The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

Bang! Bang, bang, bang! Click, click, click.

They demanded to be let out of the room, but the door remained firmly closed.

Because the painting I made is blocking it.

I sit back down on the couch, cross my legs, and pick up the book once more.


I flipped through the pages, oblivious to the screams coming from inside the door.

It wasn’t a novel or an essay, but rather a history book that I’d been reading for a while.

My curiosity about the temple was piqued by the sight of Cyphelion’s compass.

So I bought books containing information that I believe Cyphelion would have known and read them bit by bit.

The world was created in the beginning by the seven gods who were divinely appointed by a higher being. Following that, humans gathered to form eight countries, each of which began to worship a different god.

The Sun God, the most powerful of them all, was said to have chosen Terran.

Other gods who had temples built around the world included the god of the sea, the god of the wind, and the god of love.

Praise for the gods resounded throughout ancient times, from large temples in the city center to small temples in the countryside.

The most intriguing story, however, was about Edmund, a small magical country.

‘”It was said that Painting Wizards were originally from the kingdom of Edmund.’

Edmund is a country of magic.

In other words, the first person to manifest magic founded the country.

At the same time, it was intriguing that Edmund was the world’s first country to be established.

Its location was unknown now, but it was the most advanced kingdom in ancient times, as only the people of Edmund possessed magical powers. 

The neighboring countries sought assistance from the Kingdom of Edmund to escape from barbarians, and then wizards were dispatched.

But here’s the strange part.

Edmund’s people did not worship any gods. They were instead friends with the dragons.

The most godlike of God’s creatures. Wise, kind, and human-loving..

‘I’d like to see a dragon with my own eyes.’

I took out the compass I had hidden in my bosom and placed it on the book’s cover.

The compass didn’t respond, as if it were broken.

The compass gave me no directions, not in the palace, not in the manor, not in the store, not anywhere.

I was beginning to wonder if I had brought the wrong one.

At that moment, a voice louder than any other could be heard confessing their wrongdoing.

“Please, please, I was wrong; Heuk, please let me go…!”

“Maam*, maam! Please spare me! I beg you!”

*(It literally translates to “teacher,” and it was a title used to show respect for a person with exceptional learning or academic skills, such as Confucius.)

When someone calls me a Maam so loudly, it makes me feel uneasy.

“Aaaaaaaaaaah, open it!”

“It’s locked!”

It must be excruciating to experience hell with both eyes open. But I ignored all of their pleadings. It will instill fear in their souls’ roots, preventing them from baring their teeth and inflicting harm on others in a fit of rage.

“It’s only been half an hour; let’s see what happens in two hours.”

The effect of my drawing will last for exactly three hours. Enough time to read through a thick history book. The minutes ticked by. 

I stretched as I closed the book’s final page, then reached for the doorknob of the room, which was now filled with nothing but sobs and whimpers. My hand easily opened the doorknob, which seemed impossible to open before.

“… … .”

The room was a mess. In the first place, there is nothing in there. In fact, I’d removed all the furniture, including the vase, because I didn’t want them to get hurt. They fought, clawed, got angry, and feared each other in this empty space.

I approached Count Hansen’s daughter, who was disorientedly lying on the floor. Then I willingly bent down, grabbed the young lady’s chin, and turned it toward me.

“Do you recall the words you carelessly said at the masquerade ball?”

“… … !”

“You haven’t forgotten the words you spat out while twisting your tongue, have you?”

 Is the taste of victory really this exhilarating? It’s like popping a piece of candy into my mouth and savoring the explosion of flavors. For so long, I’ve been planning, preparing, and working towards this moment.

And, while it has been difficult at times, nothing compares to the satisfaction of holding victory in my hands. What makes it even more special is that it is the result of my own hard work and determination.

“Just for that one thing, just for that one reason—”

“You all don’t seem to know me very well yet, so I needed to set an example; now will you go back to your little friends and warn them to be careful?”


“I’m sure you will; you don’t want to go through this hell again.”

I smiled and patted the young lady on the shoulder.

Lady Hansen’s pupils shook violently.

Then, as if she’d seen a demon, she turned blue and gasped, unable to breathe.

“Heuk, heuk, geuk—!”

“Shhh. Shut up, it’s noisy.”

“Heuk… heuk……”

If I were the real archduchess, I would have been more merciful; my long-term reputation would have been more important, so I would have done it with caution. However, unlike an archduchess, I was not a noble body.

Nor was I as nice and kind as the original heroine.

Perhaps this is why I possessed Villainess #4’s body, as she had the most similar personality to mine.

I let go of the young lady’s chin and moved to the other side of the room. I came to a halt in front of Count Hansen after walking past the gaping Viscount Redding and the sobbing Viscount Gloucester.

A man who is standing far away from his daughter. He’s probably not even thinking about being a father and protecting his children.

I looked down at him, my face expressionless.

“Schweiden doesn’t need you, but your presence makes me uncomfortable.”

“… … .”

“This is an order. Turn your back on Crisiona and come under Schweiden.”

He should be grateful that I am not yet an archduchess and that I am using honorifics.

I firmly said the last word and straightened my back.

“As our vassal, I will be kind to your family.”

Hikk. When they saw my face, some young ladies let out a startled gasp.

Receiving that kind of reaction when someone looks at your face is unpleasant, but I suppose it’s understandable.

Even I thought I was acting like a villain today.


“You called for me, miss?”

“The guests are returning home, and I need you to take care of them. Since some of the young ladies are not feeling well, wrap them in blankets.”

I flung open the parlor door and summoned Theobalt.

The appearance of the guests surprised Theobalt, but he skillfully concealed his expression.

What occurred in this small room remained a mystery.

after everyone had left.

I took down the painting I’d hung behind the door.

The canvas became empty as if it were new after all of the power of painting was exhausted.

”I painted it half-heartedly, but I never imagined it would be this useful.’

The painting they had to go through…

For reference, the title of this work was “Monsters in the Black Hole.”

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