The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 13.6

At the Sacred Oasis Ruins, near the Kun Clan’s territory, there was an unusually large crowd of people huddled together, embracing each other, waiting for this curse to end, praying to the heavens over and over again. The only reason they were safe here was because of the shamans. All of the gathered shamans of the Kun clan, including the Great Shaman, used magic to spread a shield over their heads.


Although it is called a meteor shower, it wasn’t real stars falling. Otherwise, they would have been annihilated already. I knew how enormous stars were, contrary to how they appear to the naked eye. The objects the size of ping-pong balls were not true meteors; It’s just an imitation using painting magic.


Once the initial shock passed, the truth became clear. However, since it was not a crude level of magic, the damage was enormous in areas where there were no shields. Fortunately, however, the oasis was at a level where the shamans could work together to shield it.


“Haa… ha…”


After being carried here by Lacius, I took a deep breath and looked around.


First of all, Daphne is safe. Despite the strangely hostile gazes, she was busy moving around and giving treatment. Cat, being quick, stayed safely by my side, and princess-unnie also dodged well and was unharmed.


But there were a few faces I couldn’t see. The nobles of Terran I’d seen on the way here, though not familiar, were nowhere to be seen. I wondered if they were still in town. Or maybe—




“Shay, are you alright?”


“I-I am… fine.”


Biting my lip, I signaled Lacius to let me down. He let me off his back, but he didn’t let me stand completely on the ground. 


“This is certainly strange. Scorpions and a meteor shower. It seems like someone carefully planned all this.”


At Lacius’s words, I gathered my thoughts and nodded.


“Yeah, but I don’t think they’ll be able to pull off another attack of this magnitude.”


How many lifespans were consumed for this? Every single meteor that hit the ground must have been someone’s life.


‘How many have died?’


Gritting my teeth, I looked up at the sky.


Maybe their target was me. Maybe I’m the solo wizard Rawiya spoke of, and I’m more powerful than I realize, and that’s why Fata-Morgana is obsessed with me. Or perhaps someone tipped off the Fata-Morgana that I was a painting wizard and that I was here, and they came to capture me. 


Either way, attacking an entire clan like this was too much. This was a large-scale attack that must have taken the lives of dozens of painting wizards. I wanted to know what this attack meant and what it was aimed at.




I need to unmask them. If someone had to die for this to end, it was clear who that would be.


Just then, before everyone could calm down, the ground started shaking. It sounded like the hooves of a herd of buffalo running across a vast meadow, or like the rolling of thunder. No matter what it is compared to, one thing is certain: the ground is shaking unstably. Here and there, people who lost their balance fell and fell. An anxious prayer spread among the brief screams.


“What is this? Why is the ground moving?”


“Shaman… … !”


“Save us. Oh, please…”


Those who had been invited from other countries and were staying with the Kun clan were screaming loudly. The desert people trembled and clasped each other’s hands. The mood that had just begun to calm down was shaken again by the successive furies of nature. 


I quickly checked what I had with me. Familiar shapes met my touch: my magic fountain pen and Cyphelion’s compass, which I always carried with me, were safely there. There are also a few attack charms rolled up and hidden in case of emergencies. However, it was a shame I didn’t bring my bag full of drawings.


‘And the Trachian sword I was going to give to Ziontine… It must still be in the lodging.’


Surely it didn’t burn or melt, right? At any rate, it’s a sword forged near lava, so it should be fine. I’ll just have to go back and find it later. 


“What on earth is happening…?”


I felt the shaking of the ground slowly subside. I leaned my still-throbbing head against Lacius’ chest, and he wrapped a firm hand around the back of my head and stroked it. 


Thump, thump. Surprisingly, even amidst the sudden events, Lacius’ heartbeat was steady. If he had been agitated, I would have been affected as well, but perhaps because I was safe, Lacius remained calm. Thanks to that, I was able to calm down quickly too.


‘If a big earthquake occurs, what can I do with my power?’


I reached into my clothes with that thought.


“Do nothing.”


But just as I was about to take out the fountain pen, Lacius held my hand and tried to dissuade me. I looked up at him in slight surprise.


“Lashin? Why?”


“This is a trap. The plan must have been to gather people here in the first place.”


“… Oh. That means…”


“It is safer for us to leave now.”


To avoid causing harm to innocent people, it was better for us to head into the danger. Earlier, in the urgency and chaos, we rushed to the oasis, but now, seeing these ominous signs, it would be better to leave.


As evidence, the ground was still shaking slightly. It wasn’t that the quakes had stopped; it was just one big one, followed by a series of aftershocks. 


“Daphne must have been really looking forward to her wedding.”


I felt sorry about that.


I tried to leave quietly with Lacius. The aftershocks showed no signs of stopping, and the tremors grew stronger. People’s anxiety also increased.


Leaving wouldn’t guarantee the earthquake would stop, but it was the best option. After all, if this is caused by painting magic and they are launching an all-out attack targeting me, all I have to do is leave.




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