The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

Amitabha Buddha Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Get away evil spirits, back off!

I chanted sutras inwardly, avoiding looking through his open shirt. Still, I couldn’t stop myself from glancing, so I tried to distract myself by picturing a shaman’s sword dance.

I must have been possessed by a demon. Otherwise, my gaze would be drawn to his chest, not lower. There’s no way it’s going down…

“In the past, wizards would throw gifts inside when I opened a window like this.”


“It took a lot of effort to find the ladies who sent them to say I couldn’t take them and return them. There had to be bribes coming in that way, so I couldn’t accept any of them.”

The night breeze comes in through the windows.

“It only stopped after you arrived and actively stepped up, despite the fact that it wasn’t in our contract.”


“To be more specific, you saved me.”

“There’s no way…”

I tried to correct the facts, embarrassed by the outpouring of praise, but Lacius shook his head.

Then he shifted his weight towards me and opened his mouth, staring down at me. 

“You rescued me.”

Did Lacius also experience the tickling that I experienced while we were on the plane?

My heart was trembling for nothing more than futile hopes. I was shaking from hopeless expectations.

‘It’s the protagonist of the book, the protagonist.’

So, what should I do now? What should I do if I have feelings for someone who is not meant for me?

It was then.


“…  Yes?”

“I was going to ask permission at first, but…”


“You stole something from me before, and this time I’m going to get it back.”

thud, thud, thud

The closer he gets, the faster my heart beats, almost breaking my ribcage.

I couldn’t think clearly because my mind was tangled like a tangled thread.

Really? Is this true? No way…

Perhaps he’s just trying to get something off of— 


I’ve completely lost my train of thought.

Something soft touched my forehead and then vanished. He, who was nearby, moved away once more.

“Ah… … !”

My heart was pounding. Lacius’ eyes are hot as he stares at me tenaciously. This is something you shouldn’t do. If you do this—


He called me. His incredibly low voice made my entire body shiver. Without realising it, I took a step back.


S-So, Well… I have to say something.

My heart skips as if caught in the atmosphere, and as if it isn’t mine. I was unsure whether it was appropriate for me to feel this way. My mind is racing and my stomach is churning. It feels like a yellow butterfly landed on my lips.

I ended up fleeing from him.

* * *

Lacius fell silent as he saw the back fly away like a butterfly.

‘I was impatient.’

It reminds him of their kiss in the art store. It was caused by a mistake.

Getting that even was the excuse he made, but he has clearly had another intention.

‘Does she despise it that much? So much that she fled?’

This was the first time he had ever been rejected in his life. He didn’t understand before why some knights were training all day while weeping from being dumped.

If he had have proper emotional exchanges with others, it would only be natural for him to know what this feeling was.

Would he recognise this feeling now if he had tried to understand more at that time?

Would that make him understand why his heart felt like it was on fire right now? 

“…I don’t want you to run away.”

In an empty corridor. It was a fortunate coincidence that he met Shay on a sleepless night. Ruining a moment that could have ended well was entirely his fault. Lacius looked at his empty hand and clenched it tightly.

‘Other than the right to operate the Macarten gambling house, what else was there to give?’

He’d never been particularly interested in Schweiden’s fortunes list.

The three powers bestowed upon the Schweiden family.

It had to be separated exactly as it should be.

He was only qualified for one of the positions of ‘Judge,’ ‘Rentus Knights Leader,’ and ‘Archduke Schweiden.’ The Commander of the Knights, even the position of presiding judge, was not bad.

However, no matter how he tries, Archduke Schweiden’s position is not his clothes. He assumed he didn’t need to covet it because he didn’t have any family.

‘But now I’m thankful I don’t have a brother or a sister.’

Both the judge and the knight’s commander held a lowly position. It would have nothing to give to Shay, who is obsessed with money. The situation is different in the case of Archduke of Schweiden.

Lacius wiped the sweat from his brow with his hand. He’ll need to make a property list soon.

Whatever he does, he needs to make her hesitant to leave.

When he opened his closed eyes, he has determination in them that had never been seen there before.


I was given the honour of dining with His Majesty, the Emperor, thanks to Her Highness the Princess.

I was both excited and nervous because this opportunity does not come along every day. I’ll have to thoroughly explain it to His Majesty in order to obtain permission to build an amusement park in Evershal.

I was a little worried, but I remained confident. I have the ultimate game in my hands, and any elderly person will surely fall in love with it.

“His Majesty is waiting. Please come this way.”


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