The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

Lacius removed his shirt and handed it over to Theobalt.

His muscular body, which was usually hidden beneath his clothes, was on display.

Even so, the window curtains weren’t drawn today.

Theobalt smiled softly, knowing Lacius’ gaze was fixed on the garden.

“Right. Of course, the mansion felt like home after she arrived.”

“The atmosphere in the mansion has changed. I guess I’m not the only one who thought that.”

“That’s correct. Maynard and I are both thinking the same thing. The house is now brighter because of her.”

Since Shay’s arrival, everything has changed.

Should he call it the feeling of finally having some warmth in a cold place?

That explains why he felt good even on the way home.

Even if he fell asleep without seeing Shay, he knows he’ll see her smiling brightly the next morning.

It was the first time in his life that he was glad to sleep and wake up in the morning.

Lacius stepped outside, buttoning up his sleeves and wearing a more comfortable but stylish outfit. Theobalt followed him, wrapping his ceremonial cloak around him to complete his attire.

As he descended the central stairwell, an elderly woman with her white hair gracefully curled up, stood respectfully beside him.

“Tabby is your name, right?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“I apologise for entrusting you with this type of task at your age.”

“No, it doesn’t matter if I’m old or young. It makes me happy to have a master who will allow me to serve him again.”

Tabby, the elderly lady, smiled as if she was genuinely happy.

Grandma Tabby was a colleague who used to work with Theobalt outside of the mansion.

If Theobalt Luwin was known as ‘Luwin of information’ as a child, Grandmother Tabby was known as ‘Rain of memory’ in the back alley.

Tabiona Moore was Grandma Tabby’s real name, and she had an incredible memory.

“My memory never fails me, even as I get older. Apart from that, there is nothing I can’t do with this old man beside me.”

“I trust you.”

“Hehehe. Don’t be worried. I was reunited with a friend I thought had died, so there’s nothing that scares me anymore.”

While Shay was struggling to buy the old teahouse, Lacius learned about Tabby from Theobalt.

They both used to work in the back alley when they were younger.

However, for some reason, they become sceptical of their work and decided to wash their hands. They travelled together from the base to the capital, and in order to avoid detection, they disguised their true identities completely.

And each fabricated evidence of their demise so that their original owner could not find them.

They were so used to living in back alleys that they excelled at hiding their traces.

Years later, even as they grew older, the two never looked for or attempted to find each other.

Shay found her by chance and made them meet again. It was an incredible coincidence.

Tabby agreed to become ‘active’ once more, and Lacius hired her to work with Theobalt.

He has only one request for them. Information on painting wizards.

Many details about ‘Painting Wizards’ were kept hidden. However, the two will seek more information than is ostensibly available. They might find out why Shay gets cold when she uses painting magic.

Or even more valuable information.

Is a painting wizard a person with moon power, or is Shay a special person with moon power? He’d love to know that too.

For now, Lacius decided to wait.

“Please get back safely.” 

“Alright. Make sure not to get seen by Shay when she gets back”

“I understand.”

Lacius jumped on his horse without hesitation. He misses Shay. He hasn’t seen her in a long time and misses her smile and coy eyes. Lacius drove there despite knowing there would be a large crowd at the party.

* * *

30 minutes before Lacius’s arrival, A large crowd of invited ladies descended on the store.

The princess and Ziontin had already changed into Madame’s clothes and were conversing, but what they were holding was not champagne.

It was the liquor brought separately by the princess, but even though they were on their fourth glass, there was no change in their expressions or complexions.

“Really, Lacius isn’t coming?”

“Perhaps. I don’t want to be a burden to him.”

“That’s unfortunate. I was curious to see what expression he would make when he saw this scene.”

The princess set the glass down and told a joke that wasn’t really a joke.

I managed to pass the situation with a meaningless smile as I looked around the hall while sipping strawberry champagne next to the princess.

‘So far, everything is going according to plan.’

Perhaps because the princess is by my side, the annoyance I expected has not occurred. Someone screaming “What the hell is this dress?” should have happened by now. However, seeing the princess standing proudly wearing a madam’s suit, I know that will not happen anymore. Furthermore, I recently discovered that the majority of the ladies found Dame Ziontin difficult to deal with.

There are a lot of them.

“Dame Ziontin.”


“Tell me honestly. You don’t have any friends, do you?”

It’s the eleventh time a lady has sneaked up to see Ziontin because she wants to talk to her, only to leave when she sees Ziontin’s expression.

As I looked at Ziontin, who was expressionless, I had no choice but to ask that question.

“Ladies dislike me.”


“Yes. Most of them avoid me while having pale faces, so I should avoid them.”

Ziontin continued to speak casually while looking at the lady, who couldn’t shake her regrets and was glancing over here.

“Perhaps because I’m the type you’ll want to see from a distance rather than get close to.”

“I don’t believe that’s the case.”



Should I tell her or not?

I was unsure whether or not to tell the truth because she appeared to have a major misunderstanding.

“I’ve kept it hidden until now, but it’s fine if you want to tell her.”

At the time, the princess intervened quietly and encouraged me. Ziontin looked down at me, her blue eyes wide with curiosity. She seemed to have no idea what I was talking about.

I set my champagne glass down and scratched my cheek.

“What I mean is that the ladies are not afraid of the dame.”

“I’m not sure what you’re saying.”

“So, dame, they actually like you.”


  1. ellie says:

    aaaaaaaah theyre all so cool as always! i dont remember if what happened to the princess in the og novel was mentioned, but seeing as shes a villainess i cant imagine it was any good lol. i love her soooo much!! and i cant wait to see what everyone does once lacius shows up!!! aaaaah thank u for the update as always

    1. Chocomelon says:

      I feel like the princess have more fans than Shay… why is that lol

  2. Nosleep says:

    I also prefer the princess. she’s undeniably cool

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