The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

Having shouted that, I had no choice but to put down the flower pot I was holding in my arms. The owner of the workshop is nowhere to be found, and I can’t just steal it.

‘Goodbye, Palm Tree. I’ll be back to get you soon. ‘

The palm tree, perhaps knowing that I wasn’t taking it anymore, hung down its leaves in a sullen expression. It’s a pity, but stealing is a crime.

As the presiding judge’s fiancee, I couldn’t do it, so I opened the door and went outside, swallowing my tears.

The knights followed behind me, and as soon as the door shut behind Sir Wilhelm, I immediately tore the business card. I didn’t throw it away just in case, but I would never contact this place.

“Ebie, Jijida, Jiji*.” 

*(These words are for scaring kids; Ebie is a monster[Ebie will come and get you if you don’t brush your teeth] while Jiji is like saying “Don’t do that” to a kid.)

“Pardon? What do you mean by Jiji?”

“Ah, it’s an awful dialect.”


Dame Catherine looked puzzled, but it was difficult to explain further.

And after Shay went outside like that…

“Right, she’s a painting wizard, so she won’t be easily seduced.”

Aragon drew the corners of his mouth upward while he stood motionless.

His eyes were on Shay.

A beautiful woman with long red hair. The blue-silvery eyes, which seemed to burn little flames, were one of the rarest things he had ever seen in the world. On top of that, she has long eyelashes and a tall nose. An arrogant face filled with self-esteem and pride.

The boldness that only a human who pretends not to, but loves herself to the bone can show, shimmers in her soul.

It is a coveted soul that makes you want to take it and swallow it at once.

It would be enough to fill this hungry stomach… 

However, the moment her fine and delicate hands vigorously tore the business card, Aragon’s eyes darkened again.

The connection was broken.

“Hmm, it’s a difficult opponent. Maybe because she resembles ‘her’ so much… That’s why it’s difficult.”

Aragon put his left hand on his cheek and tilted his head.

He narrowed his eyes and seemed to think of something for a while, then smiled and held something firmly in the air. And the moment he put it down.

“Eup, up, up!”

A person who hadn’t been there, appeared suddenly, tied with a rope.

“Now, forget everything you saw.”


“Do not worry. Nothing happened here.”

Aragon removed the glove he had on. Then he stretched out his hand towards the shop manager’s eyes.


Black smoke seeped out from under his palm. The manager struggled in fear, but the smoke soon covered every corner of the workshop.

After a while…

The drooping manager, who had fainted, was now the only person left in the workshop.

* * *

“Oh, what should I do?”

I went to the magic workshop, but still gained nothing, so I spent time till the next morning with my shoulders drooping.

Fortunately, I was able to hide my appearance from Lacius because he left early today to attend court work.

‘I want to give him something really nice.’

Lacius has given me dozens of things so far, but I’ve given him nothing, so no matter how shameless I am, I felt bad.

But I’ve always been bad at choosing gifts for a man. No matter how much I flipped through magazines, I only saw obvious things like perfume. Lacius doesn’t even wear perfume.


I sat down in the rocking chair outside the front door and heaved a sigh.

The sunlight is pleasant and the landscape is nice because it’s spring, but I can’t think of anything creative because my head is in disorder.

‘Ugh, I don’t know anymore. Let’s just go to Evershal.’

I don’t think I’ll ever come up with something no matter how hard I rack my brain. So I decided to refresh my mind and rise from my seat. However, as soon as I got up using the recoil of the chair and got my balance, I saw a carriage coming towards the mansion.


“The Lord has arrived.”

Theobalt appeared at the same time I found Lacius’ carriage and opened the door.

As he held up the small silver bell with his white-gloved hand and shook it, I heard the sound of bustling footsteps inside. All the employees came out and waited in line with him.

‘This is the biggest change, but it was initially supposed to be like this.’

Numerous people occupy positions according to their rank. The carriage stopped in front of them, and soon the butler opened the door.

“Welcome home, Your Lordship.”

“Welcome home, Your Lordship!”

As soon as the butler’s greeting was over, several greetings echoed. I stood right in front of the porch and looked at Lacius. I looked at him who was still looking somewhere else.

And when the gentle blue-grey eyes turned to me, my heart pounded senselessly again.

“Lashin! Is today’s trial over?”

“Yeah. It ended earlier than expected.”

So I greeted him with a louder and brighter voice on purpose. Lacius walked past all the servants who were bowing politely and stood in front of me.

“Have you eaten?”

“Yes, I already ate.”


“How about you?”

“I ate at the courthouse. Let’s go in. Even in the spring, exposure to a lot of wind is bad.”

How did he know I was outside the entire time? Lacius, who had touched my cheek, hurriedly headed inside.

I moved along with him, trying to ignore the fluttering of my heart. As I walked in, I saw a completely different scenery from earlier, before I went out.

“What is all of these?”

The butler who received the cloak of Lacius answered the question.

“These are the congratulatory gifts for the lady.”

“Sounds more like bribes.”

Gasp. Surprised, I froze in my spot. I widened my eyes and looked back and forth between Theobalt and the pile of presents.

What, I’m only his fiancée, but was already getting bribes? 


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