The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

In my experience, there is no shortage of people who desperately need money.

I was once in desperate need of assistance myself.

While watching my father rely on a breathing machine with burns all over his body, I used to blame myself, wondering why I was so poor and useless.

A ray of light then appeared. I was chosen to be sponsored for a charity project that large corporations participate in every year.

Big corporations choose people who are desperate for money and have a story to tell in order to improve their image.

It wasn’t solely out of goodwill, but I made a decision at the time.

Someday, when I had enough money, I would give back as much as I received.

We must repay a hundred times our grudges and a thousand times the grace we have received. That’s what my parents taught me.

As I flipped through the papers in silence, Lacius inquired on my behalf.

“Do they all live at the orphanage?”

“The sun god looks down on them, and at least the children who come to the orphanage are not hungry, but we don’t have accurate statistics on those who are trafficked, kidnapped, and commit crimes in back alleys.”

If it’s human trafficking, I’m well aware of it.

Lacius destroyed the group, but it was not the only one involved in trafficking.

The High Priest pointed out the dark side of Terran society.

“This is a name list from the temple orphanage.”

The document included the children’s names, hometowns, ages, and genders, as well as their hobbies and talents.

“Does the high priest keep this information on him at all times?”

“You can say that, but what I’ve brought today is only a small portion of it.”

Could anyone create such a complex and tedious document without any affection for the children?

No, they couldn’t.

I read the document as seriously as the high priest’s earnestness.

Then I came to a conclusion.

“We need teachers.”

“That’s correct; due to the current financial situation, children over the age of fifteen will be forced to leave the orphanage.”

“Where do those children go?”

“They usually help the temple staff, but because they haven’t learned to read, most of them can’t read the scriptures and thus can’t be ordained priests.”

It means that the more you learn, the better you will become. I tapped the paper and nodded.

“Then we need to build a school, a boarding school, so they can live comfortably after they leave the orphanage.”

“This old man will be eternally grateful if you do that.”

“However, I will only support if I can see where and how my donations are being spent, and all financial transactions will be handled directly by you, High Priest, because I cannot trust those below you.”

If someone embezzles money in the middle, I will definitely not be able to stand by. If that happens, there will be more chaos. Even if it meant painting a demon and releasing it into the world, I would overthrow the temple. However, I wished to avoid such calamitous occurrences in the future.

I just have to make sure no one gets the chance.

“If I did it myself, it would be quite expensive; perhaps it’s because I’m getting older, but there are a lot of things I want to do.”

The high priest’s eyes twinkled like those of a child.

“Do whatever you want. You do know that I’ve come into possession of a lot of Cyphelion’s treasure, don’t you?”

“Yes, I heard the rumors.”

“It occurs to me that this is where those treasures should be spent.”

I smiled as I looked at the high priest.

“Oh, please send a letter of appreciation to the other families who have agreed to donate alongside me.”

Actually, this was the end of my plan of screwing the Crisona family. The group below Count Hansen came to me and groveled, hoping to get some of their money back. But, of course, I had no intention of giving them any money.

Instead, I wrote their names alongside Schweiden’s and sent a note to the Temple of the Sun God. All of the funds for their selfish desires would be donated.

They’ll rip their heads off once more when they read about it in the newspaper.

“You’re very kind; the future Archduchess’s good deeds will have a huge influence… Thank you so much.”

“No, I’m just an insignificant person; you don’t need to praise me.”

I shook my head in response to the high priest’s praise.

Besides, I knew myself well.

I am the type of person who can share a lot when I have a lot, but not when I have little.

The high priest was a truly good person who deserved to be praised. But not me.

“I’m all for it even if the archduchess is sharing with political intent.”

“Um, that’s….”

“Just because you have selfish motives doesn’t mean it’s not an altruistic endeavor, so I’m just grateful that you’re sharing.”

The grandpa high priest hugged me and looked at me as if he understood my heart.

I averted my gaze, embarrassed.

‘Ah, this is embarrassing.’

I’m just an ordinary person who possessed a villain’s body.

If it’s someone who comes close to being a true saint, it’s the original work’s female protagonist.

She was portrayed as genuinely kind.

She will save Lacius with a pure heart that can not crush even a single bug.

“Then I’ll go over the details with you.”

“Certainly, Your Highness.”

I once again delegated the difficult tasks to Lacius.

My ultimate goal had been to weaken the Crisiona family’s power, and now that I’d accomplished that, I felt relieved.

‘Does that mean it’s all over when we finish building the amusement park in Evershal? ‘

Before that, I need to take a break. I’ve been going a little too fast.

It was time for me to take a breather and re-energize.


I stepped out of the tea house, leaving Lacius and the High Priest deep in conversation.

Then, as usual, I tried to call Cat. But at that moment…

Thick, dark chestnut hair brushed past me like the descending autumn night.

My eyes widened with an instinctual sense of caution.

A shabby, worn-out dress that had been patched several times.

Shoes that seem like water could seep in at any moment.

Slender wrist that even a thin bracelet would feel heavy on it, yet was carrying a basket full of carrots.

A maid who came out to buy groceries.

She was dressed as such, but the moment my gaze fell on her, I stopped breathing. 

– Why?

Even Cat’s voice was muffled.

No, it was as if the light of the world had suddenly gone out, leaving me unable to utter a word.

It felt as if the sun had been blocked and darkness had descended.

I bit my lower lip, clutching my trembling hands.

“Hello, would you like to buy a carrot?”

“Get out of the way!”

“Ah, sorry for blocking the road; would you like to buy a carrot? Fresh, plump carrots?”

Even the voice selling carrots is clear and pure.

The woman did not curse even when she was rejected.

Instead, she bowed down, apologized repeatedly, and attempted to sell the carrots again.

I stifled a sharp intake of breath as I watched the scene.

There she was.

The person I never wanted to see.

The female protagonist of this novel.

T/N: And that concludes Chapter 8! I’m excited and nervous since the original female protagonist has finally appeared! I’m curious how her presence will affect Shay and Lacius’ lives~👀

You can now sponsor an extra chapter by buying me a Ko-fi! 1 Ko-fi= 1extra chapter.


  1. ellie says:

    thank you so much for the chapters!!! because you mentioned this is the end of c8 im wondering how many chapters there are/how far we are into the story. thanks so much again

    1. Chocomelon says:

      This novel has 20 chapters, including prologue so I’m gonna say we’re around 40% of the novel now^^ though that is still not accurate cuz some chapters are short and some chapters are LONGGGG like this chapter😅

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