The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 13.20

A bald thief, a fat merchant, and a gangster with a burnt face took turns speaking to each other. People are scared of things they don’t know, and their power stems from the mystery surrounding them. The ‘god’ is able to play god because he uses the dragon treasure. 


The rest are illusions created by squeezing out the lives of the painting wizards captured using the dragon’s treasure. The disappearance of number 1092, which was expected to be their greatest asset, was a devastating loss, but they cannot risk everything just to capture it.


Except for ‘God’, the rest quickly exchanged glances. If something goes wrong and the Terran Empire comes with a large army, they would have to flee quickly. That was their only option for survival.


God looked around at them with sorrowful eyes. Of course, with the veil covering their face, no one noticed it. In fact, God has never shown his face to anyone until now. They always acted behind the veil, claiming it was to prevent the desecration of their divinity.


“Well then, let us adjourn this meeting.”


God picked up a small wooden mallet and struck the gavel, and a clear sound reverberated around the table. The leaders of the Fata-Morgana rose from their seats at the same time and walked out of the room. They want to talk among themselves without God.


God watched them leave with a benevolent expression, then murmured softly once the door closed.


“These foolish humans don’t know that three treasures must be gathered…”


If they did, there would have been two gods by now. God laughed faintly and stretched out on the table. A white hand, exposed beneath the loose sleeves of a robe, caressed the shimmering chalice.


“Dragonas’s bell, Krazen’s chalice. There is only one thing left.”


The Sword of Trachian. It was so difficult to obtain that it had to be taken from someone who had earned it. Many have boasted of possessing the Sword of Trachian, but all have lied. The sword of Trachian they seek must never have been wielded by anyone. For that is the true intention of that sword.


“Once all three treasures are gathered, the path to Rekiel of the Sky will be opened.”


The three most famous dragons are written about in countless myths and history books. They were all both hints and concealments of information about Rekiel. Finding information about the treasures required extensive searching through ancient texts.


One day, by chance, God obtained Dragona’s treasure. And when he realized that he had the ability to unlock the power of that treasure, he knew that he was destined to become a god. Detailing that tale would take too long, so let’s move on to another topic.


‘I need to find Rekiel and ask him to extend my lifespan and rewind time.’


The current world is too chaotic. People see God, but they do not worship Him, do not believe in Him, and even doubt Him. It was such a deplorable thing. Hence, the world must be reversed.


To the past. No, to ancient times, when humans were the weakest creatures, but the civilization of the human race shone brightly. Only then will God be able to become a true god and lead humanity.


‘Number 1092. You said you would let me take you with me.’


But why did you leave me? I promised to give you the most honourable position to serve me, God, and to live together in harmony with our special lifespans.


‘Well, if you’ve lost your memory, so be it.’


We just have to build everything again from scratch. For someone with such an extraordinary lifespan, that’s no problem at all. Time is overflowing.


“I look forward to seeing you again.”


The water in the chalice swirled, and the figure of a woman emerged. A beautiful woman with red hair flowing down to her waist. Through the eyes of a canary, she can be reflected on the water, and he can see her as much as he wants.


God put his hand in the flowing water and muttered languidly. 


“I believe you will come find me soon. My muse.”


* * *


There was another way out of the Đemon of Scales temple. It was a path discovered and cleared by a fake Gaisha searching for “paradise” over a long period of time. He cleverly hid it well in the bushes and tried to tell me about it, who was in Terran at that time, but somehow the Fata-Morganas found out about it and used it.


I wanted to have a more in-depth conversation with the fake Geisha, but it would only cause problems if the real one suddenly showed up. 


“Let’s meet and talk later.”


“Oh, is that a date request?”


“What? No, it’s not.”


“Alright, let’s go on a date.”


Fake Geisha, who said he would do whatever they wanted, really interpreted everything however he wanted.


Lacius glared at the fake Geisha with a face that could not be more irritated. However, engaging in a sword fight here would be the most childish thing to do, and we don’t have enough time. The search team that had found us was already rushing over.




Daphne’s urgent and earnest voice was the first to reach me. I turned toward her, waving my hand vigorously. Her face was the most welcome sight in this situation.




“Sister, are you okay? Are you not injured anywhere?”


I never knew a camel could run so fast. Whether it was specially trained or just resilient, Daphne leaped off the back of the camel, which was not even out of breath. Then, while she was examining me all over while holding my hand tightly, I had to grab Daphne’s shoulder and turn her towards Lacius.


“Can you treat Lashin first? His shoulder wound seems to be getting worse.”


The only consolation is that its not bleeding out anymore, perhaps because of the hemostatic agent. Daphne immediately channelled a soft green light into her hands.


“I will heal him!”


“Thank you so much.”


Truth be told, I was more concerned about the black spear in Giogio’s hand. Surely, it wasn’t poisoned, was it? Even the healthiest person could quickly fall ill from something like tetanus. Hopefully, such modern medical knowledge exists in this world as well.


“Well, it’s done, for now.”


After a while,


The Kun clan people loaded the painting wizards on empty camels and prepared to return. Daphne withdrew her hands with sweat beading on her forehead, and the word ‘for now’ really scared me.


“Is it a dangerous wound?”


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