The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

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“This building is old, but it is in a good location.”

How much time did I spend sleeping? Lacius’s hand gently tapping my shoulder jolted me awake.

“The starting bid is 300 million.”

‘At long last, it’s my building!’

My eyes lit up as soon as the presenter finished speaking. I folded my thumb and index finger, joined the other three fingers, and quickly lifted it up, not even letting my drowsiness go away first.

This gesture means you want to increase the bid by 30 million gautes.

“OK, we have 330 million. Oh, 360 million people over there. The next person called 390 million.”

3, 6, 9.

3, 6, 9.

It’s not some kind of drinking game*, is it? What is going on? 

* (In Korea, there’s a drinking game called 3,6,9.)

It was clearly a stoic reaction, but when hands are raised here and there, it all adds up to 30 million. I jerked awake and looked around with sharp eyes.

“He’s a swindler. It’s an old trick.”

Lacius confirmed my concerns.

I’m not sure who they are, but it appears that there are others who want to own that building as well.

‘Bring it on then.’

I smiled, clenched my fists, and raised them. At first glance, it appears to be 0, but this is a hand gesture that one should not mess around with. It meant adding 100 million to the bid that had already been made.

“490 million dollars.  Someone called 490 million!”

The host’s call comes in with the force of a tornado. I snorted, letting my hair fall behind my shoulder.

“Isn’t 500 million gaute too much for a two-story building in that location?”

“It’s fine. I’ll double the profit.”

Lacius looked at me with concern, but also half-interested. He seemed to be anticipating what I would do there. With a pounding heart, I checked to see if there were still competitors.

I’ve already added this high, so I’m hoping there won’t be any more.

In front of the stage, a woman in a pure white hoodie raised her fist immediately. To me, it appeared to be a challenge.

“Great! 590 million.  It grew to 590 million!”

So you want to play with me?

My eyes flashed as I raised my fist once more. The opponent then raised her fist once more.

This indicates that my opponent has a large amount of money.

“It’s 690 million, no, 790 million!”

Spending so much money on an old building is a waste.

As the fight between me and my opponent became more intense, the other people took notice and began to retreat.

Some people became speechless. However, having lived in Seoul, this failed to discourage me. Having to spend this much money on a building on a cheap land* is truly absurd. 

  *(I’m assuming she’s talking about Seoul lol.)

But it’s just frustrating because the price of the building I thought I’d buy cheaply keeps rising!

“990 million dollars! It has risen to 990 million!”

The host shouted loudly, his voice cracking, as I raised both of my fists as high as I could. At the same time, the auction house fell in a deafening silence. The woman in the white hood hesitated, as if she had run out of bullets. She eventually decided not to raise the bid any further.

“Look at what I won. Please look forward on what i’ll use it for”

The building eventually became mine. I put my hands on my waist and smiled triumphantly.

* * *

“I’m so mad that I can’t stand it!”

Large monstera and caladea leaves breathe in sunlight and exhale clean air in the greenhouse. A place where strange plants grow and colourful flowers poke their heads out. There was an expensive glass table in between them.

“I have no idea where it came from! How dare you steal the princess’* thing.”

*(Duke’s daughters were also referred to as princesses sometimes.)

A noblewoman with wavy blonde hair sat there reading. The lady’s expression had not changed in the least. A woman dressed as a maid stood in front of her, her white robe draped over her arms. She stood there and vomited her rage.

“I was attempting to reclaim it in some way, but that woman unexpectedly added 200 million gautes… I didn’t have enough money prepared. I sincerely apologise.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, I will bring a lot of money next time. I assumed that amount would suffice… I apologise, miss.”

The maid knelt and apologised. On the outside, she was screaming her frustrations and how she couldn’t stop it, but her back was wet with sweat. She was afraid she would simply ‘disappear.’

The noble lady is quietly reading a book while surrounded by various plants.

The Crisiona family’s crown jewel, who appears to have been born noble and raised with dignity.

Nobody will understand why they are so afraid of her just by looking at her.

But the maid was aware.

About the fact that the maids who personally served Peridot have frequently “disappeared” without a trace.

“Your heart is racing too fast; it’s unpleasant.”

“I-I apologise.”

“You don’t have to be afraid. Do you think I’d kill you just because you were robbed of a building?”

Peridot said softly, taking a breather from her book. Then she poured the tea into the teacup in front of her quietly. She embodies ‘nobility’ perfectly, as if straight out of a painting, with her unparalleled elegance.

As she watched the teacup being pushed in front of her, the maid swallowed her saliva. Is there any poison in it?

“I can’t leave her alone.  She’ll undoubtedly get in my way numerous times in the future.”

“Y-Yes! That’s correct. She was always bragging about how much money she had… It was so demeaning that listening to it was causing my ears to rot.”

The maid spattered saliva as she spit out her rage again. Peridot was simply listening to her maid, a serene smile reached her slender eyes that were as thin as the fox’s.

“Here, have a cup of tea. Thank you for coming all the way there.”

“M-Miss… .”

“I should have bought it earlier. It’s my negligence. So don’t worry about it.”

The maid’s eyes fluttered at the very kind words.

Yeah, well, what is she gonna do, poison her here or something?


  1. Vee says:

    That maid 🪦💀😵

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