The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 13.8

“Exactly. We must decide whether to stay here and wait for rescue or try escaping on our own.”


This time the two Kun warriors took turns asking for opinions, and it was refreshing to have a consensus rather than a strongly held opinion on what to do. I held the lamp high and looked at the cracks in the ceiling. If this is a trap, it would be impossible to escape through there.


‘The entrance we came in through was blocked, so the only way is forward.’


Even knowing it could be a trap, we have no choice but to move forward. I sighed and opened my mouth.


“We’ll find a way to get you all out, but that way is too dangerous. If we make a mistake, we could all be crushed. So let’s move.”


“What do you mean, get us out, as if you are not including yourself?”


The old man of the Kun clan immediately asked back at my declaration-like words. I didn’t answer that question and just returned the lamp to the civilian.


‘Send everyone out, and I’ll be the last to go.’


That would be the way to save as many lives as possible. I don’t really care if it would seem like a noble act of sacrifice or not; I just chose it because I knew that this was a stage set for me. If anybody gets in an accident because of me, it will surely haunt me for the rest of my life. 


“Let’s decide the order. Since we don’t know where the exit will be, when we find one, the two warriors will go out first to check for danger. If they signal that it’s safe, the children and the elderly will follow, then Kun’s Alajah, the civilians, the Terran diplomat, and lastly, Titania and I will attempt to escape.”


Lacius quietly began to organize the situation in a low voice. Meanwhile, I took out the compass and fountain pen from my pocket and examined them. However, the compass’s response was unusual.


‘That’s strange.’


Cyphelion’s compass was unresponsive on flat ground, to the point where I thought it was broken. But the moment we came underground, the needle started spinning wildly before pointing decisively in a certain direction.


‘… … Oh, is that the north?’


Or is it telling me to go that way? I’m grateful for the guidance, but why all of a sudden?


I realized a bit late that people were staring at me oddly as I had my nose buried in the compass. I clenched it tightly in my hand to avoid dropping it by chance.


“Daphne, do you know what’s in the north of this oasis?”


“Oh, well…”


Cyphelion’s compass was supposed to be useful for finding a temple. If that’s what it’s for, then surely there must be an ancient temple buried here, no? 


However, the Kun warrior suddenly stepped forward in front of Daphne, who trailed off as if she had no idea.


“There is nothing.”


“Are you sure?”


“Then would I, who have lived in the desert my whole life, not know that?”


When I asked again to be sure, the Kun warrior showed a hint of irritation. I scratched my cheek and just nodded.


It doesn’t exist ‘on the ground’. Then it must be ‘underground’. Is this really a coincidence?


I tugged on Lacius’s arm and whispered in his ear. The others were chatting among themselves, drowning out my voice. 


“It seems like they’re telling me to go to a hidden temple.”


“Is that what Fata-Morgana wants?”


“I don’t know how I know, but I have a feeling that that is what they want. I think they know I have Cyphelion’s compass. Let’s get the others out quickly.”


If that really is the case, it would make sense why they did not attack until the appropriate stage was set. They must have sent a canary to watch my surroundings and waited… until all their plans were perfectly in place. 


“Then we’ve decided to move from here; are we all in agreement?”


Daphne raised her hand, looked around the room, and spoke in a loud voice. There is silence, indicating everyone agrees. Daphne took a deep breath and then whispered firmly and quickly.


“I’ll use my healing powers on everyone first. Let’s all work together and get out of here as quickly as possible.”


A light green light enveloped Daphne’s hands. Some of the civilians showed signs of discomfort but still received healing quietly. Sprained ankles and bruises healed, and everyone’s condition improved enough for immediate action. Feeling better, it was easier to think clearly.


‘We might need a guide to show the way back here just in case.’


I took out my magic pen and drew on a damp rock in the cave. A magical tool that allows you to draw on anything other than paper as long as it is flat. It was only now that I realized its true power. 


“What is that?”


An unintentional cave engraving. A curious child approached, tilting their head at my seemingly random drawing. I answered kindly.


“It’s a tiny, cheerful wayfinding firefly fairy.”


With these fairies, you won’t have to worry if you get lost in this deep cave. They’ll make sure you find your way back here. 


‘But the most problematic thing here is… … .’


To summon the fairies, I must reveal to the world that I am a painting wizard. No matter how many times I ask them to keep their mouths shut, it’s impossible to get eighteen people to hold their tongues. No, it was just plain impossible. Should I still do it..?


I pressed my palm against the cave’s wall and infused energy into it. There was a flash of light that seemed almost too bright in this dark place, and fairies came rushing out. The people who witnessed the scene opened their mouths wide, and the child clapped his hands with a dazed expression on his face. The fairies immediately clung to my shoulders and arms.


Then everyone started leaving to find an exit.


“The floor is quite slippery, and there are stalactites on the ceiling, so I’m guessing this is a naturally created cave.”


“It likely formed a long time ago.”


Drip, drip, drip. The sound of dripping water is too loud. Everyone got up and moved slowly in the order that Lacius had previously determined. 




Suddenly, someone screamed and flinched, causing everyone to be startled, but it wasn’t a big deal. It was just a bat flying by.


“Whoa… … .”


The moment when everyone’s shocked hearts are relieved. I thought suddenly crossed my mind.


“Wait. Where’s Cat?”


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