The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud


– On the day of the party, I sense an unusual presence.

……? What exactly is he talking about?

“Wait? Why are you saying this only now?”

-It isn’t a person. It was unique… It has a strong soil odour.

“The smell of soil?”

-I chased it while you went outside, but it eventually vanished into the ground. It wasn’t one of those rats, in my opinion.

Cat narrowed its eyes and licked its nose with its tongue.

I was dumbfounded and glared at Cat.

“… Hey, you… Be honest. You waited until now to say it because you were embarrassed after letting it slip, didn’t you?”

Then Cat, who had been licking its front paws vigorously, turned away, as if guilty.

I squeezed Cat’s face with both of my hands, stunned.

“Am I correct? Did you just say it now because you missed it and thought it was embarrassing?”

-The crazy woman stole the cup from which you drank.

“Don’t change the subject!”

-I noticed she was attempting to keep the liquid on the cup. You’ll know what you drank if you find her.

Cat spat out his words until they were finished, then jumped out the window and vanished.

I had intended to grab that nasty wagging tail, but I could only touch it.

Ugh, whatever.

No wonder why no matter how long I waited that day, I failed to even see his nose. He was chasing something, but it vanished.

I pursed my lips and wrinkled the bridge of my nose.

‘No, but what the hell is that suspicious thing that smells like soil?’

* * *

Peridot Crisiona.

There are only two grand princesses in the Terran Empire, excluding the Archduchy of Schweiden.

She grew up surrounded by valuables from a young age and was exceptionally intelligent.

All of the Crisiona family’s teachers stuck their tongues out as they congratulated the Crisionas on the birth of such a great person in to the family.

She completed her basic studies and education at the age of ten, and by the age of eleven, she got interested in making medicines.

Plants needed to be handled carefully in order to make medicine, and Duke Crisiona, who fully supported his daughter, built a greenhouse in their home.

Anything is fine as long as she don’t distance herself from the royal family.

Increase your power under the royal family by any means and methods.

Peridot grew up under such a family belief.

With the power of her family, she established a new plant research department within the imperial family and began serious research into what she desired. However, it was insufficient. There were numerous outstanding ladies.

Plant research is also important, but it has yet to prove its worth.

The current emperor is the father of a princess and a prince. Regardless of who looks at it, the prince is unworthy of the throne.

Princess Dioles Terran would unquestionably be the next Emperor. The princess, however, had one fatal flaw.

She wouldn’t pay attention to anything that would not provide her new and exciting stimuli on a regular basis.

One emperor, two dukes.

The development of a generation is affected by which of the two ducal families receives the most protection.

For three generations, the Crisionas have been victorious. Peridot couldn’t afford to lose this generation.

“Perry, welcome back.”

“We haven’t had tea alone like this in a long time, Your Highness.”

As a result, Peridot risked her life by smuggling something out of Edmund’s kingdom.

“It’s because I’m preoccupied. How is the research coming along?”

And this is the result.

Peridot smiled slightly at the princess who was holding her hand and questioning her.

“Planting plants in the sand is failing every time, but I’m planning to turn it in a different direction. I’m glad there’s still time before Lakurum.”

“Yeah. It doesn’t matter if there is no outcome. I’ll see what I can do, but keep in mind that I didn’t say I’d definitely help.

The princess spoke cheerfully and sat down at the tea table, which had already been set up.

Only those who were not dolls were permitted to speak with the princess alone. In other words, someone who was important enough to devote her personal time to.

‘This is what I accomplished.’

Peridot, who pretended to be happy, stared silently at Dioles, who was busy moving.

After all the years she’s spent vying for this person’s attention, she can’t believe she’s being pushed around by that unknown greenhorn.

“Let’s hear what you’ve got to say, enough to request a private meeting.”

The teacup exudes a strong scent of apple mint. The princess was smiling, but her eyes were narrowed as she examined her. Peridot lifted the teacup quietly and tossed a hot topic.

“Your Highness, the Royal Princess. What should I do if I see a wildcat in front of the chicken coop?”

“You should set a trap before the chicken gets killed.”

“Right? If it was in a chicken coop, it most likely has an owner, so if something else appears and takes it away, the owner will be furious.”

Instead of responding, the princess elegantly raised her teacup, having understood Peridot’s words. Although they conversed in a question and answer format, this was straight forward enough.

The princess, who was taking her time swallowing the tea, gave a low response.

“As you already know, Titania is well-protected by Lacius.”

“I see it as well.”

“It’s a natural human instinct to be intrigued by new things. Do you think Lacius would listen if I told him to get rid of that fun-loving child?”

It’s just an excuse. If she truly wants to get rid of it, she can go to any length. She can keep it hidden for at least a few years. Even the archduke couldn’t control the princess’s power. However, she does not wish to do so at this time.

Peridot, who had deduced the princess’s intentions, chuckled.

“Isn’t it your creed not to accumulate useless items?”

“Well, I’m a generous person who doesn’t throw things away easily. Also, haven’t I given you enough time?”

Despite knowing what she desired, the princess avoided it.

Peridot opened her mouth, realising she couldn’t use the princess to drive Titania away.

“It was an unexpected turn of events, but that doesn’t mean we didn’t reach an agreement. Don’t you know best how much I’ve done so far for the Imperial family?

T/N: An extra chapter as a thank you for the Kofi I received last week! Thank you so much for the support ❤️


  1. ellie says:

    ahhh thank u sm for the new chapters and happy this is probs my fave series which i why i always save it for reading last ehehe

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