The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 13.27

(Reminder that this novel is R-15, which means it will have R-15 content. This will be my first and last reminder/warning; please read at your own risk kek.) 

It was endearing how he obediently closed his eyes just because I asked. I quickly got out of bed and opened the closet. Then I took two of the longest and darkest ribbons attached to my dress.


“I’m going to cover your eyes from now on.”


It wasn’t long before the exhaustion caught fire. Red cloth and gold cloth. After thinking for a moment between the two, I quickly covered Lacius’ eyes with a red cloth. It goes so well with his dazzling blonde hair. It was weird how he looked so good being tied, including the harness too.


Gulp. After tying it up and stepping away to look at it from a distance, I couldn’t help but swallow dry saliva. Then, I went behind Lacius and tied his wrists tightly with gold cloth. Of course, the delicate fabric could easily be torn with his strength, but I trusted he wouldn’t do that because I’d asked him not to.


“I’ve never done anything like this before in my life. Is this some kind of prisoner play?”


As I expected, he looked slightly uncomfortable and intrigued at the same time. I climbed onto his thighs as he sat on the bed and wrapped my arms around his neck.


“Well, first of all, lovers don’t play prisoners.”




“… … Well, let’s call it… S and M’s play.”


Lacius doesn’t know what that is, but he doesn’t need to know.


‘Ah, this is going to be interesting.’


I bit his earlobe and licked it sensually. That single action sent a shudder through Lacius’ body. I kissed the side of his ear, deliberately squeezing his already hard shaft further. Of course, I made sure to make exaggerated sounds.


“Your body looks incredible up close.”


“That’s the most tempting compliment I’ve ever heard.”


Lacius’ flesh grew hotter and hotter. I deliberately tickled his chest with the tip of a quill pen I’d taken from my dresser drawer. 


Gently. The long, thick feather glides across his muscular chest. At the same time, touching and finding his sensitive spots was inevitable.




Lacius groaned, his upper body twitching.


“No, you have to stay still.”


I commanded sternly, placing my lips on the most sensitive parts of his skin. Lacius suits this kind of thing well. It was something I’d always fantasized about doing, and now it was happening. Every time he flinched, I would giggle and press my lips against his.


“Keep provoking me like this, and it’ll be hard to hold back.”


“Endure it a little longer. Opportunities like this are rare.”


God, is this beauty I see in front of me now truly real? 


I pulled my lips away from his, and my mouth dropped open at the sight that filled my eyes. He is my man, so I will not go into too much detail describing him, but in a nutshell, he is a killer.


His body is sculpted to perfection, like the god of war. Hair like golden threads cascading over like threads of sunlight over the places my tongue had touched. He has a high nose bridge that goes well with his light red lips. And even the red blindfold. Every aspect of him, embodied by the name Lacius, was mesmerizing.


I gasped and looked at his waist. I couldn’t take my eyes off the thing that was standing tall and showing off its presence.


“Next time, you should be the one tied up.”


When I touched Lacius, he gritted his teeth as if he couldn’t bear it anymore.


“I’m willing to be patient for another 10 seconds.”


Now I’d really pushed him to the limit. You may criticize me for being mean, but pushing him to this edge has been one of my fantasies. I climbed back onto his thigh, fighting the chills of anticipation that raced through my body. 




When I whispered that with my lips touching him, he growled, and there was a sound of a ribbon snapping. In an instant, the distance between us became smaller, and my back arched.




The already slick area elicited new sensations. There was hardly any pain like the first time. Instead, what takes its place is a sea of sweetness so overwhelming that it felt like I could drown. I floundered like a butterfly in the nectar of a flower, and he lured me in and swallowed me up.


The sticky remnants of our love covered the entire bed. Yet, I feel no shame because I loved him. I loved him so much that it felt like my heart would burst.


The forms of love are so diverse that some are calm and some are like rough waves. The form of love he and I created was like fireflies on a pitch-black countryside night.


We are the only light for each other and each other’s salvation. We only have the two of us. That is why my relationship with him was intense, sometimes desperate.




I gasped for air, struggling to breathe, my head spinning. The noise of wet flesh slapping against wet flesh mingles with my ragged breathing, clouding my reason. 


Though I had started on top, he had flipped me over at some point. Propping myself up, Lacius gently held my chin and kissed my cheek. For a moment, I wondered if the speed would finally slow down at that point. However, the momentary gentleness vanished as he resumed a relentless pace, making me bend like a reed in a storm. I can’t even scream, so I just open my mouth and let out a hot breath. 


A mixture of sweat or something—who knows what—was flowing down between my legs. The unrelenting heat enveloped both him and me. As time passed, my toes curled and my inner thighs trembled uncontrollably. I couldn’t hold out any longer. Just as that thought crossed my mind, a tingling sensation spread through me.


What followed was the climax, like the pinnacle of a piano accompaniment—a moment when my whole body shivered and even tears welled up. Lacius, with his fingers intertwined with mine, collapsed onto me.


A blissful sense of satisfaction spread through every corner of my body.


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