The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 13.26

Please find him while you are already there. That was her request. The chief of Kun nodded briefly. Then, looking around at his audience, he opened his mouth.


“Our goal is to eradicate the Fata-Morgana and capture them all. And if there are more of these poor fellows, we will save them. If there are any objections, speak now.”


There were none.


“It would be best to leave tomorrow.”


Although not an objection, the princess made a suggestion, to which the chief of Kun nodded in agreement. Then she quickly added,


“And I will participate too. As the future ruler of Terran, I cannot remain idly by when there are so many victims.”


Delicate fingers tightened on the whip at her waist. Having seen her prowess once before, I couldn’t help but nod in agreement. Princess-unnie then turned to the painting wizards and made a proposal in a tone that could not have been more benevolent. 


“We, the Terrans, welcome you, and though you are currently without a country, if you choose to live in Terran, we will give you a life and status beyond anything you have ever known, and you will never have to worry about money again for the rest of your life.”


Her authoritative tone and confident manner of speaking give her a sense of credibility. Moreover, aren’t the princess’s actions significantly different from those of ordinary royals and imperial family members?


Though it may be hard for the painting wizards, who have already been betrayed by the king of Edmund once, to believe her words. But anyhow, they will eventually become Terrans in the distant future. It would be much more beneficial to accept the offer now.


I made eye contact with Dua, who was looking at me, and drew a circle with my finger. I don’t know if she’ll understand my signal well, but if she can, I hope she comes to Terran. Even if you work as a servant, it would still be better.


“Then it would be better to divide and travel into three groups to find the place where Dragonas sleeps.”


This time, Lacius, who had been just listening the whole time, offered his opinion. The chief of Kun immediately agreed.


“Right. One out of three will surely succeed.”


“Then how should we divide our forces?”


The discussion continued as everyone freely shared their opinions. As I listened, I suddenly remembered a forgotten detail.




It was a casual remark, but it caught princess-uunie’s keen ears.




When she looked back at me and asked, I quickly answered.


“Fata-Morgana sends canaries to keep watch.”


“I see. Do you have any plan?”


“Yes, Your Highness. I also have a canary. I saved it just in case, but it may have already travelled to the base with Fata-Morgana’s group.”


It’s been a long time since I summoned it and let it blend into the canary flock. It was free to move around, but I have given orders to find Fata-Morgana’s base, but I am not sure if it would be helpful.


“I’ll see if my canary is nearby.”


“That would be great. Then we wouldn’t need to divide our forces. As expected, you are amazing.”


Compliments always feel good. Eventually, the chief of Kun stood up and concluded the meeting.


“Know that tomorrow is a war, and spend today with your loved ones.”


That was the best thing I had heard all day.


* * *


The night before the war, spend it with your loved ones.


Maybe it was because I didn’t think I was going to die or be in danger, but the sky with a full moon was romantic for no reason. I was lying down next to Lacius with a thin blanket draped over my naked body. The languid feeling of exhaustion and relaxation that comes after deep lovemaking. I truly loved this moment. 


“I think we should read poetry on a day like today.”


“I don’t remember you ever liking poetry.”


“I don’t. But you like it, and since you like it, I’m interested in it.”


I said, intertwining my fingers with his. He leans in close and presses a hard kiss on my lips. 


“Your lips only say lovely things.”


“Do you like hearing them?”


“Yes. So much so that I fear this moment is just a dream.”


Lacius smiled briefly and lay down comfortably. As we look at each other’s faces on the fluffy pillows, it feels like heaven. Being like this with your lover is heaven. I looked over his right shoulder carefully and asked again.


“Your shoulder—are you sure it doesn’t hurt?”


“There is no problem.”


“Thank God…”


Seeing my loved one hurt was an experience I never wanted to repeat. I thought I was the most important person in the world, but Lacius’s wounds felt as agonizing as if they were my own.


This is probably the feeling called love. It feels like my chest is filled with pure white, blooming flowers. I feel like if I sneeze, love would just burst out.


Without realizing it, I reached out my hand and touched his shoulder. Lacius squeezed my hand, pulled it towards him, and kissed the inside of my palm. The ticklish sensation made me flinch, and he laughs softly. A soft rumble rang from his neck. It was the kind of laugh that would make you stare blankly at it for a moment because it looked so happy.


Lacius opened his mouth, gazing at me as if I were the loveliest thing in the world he ever laid eyes on.


“Come to think of it, that’s not enough to fill a decade.”


“Shouldn’t we sleep now?”


“There’s nothing wrong with staying up all night making love to you. In fact, it will only make me stroinger.”


What was scary about Lacius was that he was sincere about it. He has stamina of steel that does not get tired even if he does not sleep for 48 hours. The more he had sex with me, the more powerful he became.


‘Just when I thought we could avoid breaking the bed tonight…… … .’


But then again, a strong lover is better than a quick one!


Every time I spend the night with him, I also feel like my strength quickly increases, even if I rest just a little. Moreover, Lacius was considerate. He takes his time and makes sure that I reach my climax. That’s why I don’t mind doing it with him again and again. 


I looked up at Lacius, who was tickling my cheek, and smiled with my eyes. It was a fox-like smile, even in my own perception.


“I want to make it a little special this time.”


“What do you have in mind?”


“Close your eyes.”


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