The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

Not just a recorded video, but I also want to feel the air, humidity, and weather of this day.

The sweet scent of lilies from the valley wafting through the air.

The angle of his arm resting on the window frame. Even the way he’s looking back at me and blinking his eyes.

How nice it would be if everything belonging to this moment could be reproduced.

I smiled regretfully at the moment that had passed.

“Let’s get off.”

I made myself busy to try to forget about it, but now quite a bit of time has passed.

If I had known that every minute and every second I spent with him would have felt this precious, would I have accepted his proposal at that time?

Even if I ask yourself that question, I will shake your head.

Even if I knew that my future self would like Lacius, I would have accepted the contract.

Because I had no idea what it was like to truly and deeply like someone.

‘I can’t even comprehend this feeling of wanting Lacius to be really happy now, more than my own happiness.’

For someone who will stand by your side in the future, I will keep my heart closed.

I straightened up and got off the plane.

A vast expanse of grass stretched out in front of me, which surprised me greatly.

* * *

A group of people who only come together when they make bad plans gathered today.

“All the designers have been fired.”

“Well done. The show was completely ruined, I’m not even sure if they are sane”

“Since this happened, we need to get at least the sea dragon eggs.”

“Right. And make her lose all her investment!”

Viscount Redding snorted, catching his breath. Viscount Latrus also couldn’t hide his depressed mood and repeatedly pick up and put down his teacup.

In fact, the damage they incurred this time was enormous.

The idea of ​​putting a lot of jewels in a corset seemed very groundbreaking at first. If they put on a show for it, all the crazy ladies will buy it. Perhaps even Lady Crisiona would be tempt to but it.

It was not without such a intention.

But what? That redheaded bitch was not ordinary.

She came up with a concept completely opposite to theirs and presented an absurd fantasy, asking the ladies to imagine themselves becoming priestesses. The number of customers who came to the their lingerie show was, well, not bad, so they thought it would be okay, but the problem was sales.

No one, not even one bought a jeweled corset.

That was not at all what they expected from Latrus and Redding.

They thought it would sell at least 20 sets, so they hired jewelers and finished the production in advance, and now it became a problem

How much money did it cost?

“The carrier pigeon says the ship is coming back soon, right”

“Yes, those damned sea dragon eggs. I want it to arrive quickly and be in front of me.”

Grit. The pompous middle-aged men couldn’t even laugh anymore.

Viscount Redding is biting his nails, and Viscount Latrus looks like he doesn’t know how to make up for the enormous damage.

The expressions of the other viscounts were not very good either.

What is the use of firing a designer. What about the money they spend on jewelry?

Even if they swindled the jewelry workers of their labor costs, they would not surely get much from it.

‘As long as the sea dragon eggs come back, I should have the biggest stake.’

The Viscounts, as well as Hansen, who invested a little more money than others because he was the only count among them, thought the same.

In the first place, their relationship was based on their shared interests.

And now a loss is causing rift to that relationship.

A relationship that will unite in front of an enemy they want to trample to death, but will crumble in front of money,  leaving little chance to maintain this precarious relationship

* * *

At that time, under the sea.

A storm is raging above the water, but underneath it is quite calm.

No matter what disturbance happens outside, the deepest abyss keep its calmness.

‘I didn’t expect it to be real.’

The huge, sunken plane is now rusting. The black-haired man slowly circled around it.

Many planes these days have a perfect oval shape. It was because it received the least wind resistance. However, planes that existed in the past had countless forms, and the same was true of Cyphelion’s.

Because it is conical, the front part is too pointed. Something like wings were put on the top, and the overall shape resembles a sailfish.

‘How interesting. To think they thought of flying on such a thing.’

Human creativity sometimes surprises him.

Aragon rubbed his chin as he saw ‘Liang 999’ written on its body.

In fact, he came here, unsure if it was really here.

If it did not, he was going to put the cost of labor toward her debt to make her scales heavier later.

However, the crashed plane was really here.

And that, too, in a state that is almost unharmed.


Thump. After picking up a stone and hitting the plane a few times, Aragon circled around two and a half times to find the entrance.However, it is not easy to enter because of the seaweed and barnacles entangled to it. Eventually, he would have to hoist it up and bring it ashore to see if there was any treasure inside.

Aragon raised his index finger and rotated it. Then the current of the water suddenly reversed.

At some point, the waves that had been spinning slowly and creating small whirlpools began to lift the plane with great force.

Cyphelion’s plane, which had been sunk here for a very long time,was only came to the surface. However, there was no one but the fish to share this thrilling moment. Chakk. A round object rose from the dark sea’s surface. The rain, which was still pouring down hard, hit the rusty hull and washed away the salt.

“Now, I don’t know how to move this so it won’t look suspicious.”

Drop. Drop. There was only one ship around the place where Aragon floated. However, it wasn’t the same boat that was looking for sea dragon eggs. That ship was already very far away. It was sent to the other side of the world, where humans can’t find it. It will be drifting around like a ghost ship in the fog.

Since he was in a good mood after eating souls for the first time in a while, Aragon even gave a kindness that he didn’t have to give.

A black energy wafts from his shoulders in a black suit.

He took it off and brought it to his lips, and when he blew, what had been just a lump of energy took shape.

Caw caw. The crow, which had been soaked in the rain as soon as it was born, cawed disgruntledly.

It must have felt unfair after seeing the round film-like curtain hanging around Aragon, so he wouldn’t get rained on.

“Alright, there should be paper inside, let’s go in.”

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