The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

“What are you so surprised about? It’s fine since you’re engaged. In the desert, there isn’t much distinction between engagement and marriage, so it’s not considered improper.”


No, Your Highness. That’s not the problem here.


But without waiting for my response, the princess quickly placed the copper key into my hand and walked away. I stood there, feeling somewhat dumbfounded, repeatedly clutching and releasing the key.


‘No, if I had known this would happen, I would have brought pretty underwear!’

(T/N: That’s your issue?!! This girl—)


It wasn’t for any particular reason, just… You know. Well, if we ended up sharing a bed the entire time we were in the desert, it wouldn’t hurt to be prepared.


So, I ended up regretting not bringing any. 


“Shay, if you feel uncomfortable, you can sleep separately, so you don’t have to feel too pressured.”


“No, what are you talking about? Are you saying that you’ll sleep on the floor again?”


“They are used to sitting on the floor here, so it would be fine since there would be clean carpets.”


“It’s my heart that is uncomfortable, my heart!”


As I turned away while saying that, I caught Lacius subtly smiling in my peripheral vision.


There’s no way this is some kind of ruse, right?


I walked away with a very reasonable doubt.


The copper key had a large rose gemstone embedded in it. Perhaps there were similar gemstones on each door.


“Here it is. The room is spacious!”


People chattered excitedly as they found their respective rooms. Lacius and I quickly found our room as well. 


The first thing I notice when I open the door is the dozens of rugs and cushions woven in strange patterns.


Soft light streamed in from the very exotic shape of the window and bathed the large room.


The walls, like the exterior walls, were white, but as if some kind of glasswork had been applied to the windows, the walls were tinted iridescent.


Though there was no wallpaper, the natural and tasteful decorations were beautiful enough.


“Ah, there’s a bedroom, a living room, and a bathroom. It’s divided like this.”


It wasn’t much different from the cottage on Shay Island.


The room had a cool breeze flowing through it, and there were lamps on the walls, so it didn’t seem like it would be dark at night.


I absentmindedly wiped my hand over the table, which was adorned with a uniquely colored turquoise tile pattern.


Lacius, on the other hand, reached into a basket on the table and picked out a fig among the many fruits.


“It will be difficult to eat as it is, so I will cut it for you.”




Since I’m a bit hungry, I should eat some fruit and move around before going to the banquet. After being in the plane for more than seven hours, it felt like I had been sitting all day. Though it was nice to ride a camel even if it was hot.


“Come to think of it, when will Cat come? I bet it was really mad being carried along with the luggage.”


As I put the fig Lacius offered me into my mouth, I started thinking about Cat.


I had to leave Juliet behind because no one could take any attendant with them, so I decided to bring Cat instead. However, according to the airships’ international regulations, animals must ride in the luggage compartment.


Even if there was no such law, Cat was a massive predator who is also strong. No royal official in their right mind would want to ride in the cabin with an animal that could swallow their heads in one bite while they’re sleeping.


As a result, Cat was kept in a cage and placed in the luggage compartment, where it gave me a frightening look.  


 – Just wait and see when I get off. 


Is what he said.


“He’ll be here soon. The nobles in the desert like to keep unusual animals or beasts, so there are caretakers who specialize in taking care of such animals. They’ll bring Cat out soon, making sure he’s in a good mood.”


“Well, that’s a relief.”


I don’t really want to deal with an angry Cat.


You have no idea how bad-tempered he could be. Once he got annoyed, he could sulk for three days and nights straight without letting it go.


Lacius held out another piece of fig to me as if to reassure me.


“If it’s Cat, even if he breaks the cage and goes out he’ll return to you, so don’t worry.”


“Well, that’s true.”




It was then.


A low, angry growl echoed from outside the window.


Speaking of the devil. Cat suddenly arrived.


Sounding really angry, Lacius and I went out to the garden where Cat had arrived.


“Greetings, esteemed guests. Your pet was too fierce, so we couldn’t bring ourselves to touch it.”


“Here is some raw meat for your pet. We’ll bring more food tomorrow morning.” 


When we hurriedly went outside, we saw two men who looked like zookeepers, both with their heads bowed apologetically.


“Thank you. You’ve worked hard.”


Behind them who were sweating profusely, was Cat with glaring eyes.


Swiftly, I took out some desert currency from my pouch and handed it to the zookeepers before dismissing them.


– Open this. right now.


“I’m sorry, Cat. Hmm?”


– Open it. Give me the meat.


“Sorry, I’m really sorry.”


When I opened the cage door, Cat pounced on the raw meat in a fit of frustration, ducking its head and chewing on it voraciously.


The falling flesh feels like me, and my heart thump.


Cat tore off a piece of meat and glared at me, then tore off a second piece of meat, swallowed it, then glared at me again.


“He seemed pretty angry.”




If left as it is, a few camels might die tonight.


Contemplating for a moment, I decided to make an improvised fishing rod out of the materials I have found nearby.


“Wait a minute, I’ll just go into my room and get something.”


I left Lacius to watch Cat for a while,  checked out the garden, and went into my room to grab a few items.


In my handbag, which I always carry with me, I found a length of string that I had prepared for moments like these.


‘Let’s see, a long branch and a piece of string. And if I attach this at the end, it should make a sound as close to plastic as possible.’


The result: a giant fishing rod for a cat. 


It emitted a buzzing and humming sound, much like the whizzing of flies or bees, as it swung back and forth with a robust rhythm.


Holding the fishing rod, I carefully and stealthily made my way outside again.


Fortunately, it seemed everyone was too focused on resting after the long trip to be in the garden.




I stood next to Lacius and swung the fishing pole.


Cat, who had been tearing the meat to shreds, suddenly raised its head.


“Here, Cat!”


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