The Black-Haired Dad Is Not Reaping


Chapter 03.

Return (3)

Since my childhood, countless women had passed through the emperor’s life, and the number of illegitimate children was even higher, so I couldn’t figure out who this brat was.

However, since he seemed to resemble the dimwitted ones, it seemed necessary to explain who I was.

Once he heard my proud name, even that lacking child would bow down and retreat.

“I’m the Nyu-gu-ra- Sen-ga-ka-nup-tteol!”

Damn it, I bit my tongue! When will this numbness go away?

Whoever this child was, they had certainly been given some potent drugs.

“Come down! I said, come down!”

“Don’t shake it, you idiot! You crazy idiot!”

Is this dimwit out of his mind? Why is he shaking the slide so dangerously?

The maids, unable to intervene since it was a fight between the emperor’s children, stood by helplessly.

I quickly slid down and smacked the brat on the head.

“That’s mine!”

“Why is it yours? Dad said it’s mine!”

As the legitimate heir, all royal playthings naturally belonged to me. How could he not know this, the dimwit?

Since my speech was slurred and I couldn’t say much, I pushed the brat to make my point clear.

Then, that brat had the audacity to punch me. With a thud, my jaw turned, and for a moment, I saw red.

“You little brat! You’re dead!”

I pounded the brat mercilessly, but I also got beaten up quite a bit. My hair was pulled, my ears bled, and my face was scratched. But I landed the final blow perfectly, giving my opponent a nosebleed.

It was a good thing I diligently practiced self-defense before I died. I looked closely and saw that the brat’s eye was swollen like a chestnut.

Even if I hit him a few more times, I would have probably hit him just a bit more. Serves him right!

“Waaah! Mooooom!”

What a pitiful sight, crying like that.

Proud of my victory, I stood tall and climbed back onto the slide. Blood was still dripping from my scratched face, but this was no time to worry about that.

It was my first time experiencing such a fight!

It hadn’t even been a few hours since I started living recklessly, and I had already mastered brawling; I was indeed the legitimate heir.

Humming a tune, I climbed back onto the slide.

No matter how many times I slid, it never got boring. The only inconvenience was the effort it took to climb the slide’s steps.

I briefly considered calling some guards to help me.

“Your Highness, the Princess!”

But I couldn’t bother busy people for something like that. If it was tiring, I could just rest for a bit and then play again.

As I was enthusiastically moving my legs, a group of guards suddenly surrounded the slide.

Had I gained some new divine status after surviving death? But I didn’t feel any divine power gathering.

While I was puzzled, one of the guards, pale-faced, delivered shocking news.

“It’s a royal order, Your Highness! His Majesty has commanded that Princess Vishunahel be imprisoned for striking Prince!”

The dimwit still had a knack for driving people crazy.

“How dare you! Let go of me!”

I screamed as I was carried away by the guards.

Emily and the other maids, pretending to cry because they couldn’t go against a royal order, waved their handkerchiefs. Furious that they were watching the scene from a distance, I struggled even more violently.

Then again, these were the same people who didn’t even show their faces when I died, so what could I expect from them? They were just doing what they had to do to survive; loyalty was too much to ask for.

“Aaaaah! Noooo! I don’t want to go to jail!”

“Your Highness, Princess, our eardrums might burst.”

That’s exactly what I’m aiming for. Are you a dimwit too?

This entire palace was filled with fools, all tainted by the emperor.

No wonder the kingdom was going to ruin.

The guards took me to a luxurious prison, which I assumed was a political prison, gently placed me inside, and quickly locked the door.

“Please take care of yourself.”

Could you maintain your health in here if you were in my place?

When I started screaming at the top of my lungs again, the guards began to leave one by one. From the next cell, someone banged on the wall, complaining about the noise.

But I didn’t stop.

The lung capacity of a child was amazing. How could I scream for 30 minutes straight without losing my voice?


While I was continuing to scream, showing off my voice, a louder noise than my screams broke through the wall. It wasn’t as if the entire wall collapsed, just a hole the size of an adult’s fist had appeared.

I was so amazed that I stopped screaming, and then I heard a low voice from beyond the hole.

“It’s noisy.”

Hey, watch your mouth. I am the legitimate heir of the Kisomalos dynasty, which has ruled for 500 years.

“This isn’t a place for a child. What are you doing here?”

Hmm, despite your poor manners, that’s a good question, commoner!

At the man’s question, I stopped creating noise pollution with my screams and sat properly. Even though I had decided to live recklessly, I had just lost too much dignity. For the sake of self-respect, I needed to maintain at least a little decorum.

“I hit him!”

“Assault? Who did you hit?”

“The emperor’s son!”


Why are you laughing? I’m not joking.

Angered by the man’s lack of reverence even after hearing the noble words of the royal bloodline, I shouted, “You vile thing! Lower than garbage!” But the man continued to be rude, showing no remorse.

“Oh my, I failed to recognize the princess.”

“If you recognize me, you should show respect!”

“Because of your lisp, I can’t understand you.”

“You wretch deserving of divine punishment!”

“Hmph, hmph…”

What’s so funny, you crazy fool!

As I was about to start creating noise pollution again by shouting, the man, saying he was at fault, asked me to explain how I ended up hitting the emperor’s son.

The insolent fellow said he had been locked up here for so long that even a story about a children’s fight would be amusing, but since I was also bored, I began to chat about what had just happened.

“Hmm, you hit him on the head for monopolizing the playground equipment.”

“Exactly. You understand well for a commoner.”

“But didn’t he say that it was a gift from his father? Doesn’t that make it his?”

“If it’s in the royal palace, it’s all mine. I am the legitimate heir.”

“This is serious. So, this spoiled brat is going to become the emperor?”

“How dare you!”

Just a moment ago, you seemed to understand perfectly, so why not now? You’re really hopeless.

When I cursed him again, the man apologized with insincere sincerity and asked to continue talking with me.

Hmm… How long has this commoner been rotting here that he’s begging a five-year-old to chat with him?

“So, did you win?”

“Of course.”

Proudly, I thumped my chest and declared that I had hit him about five more times.

The brat’s eye had swollen like a chestnut, and he ran away crying for his mom, bleeding from both nostrils.

When I recounted my heroic tale, the man seemed to cheer up and spoke in a bright voice.

“Well done. Winning is all that matters.”

Right? This irreverent fool strangely gets it.

After all, this was a prison for political prisoners. To end up here, he must have opposed the current emperor quite strongly and held a significant rank.

If he were a mere noble, he would have been executed, so perhaps he served a well-known deity in his household.

He might be a mid-level god, a bit lower in rank than the Kisomalos I served before my regression.

Anyway, I figured I could talk freely with this commoner about things that had been on my mind. I began to harshly criticize the emperor with my clumsy tongue, and the commoner agreed with everything I said.

Later, when dinner was served, I took one bite and found it tasteless, so I flipped the tray. The commoner worriedly advised that all prison food was like this, so it was better to just eat it.

It was almost touching how quickly he started acting like a friend after just half a day of conversation.

How lonely must he be to consider a five-year-old his friend? What a pitiful fellow.

“Your Highness, the Emperor is calling for you.”


Looks like that dimwit finally woke up from his stupor. Whether it was due to drugs or alcohol, he never slept at night and always slept during the day, doubling the energy costs for the entire palace.

This wretched dynasty. It deserves to fall.


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