The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

An auctioned-off bankrupt building. There’s also the old tea house. It didn’t take long for the two old buildings to be sparkling clean and fashionable. It was thanks to the Imperial Palace wizards dispatched by Her Royal Highness.

‘With this level of power, the amusement park would be completed sooner.’

When I arrived in front of my building early in the morning, I smiled as I looked around.

The tea house grandmother was terrified of handing over the building to me, but she eventually agreed to sell it to me. Although the current tea house would be demolished and replaced with a new three-story structure, the first floor would continue to operate as a tea house, she finally agreed on that condition.

“The third floor would be a house, so you don’t have to worry too much. The second floor is an office.”

“Who will live there?”

“My employees.”

Madame and her assistants received enough money from me to make ends meet.

However, the staffs had to be paid by the madame, but they did not have much work and had no skills, so they seemed to have little income.

I wasn’t sure, but they probably have no home to live comfortably with.

‘Even if you make a three-story building, as long as the first floor is a tea house, then there is nothing to be worried about living upstairs.’

This world had no concept of having another store upstairs.

Since it is natural for a building to be an entire store, it is unlikely that customers will come to look for anything on the second floor.

In that case, it would be good to just use it as an office or dormitory.

Not only one or two will work for me in the future, but more and more people. There is a fitting room in the basement of the store, but there must also be an office to process documents.

It was obvious that everyone would be comfortable working if it was just right next door.

“Well, that’s enough here.”

I looked at my watch and there were still ten minutes left. In a little while, Madame, her assistants, and all the staff will come here. They have to look at where and how things will be placed, because experts are better at that than me. Until then, I decided to sit around and drink tea for a while.


I knew it. It was always Lacius who filled my head right away when I’m alone.

But I still don’t know what that kiss meant. And even if I’d been generous enough to assume that he liked me, I’d be in denial in a split second— Because if I’m wrong, did my forehead just look pretty?

Or maybe he wanted to know if he could have physical contact with a woman or not.

Of course, Lacius was not such a man who’s into casual dating. 

‘Or maybe, I’m just going crazy!’

Ugh. Why the hell would he do that?

I had to kiss him before but that was a show for other people to see.

It was a threat to the people watching that means “I’m claiming dibs on this man from now on”. But what Lacius did to me was a kiss with a clear intention.

And I don’t know what that intention is!

Psshh. Steam is coming out of my head.

Why can’t I just forget it like it’s nothing? In the hallway of the house where no one can see us, he approaches under the bluish moonlight—That scene always comes to my mind whenever I close my eyes.

It seemed to be engraved on my retina which made it harder for me to forget about it.

His serious eyes, his cool mint-scented lips and trembling breath.

‘How can I forget that?’

Thud. I banged my head on the cafe table.

Then I heard the old woman tsked before shaking her head right next to me.

“Why are you worrying so much about a man, tsk tsk.”

It was a muttering to herself, but I could hear it all well. I lifted my head up and hurriedly called out to Grandma.

“How did you know that my worry is about a man?”

“It’s written on your face. I can tell just by looking at it.”

“No, I actually—!”

“You can just eat and throw them(Men) away. What are you so worried about?”


I could just let it pass as something she said to comfort me, but Lacius wasn’t something to be treated like that.

Play with his heart. How badly would that serious man be hurt if I do that?

Maybe, I’ll consider it if Lacius was even a little sneaky, but he was simple and serious.

Every action of Lacius has been thoughtful and full of worry. Knowing that, made me crazier.

‘Ah, the original female lead will appear soon!’

They are the male and female protagonists of the novel.

So as if it were all natural, he would fall in love with her like fate, and he would be attracted to her enough to give his all to her.  In particular, <The Blood Descendant of the God of the Sun and the Wedding’s Main Character> emphasized the fateful love of the two main characters several times. Those sentences showed up hundreds of times as much as the description of the villainess #4 being pretty.

‘It was said that fate itself was probable. But I can’t go all in on that.’

Knowing those, if I gave my heart to him, it was almost certain that I would only get hurt in the end, so I had to save my heart.

Realizing this pointless feeling, I felt like almost crying. I was staying still so why does he have to make my heart flutter?

Seeing me like that, Grandma ‘tsk-ed’ and clicked her tongue again, and time went by without a break.

“A carriage stopped outside. You should go quickly.”

“Ah, they’re here…?”

“Hey, if you’re only going to make a face like that, just don’t go. A woman shouldn’t hang* herself like that for a man.”

*(Get herself depressed/Get herself so invested)

Sob. There is nothing wrong with what the elder said…

For some reason, I lost my strength and walked out trembling.

When I went outside, madame and everyone else, dressed in their best outfits today, were already standing in front of the building with a moved face.

“Miss… … !”

“Ah, Madame.”

“Oh my gosh. This is really….”


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