The Boss is Reborn with his Little Fairy

Under the expectant gaze of Gu Ting, Wen Ke’an slowly replied, “That’s also fine, but, I’ll pose the question.”

“Okay.” Gu Ting agreed without hesitation.

Wen Ke’an preferred to directly find questions from the learning app they had used before. The questions there were quite good. After some thought, Wen Ke’an selected a classic question with medium difficulty for Gu Ting to copy down.

“Try this question.” Wen Ke’an handed him the question.

Wen Ke’an didn’t actually know Gu Ting’s real level. This question was just to test his true ability.

The room quieted down for a while, and neither of them spoke.

Gu Ting quietly worked on the problem, and Wen Ke’an also read a book for a while, then suddenly noticed out of the corner of her eye that Gu Ting had put down his pen.

“How’s it going?” Wen Ke’an leaned over with her head.

“See if I got it right?” After saying this, Gu Ting pushed his answer sheet towards Wen Ke’an.

To Wen Ke’an’s surprise, the result and the solution steps on it were exceptionally clear.

Gu Ting had managed to solve the question in just fifteen minutes.

Seeing that Wen Ke’an didn’t speak, Gu Ting asked softly again, “Is it correct?”

Wen Ke’an reached out to him, held his face, and pecked him on the lips, “This is your reward.”

Gu Ting was stunned for a moment, lightly licked his lips, and looked at her with deep eyes.

Wen Ke’an felt a bit uneasy under his gaze, “What’s wrong?”

Gu Ting smiled and said, “I suddenly find that I am full of motivation to study.”

In the morning, just as Wen Qiangguo arrived at the storefront, Fu Huan was already there waiting early.

“Why did you come so early in this cold weather?” Wen Qiangguo said with pity as he saw the girl’s face reddened from the cold.

Fu Huan didn’t feel it was very cold, “I didn’t want to delay your time, so I came early to prepare a bit.”

This time, Fu Huan was there to film the process of Wen Qiangguo making marinated meats. Her equipment was very simple, just a basic video camera.

When Wen Ke’an and Liu Qing arrived at the shop, they saw Fu Huan and Wen Qiangguo had already started working. Wen Qiangguo had been making marinated meats for a long time and was very skilled in the process. He knew exactly what to do at each stage of cooking, with a familiarity that couldn’t be more proficient.

Wen Ke’an and Liu Qing didn’t dare to disturb them and after two hours, by ten in the morning, Fu Huan finally finished filming.

Fu Huan seemed very satisfied with the filming, and her mood improved a lot. Fu Huan was quite tall, about 1.7 meters, with short hair, looking very capable and refreshing.

“How long has the young lady been doing this?” Wen Qiangguo had been silent while filming, and now that it was over, he looked at Fu Huan curiously and asked.

“Over three months.”

“You seem very professional, how’s the income?” After asking, Wen Qiangguo felt it might be inappropriate and added with a smile, “I’m just asking casually, it’s okay if you’d rather not say, haha.”

“Currently, I don’t have much income, I only some signing fees for platforms, but they are very minimal,” Fu Huan said with a smile.

“The income isn’t much, and my family doesn’t really approve of this career. I’ve been a university graduate for two years now. If I can’t make money this year, I’ll have to listen to my parents and go home to find a stable job.”

“Young people should take risks!” Wen Qiangguo said. “All that you are doing now is accumulating experience! Once you have accumulated enough, you will surely make a breakthrough!”

“Thank you, uncle. I will work hard,” Fu Huan responded, then turned to Wen Ke’an and said with a smile, “Well then, uncle and auntie, I won’t bother you anymore. I’ll send you the video after I’ve finished editing it.”

Wen Ke’an received Fu Huan’s video in the evening. Fu Huan had put a lot of effort into the video, paying great attention to details. After watching it, Wen Ke’an felt that it was inconceivable for such a video not to be popular.

“This is fantastic!”

“May I know your platform and ID?”

Wen Ke’an was suddenly curious about Fu Huan’s account.

She soon received a message from Fu Huan.

“Of course.”

“It’s on Q Station, and the name is ‘From Huan’s Kitchen Diary’.”

Upon seeing this name, Wen Ke’an felt it seemed familiar.

She remembered clearly that in her previous life, this account eventually became very popular because it started early. It almost became a pioneer food blogger in the culinary field.

Wen Ke’an immediately sat up from her bed. She also remembered that this blogger had invested in a short video platform, becoming a major shareholder. When the short video platform became popular, so did the blogger’s net worth, leading to a decrease in content updates.

After calming down, Wen Ke’an still replied to Fu Huan’s message.

“Sister, keep going, you can definitely succeed!”

On what was initially a calm day, just after waking up, Wen Ke’an received a call from Wen Qiangguo. He mentioned that the store had suddenly become very busy and needed her help. Wen Ke’an got dressed and went to the store.

Approaching the store, Wen Ke’an saw a long line of customers and was stunned. The crowd was beyond her imagination.

The line of customers extended from in front of their store to the nearby corner.

“What’s happening?” Wen Ke’an was confused upon entering the store. “Why are there so many people all of a sudden?!”

Liu Qing explained, “It’s because of Xiao Huan’s video. It went viral after being posted!”

Wen Ke’an knew it might be because the video went viral, but she didn’t expect Fu Huan’s video to be so influential, attracting many local customers to visit.

“The stewed flavors in the video look so appetizing! Couldn’t help but come to taste! Hope it’s as good as it looks!”

“The smell of this store is nice, just how I like it!”

“This shop has always been great! I’ve been eating their food for a long time, and I didn’t expect it to suddenly become super popular!!”

As more customers came, chatter filled the street, making it lively.

When Fu Huan heard the news that the shop went viral, she quickly came over to help.

While busy working, Fu Huan smiled and said, “Let me tell you, An’an, my video yesterday got tens of thousands of likes! This is the first time! And I gained thousands of followers overnight!”


Seeing her so happy, Wen Ke’an couldn’t help but feel happy as well.

Totally different from their first meeting, today Fu Huan was much more cheerful, her face beaming with smiles.

Looking at Wen Ke’an, Fu Huan couldn’t help saying, “I am really, so happy!”

Wen Qiangguo’s shop business was so good that it completely affected the business of the shop opposite. The bustling crowd here made the other side look sparse in comparison.

When it comes to food, most customers tend to follow the crowd. They believe that the more popular a shop is, the better the food must be.

Some people, not knowing what was happening, saw the large crowd here and instinctively thought the food must be good, so they joined the queue.

Today’s poor business completely shocked Li Yueyue.

She stepped out to have a look and asked in confusion, “What’s going on over there?”

Hearing Li Yueyue’s question, a staff member at the door replied, “It seems to be a video that went viral online, so a lot of people came over.”

“Isn’t that the young girl who came over a few days ago asking to film our shop?” another staff member noticed Fu Huan and whispered.

“Could it be her video??”

“What’s the point of posting a video, Wen Qiangguo that idiot, someone will steal his recipe sooner or later!” Li Yueyue said resentfully.

“Actually, I think what that young girl filmed was pretty good, but our manager wouldn’t let her film.”

“Yeah, if she filmed our shop, maybe we’d be the ones going viral now.”

“Alas, we don’t have such luck, I wonder if our performance this month will fall short and our salaries will be deducted.”

“What are you mumbling about? Get to work!” Li Yueyue glared at the two murmuring staff members at the door angrily.

After a busy day, everything was sold out.

Wen Qiangguo rarely comes home early today, while Wen Ke’an took an afternoon nap and woke up to find it was almost dark.

At nine in the evening, Gu Ting arrived punctually to study with her.

As soon as he saw her, Gu Ting eagerly asked, “Will you give me some questions, little teacher?”

Wen Ke’an had already prepared the questions for Gu Ting. She pointed to the table and said, “They’re over there.”

Gu Ting took an hour and a half to complete all the questions and handed in his work.

At first, Wen Ke’an didn’t pay much attention, but later, as she looked at Gu Ting’s answer sheets, she was stunned for quite a while.

She couldn’t tell if it was her miscalculation or if Gu Ting’s problem-solving skills had significantly improved recently. She had given him three sets of questions, each with ten different types. She had crafted the questions to be slightly above his skill level.

She thought he might find them challenging, but to her surprise, he completed all of them in less than two hours!

And what’s more, he got every single one correct!

“Why aren’t you talking? How did I do?” Gu Ting asked softly when he saw Wen Ke’an staring, dumbfounded, at the test papers.

“You got them all right!” Wen Ke’an turned to look at him, still in disbelief. “How are you so amazing?”

Gu Ting chuckled and, seeing her astonished look, felt a bit proud. “What am I not good at, considering I’m your husband?”

“Awesome!” Wen Ke’an raised her thumbs in approval.

With the questions done, it was time to settle accounts.

Gu Ting glanced at the girl in pink pajamas beside him and said slowly, “I got thirty questions right.”

“So, doesn’t that mean, I should get thirty kisses?”

In the previously quiet room, which had only the sound of pages turning and questions being answered, soft breathing now filled the space.

Wen Ke’an dared not struggle too fiercely, for fear of alerting her parents.

Finally, unable to bear it any longer, Wen Ke’an gently nudged Gu Ting’s chest. “No more.”

Gu Ting lowered his gaze to the girl in his arms, whose face had turned slightly red from their recent kisses, her eyes misty.

“I’ve only kissed you three times,” Gu Ting stated earnestly.

“But you can’t…” Wen Ke’an’s lips tingled, and her voice came out different. She gazed at him softly, tears faintly in her eyes, “Kiss ten minutes each time.”

Author’s Note: Gu Ting: Today is another day of not wanting to be a person.

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


  1. deesan says:

    And 10 minutes for all thirty kisses. Oh my. 😆👍🏻🥂 Bro’s very smart indeed

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