The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

Madame couldn’t speak.

Madame had sold her former store after staying at the Schweiden Mansion.

It was small and shabby, so it didn’t cost much, but it appeared that she used it to pay off her debt. She appeared to be living on the money I gave her, but no amount of money I give is sufficient to purchase a building.

Because the current Madame has yet to establish herself.

“It’s actually a store… To have such a lovely and prosperous store…”

Inside the building. Madame wiped her tears as she stood beneath the chandelier and looked inside with a flushed face.

Of course, it’s my building, but that doesn’t mean I’ll make Madame pay the monthly rent or kick her out because she can’t sell much. Madame literally only had to make the clothes she desired.

‘Until the original female lead appears,’.

I’ll then ask her to change the muse to the original female lead, and I’ll take a step back. Madame will meet the original female protagonist, just as she did in the original, and her sales will improve. When that time comes, Villainess #4 will leave quietly. On the surface, at least.

In front of the excited comrades, I opened the purple envelope and a neat card lined with silver pearls that I had previously obtained.

“This is our opening ceremony’s invitation.”

“Wow, that’s really classy.”

“Yeah, I’m going to send out party invites to all the ladies in the capital.”

I didn’t even consider whether or not they would show up. They will undoubtedly come. After all, I am the new lady who took the seat next to the princess. Rumors had circulated that the princess thought I was adorable, but I wasn’t being treated like a ‘doll.’

There is no one who is unaware that I am Lacius’s official lover. So, who wouldn’t want to meet me? Humans are curious animals who can’t keep their curiosity in check…

“It’ll undoubtedly turn out well.”

“I will work extremely hard.”

With a smile on their faces, they all clenched their fists. Seeing that gave me a little bit of strength.

‘Yes, now is not the time to think about anything else.’

Let’s not forget our original purpose.

First. Root out Lacius’ crazy fans.

Second, to ensure that no one bothers me, I’ll appoint a guard, a helper, and, if possible, a noble friend.

Third. Lay the groundwork for my life so that I can live happily even if I divorce and move to the countryside.

Extra service. Since I’ve been given a large sum of money, I might as well fight the villains who are preventing Lacius from connecting with the original female lead.

These are the things I need to consider.

I haven’t done anything perfectly yet, so thinking of anything other than them is presumptuous.

‘Let’s forget, forget, forget.’

I tried to forget about Lacius, who was still blooming in the back of my mind.

Then, while checking the inside with Madame, we discussed where and what to put. I was so absorbed in my work that I felt as if it’s finally slipping off my mind… even if not in reality.

* * *

A private party.

Being in my own league* that could only be seen through apps like Instagram. Today was that decisive day.

*(Far excelling even the closest contender; not having any worthy competition.)

Hundreds of champagne glasses were arranged in a mountain formation on a long table covered in a peach-colored tablecloth. A large chocolate fountain was soaring high and flowing down next to it, with cut fruits neatly stacked around it. Of course, there are small sandwiches and cookies, as well as seven different types of cakes served on plates of varying heights.

A sight that will fill you with a sweet aroma just by approaching it.

If the centre is a food table, Madame’s previous dresses, jackets, and shoes were hung on the wall, sorted by colour.

There were pyjamas, wool slippers, and cute sleep masks hanging down in the corner deep inside.

If you think it stops there, you’re mistaken.

Those are insufficient to make the nobility gasp.

I purchased a dozen mannequins carved from the finest marble. Madame covered the mannequins, which were placed at a certain distance on both sides of the store, with twelve of her masterpieces. Furthermore, I took out all of the jewels I had purchased thus far and decorated them on the mannequins. A waterfall-inspired diamond necklace and a dazzling blue sapphire bracelet. Because they are handcrafted jewels, the mannequins itselves were a work of art.

I didn’t finish it all the way, but I made sure to cover the first two mannequins with flower petal-shaped jewels. As a result, people will gasp in awe as soon as they walk in.

Furthermore, the band’s soft and low performance transformed this space into a very dreamy one.


It was my first time organising a party, but I didn’t have a hard time because I had been following influencers on social media.

I felt proud and took a moment to relax in the empty space.

Madame and everyone else were tensely standing at the door. Today, Madame’s clothes will be sold here. Will it end with a joyful scream or a sombre cry? Madame had a worried expression on her face as she waited.

But, that was then.

“Heh, it looks like I showed up at a Solidarity party. I-It’s not anything special.”


“Oh my God, It’s a p-party in a gutter-like place!”

Is that a carrot?

The curled orange hair caught my eye first, rather than the pointed, muttering mouth.

It was as if she couldn’t keep her hair tidy no matter how she tried, a bizarre case like an Afro style. She has very pale green eyes with red corners, as if she had just cried before coming here.

She appears to be insulting, but I didn’t get angry because she was so pitiful. She was clearly trying so hard to find fault.

But I felt a strong sense of deja vu.

‘Oh, I think I know her…’


  1. ellie says:

    hahaha thank u for the update!!!! i look forward to reading this every week!!! <333

    1. Chocomelon says:

      You are welcome! I hope you stay till the end~ Enjoy reading^^

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