused, but even the teachers from the neighboring school were bewildered.

The barrage of comments was filled with laughter.

[Barrage]: Hahaha, is he luring the opponent into complacency before making a comeback?

[Barrage]: Hahaha, this is so funny, I’m becoming a fan of this young man!

[Barrage]: So impressive, hahaha.

[Barrage]: The top two students from T City First High School are amazing!

In a matter of minutes, Gu Ting and Wen Ke’an teamed up to win the first round of the competition.

When the two students from the neighboring school stepped down, they were in a daze.

After all, they were just a step away from advancing.

Teacher Xiao Qi suddenly raised his head high, with an uncontrollable smile on his face.

Glancing at the teachers from the neighboring school, he slowly said, “Oh, what a pity, they were about to advance.”

The hearts of the teachers from the neighboring school were pierced once again.

After answering the questions, Wen Ke’an could rest for a few minutes.

Qing and a few girls from the school ran to the stage, smiling, “An’an, you are too good, not giving a chance for even one question!”

This was actually an unwritten rule; if the victory was certain, students would usually let the opponent answer one question as a sign of respect.

“Huh? Do I have to let them answer a question?” Wen Ke’an said, not realizing this before.

“You really don’t give any face to the opponent’s school by doing this, hahaha!” another girl beside her laughed out loud, “I saw the teachers from T City First High School looking so black just now, hahaha!”

“Let them provoke us! Great job!”

After being reminded by others, Wen Ke’an finally understood that it’s not good to answer all the questions correctly in a competition – you should let the opponent have a few.

After all, making the opponent’s student get zero points is not a courteous thing to do. It’s not conducive to peaceful coexistence between the two schools.

In the second round of the competition, Wen Ke’an faced a student from one of the top three schools, a cute girl who smiled a lot.

Wen Ke’an was very focused while answering the questions. When she reached the fifteenth question, she suddenly remembered she forgot to let the other student answer.

In the last question, Wen Ke’an intentionally chose the wrong answer.

What was supposed to be a happy moment turned into sadness for the girl from the opposing team, her eyes turning red.

Wen Ke’an: “”

Isn’t one enough?

With a bewildered look, Wen Ke’an stepped down from the stage and saw Qing running toward her, saying with a smile, “I’m going to make you two laugh so hard! It’s too funny, you and Gu Ting are like in sync, you know!”

“Such a simple question, did you answer incorrectly on purpose?”

Wen Ke’an asked seriously, “Didn’t you guys say to let the questions be?”

Qi Qing replied, “But we can’t just let it go like this. Intentionally answering such an easy question wrong is too insulting, hahaha!”

Wen Ke’an thought for a moment and concluded, “Letting the question go is so difficult.”


At the end of the first day of the competition, as expected, Wen Ke’an and Gu Ting successfully advanced. What started without much hope took a surprising turn, with two students suddenly making it to the next round.

This made Xiao Qi very happy.

To celebrate their success, Teacher Xiao Qi treated them to a big meal.

Li Ke didn’t like being in crowded places, so she wanted to leave after finishing her meal.

Wen Ke’an noticed Li Ke’s discomfort, made up an excuse, and left with her.

As they left, someone looked at Gu Ting curiously and asked, “Ting ge, there are so few people advancing. What if you two compete against each other?”

“Our two?” Gu Ting paused for a moment before lazily replying, “Is there even a need for a comparison?”

Soon, after everyone had finished eating, the school teachers and Gu Ting also left the place.

As they left, some people began discussing quietly.

“Gu ge is really amazing, he doesn’t even care about us being in first place, hahaha!”

“I heard before that Gu Ting and Wen Ke’an don’t get along well, Gu Ting often bullies Wen Ke’an.”

“Oh? Is that so?”

The only person present who knew the truth, Qi Qing, couldn’t stand the nonsense being spread by his classmates.

Unable to bear it any longer, Qi Qing stood up, “I’m full, I’ll go to the restroom first.”

Gu Ting’s words soon reached Wen Ke’an’s ears.

When she returned from outside, Wen Ke’an found Gu Ting and dragged him to a secluded corridor to settle the score.

“I heard that you said there’s no need to compete with me,” Wen Ke’an looked up at him, speaking slowly and seriously.

She knew that perhaps if they really competed, Gu Ting might not even answer a single question and just let her win.

But she didn’t want that. She wanted her young man to shine forever. She also wanted everyone to know that he wasn’t just a bad student from a vocational school; he was exceptionally talented.

Gu Ting couldn’t help but laugh at her serious expression.

After a moment of silence, he raised an eyebrow and said softly, “What am I competing with you for?”

“Huh?” Wen Ke’an furrowed her brows, staring at him.

Gu Ting smiled, looking down at her and slowly said, “If you win, isn’t it the same as me winning?”

The author has something to say: Gu Ting: What belongs to my wife is mine! Proud!”

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


  1. jojobabel says:

    I think this is supposed to be an earlier chapter? Thanks for the translation anw!

    1. GibeHug says:

      Chapter is fixed and updated ❤️

  2. Oanh says:

    Hello, this chapter is chapter 18 even though it should be chapter 42?

    1. GibeHug says:

      Chapter is fixed and updated 🍏

  3. Angel says:

    hii there seems to be a mistake in the uploaded chapter ? this is not chapter 42 T_T maybe you have accidentally posted a previous chapter

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