The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 13.25

In the tense atmosphere, the princess spoke calmly, indifferent to the surrounding tension. The chief of the Kun clan twisted his lips.


“I don’t know when you did your research, and I don’t know whether to congratulate you on a job well done or to be angry with you for poking around in someone else’s affair.”


It was a cold tone that suggested he was highly dissatisfied. However, before the atmosphere in the hall could grow even more tense, the chief of Ram quickly intervened to mediate.


“Oh ho ho, let’s not be so narrow-minded. I’d like to hear more of the story.”


This is information that Ram has never had before. And they might be able to listen to something like that for free, which was a benefit among other benefits. The chief of Ram looked at the princess and the chief of Kun alternately, his eyes sparkling.


‘This is a game that will make your hands sweat……!’


The game was one of wits. The way to win was to gain the most advantage.


The chief of Kun continued speaking slowly without hiding his expression of extreme annoyance.


“Dragonas… only my cousin knows about it. No one else knows.”




As soon as he finished speaking, the princess cut him off and denied it. The chief of Kun’s expression darkened at that.


“There’s one more, aside from the current guardian, whose whereabouts are unknown… the previous guardian.”


She knew everything, so he shouldn’t even think about trying to deceive her.


Princess-unnie, wearing a blue uniform that looked like a military uniform, looked twice as cool today. As a fellow Terran, I found myself wanting to support her in getting what she desired.


“If you make it obvious that you’ve investigated us so thoroughly, we can’t help but be suspicious.”


“Don’t be so narrow-minded, chief of Kun. Look at those poor people. You can’t even put a finger on which country they belong to; then wouldn’t it be possible for our people to exist among them?”


“That’s a good excuse.”


“Article 1, Section 1 of the Imperial Code of Terran. The Emperor of Terran shall protect their people first and foremost, wherever and whenever possible.”


The princess stood up from her seat. Black hair, like pitch-black night, falls over her long, straight back, covered in her blue uniform. Her slightly raised chin shows arrogance, and her intense eyes give off an air of imperial authority. But all of that will serve as a spear and shield to protect the people of Terran.


“I am here now on behalf of His Majesty, so as the emperor’s representative, I will do whatever it takes to protect my people.”


The princess glanced around at the painting wizards. With that single glance, it became clear why she had invoked the laws of the Terran Empire to demand the chief of Kun. Princess-unnie was persuading them, showing the painting wizards what Terran was as a nation, and subtly inviting them to come under her reign.


Whether they understand her intention or not, there is nothing logically wrong with what the princess said. The chief of Kun ended up calling Dragonas’ former guardian.


“… Go and bring my aunt.”


“Chief. But she—”


“Don’t talk and just go.”


“… … Yes.”


There must be some issue with the former guardian. The reaction was somewhat reluctant. I sat quietly and brushed the back of Lacius’ hand. Then he looked at me and smiled gently. He too had grasped the princess’s intention and was waiting for what would happen next.


“Dragons are so funny. They don’t even come into the world, but they make humans their guardians and torment them for the rest of their lives.”


The chief of Kun muttered cynically. However, this did not seem to be an official statement, and although the tone of speech was rough, his voice was low.


“Guardians cannot withstand the energy of dragons and gradually go mad, yet dragons never show themselves, repeating this cycle generation after generation.”


“Geisha… … .”


Daphne looked at the chief with concern. If this were a book centered on the desert, Terran would be depicted as the villain—or a very uncomfortable ally. It was fascinating how perspectives could change characters for better or worse depending on where the focus was.


“Kun Asis Dragonas has arrived.”


It was then.


The Kun clan warrior, who had gone out earlier, bowed his head in reverence. The chief of Kun raised his eyebrows and raised his voice.


“Behold, my aunt, the former guardian of Dragonas.”


As soon as the words were out of his mouth, an old woman was escorted in. She had a stick in her hand, and her eyes were looking off into the distance. Kun Asis Dragonas, who was fumbling and tapping the floor with her stick, had a thin body and pure white hair.


‘She indeed has a mystical air, much like Meiru Trachian.’


Even though she was human, there was a sense of otherworldliness about her. Are all dragon guardians like this? As I wondered, Kun Asis Dragonas opened her mouth with a gravelly voice.


“Why did you call me?”


“… … !”


“You wish to know the location of Dragonas…”


Judging by their facial expressions, it seems like no information was given in advance to her, so how could she have known? I watched the situation with a bit of amazement.


“I can tell you, but I can’t guarantee you’ll meet them. The dragons only show themselves when they want to.”


Asis Dragonas laughed heartily, revealing a gap where a front tooth used to be. She looks somehow liberated and relaxed, or maybe she’s just given up. Asis Dragonas stood, using a stick as a staff. Although she looked to be almost a hundred years old, it was surprising that her back was not bent yet.


“There is just one thing I would like to ask of you.”


“What is that?”


“The current guardian who disappeared twenty years ago. My grandson… He might be held captive there.”


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