The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 13.16

A creature whose name is so disgusting that the internet is calling it the “Crack Roach” or “Master Roach”. It is something that has persistently survived from ancient times until now without dying. Mankind’s greatest conundrum—unable to be eradicated! I infused a lot of energy into the altar.


Skitter, skitter. The sound of them moving in a swarm, even though I created it, sent chills down my spine. I shivered and immediately moved on to the next drawing: a giant cockroach king to command the swarm.


“What is this, argh!”


“What, what is it? Ah!”


Mental damage: 9,999,999! This is truly an SSS-class monster. It was something more terrifying than a gargoyle or an orc.


“Get away! I hate it! I hate it!”


Haha, how does that feel?


At first glance, you can only think of things like skeleton soldiers as scary and frightening, but I’m from the modern era. The leaders of Fata-Morgana became irritated, hitting the backs of the painting wizards, who were rendered combat ineffective by the sheer repulsiveness of the cockroaches.


“They’re just insects! What are you afraid of?”


They didn’t step forward themselves but forced their subordinates to take the fall. This is the very definition of disgusting.


‘Let me deal with you personally, then.’


The march of the Master Roaches, climbing up to their legs and covering their faces, was so majestic that the painting wizards could no longer summon paintings. I summoned the Great Master Roach to reality with a command to attack ‘those wearing bird masks’.


After creating the brick house, I feel like my strength is draining away as I continue to summon big things. At the same time, my toes became shiveringly cold.


Creep, creak. Crumbling. The huge guy I summoned disappeared in an instant. It was just on the altar, and as soon as I turned my head, I saw a bird mask fall to the floor.


“Uh, Ugh, Ughhhhhh!”


Horrific sounds filled the air as the elegant, slender legs of the Great Master Roach gnawed at his face.


There are a total of five bird masks remaining. One of them grabs No. 782 by the hair and holds a knife to her throat. 


“Obey obediently. Losing your memory doesn’t make the past go away. This woman was no different from your sister. If you don’t obey, I’ll slit her throat.”


“Ha! Obey? No, don’t do anything! I’ll kill you if you do anything. I’d rather you do nothing—keuggh.”


As the woman screamed, another bird mask plunged his fist into her stomach. I frowned, watching the scene unfold. I don’t want to leave her to die, as she probably knows the most about Villainess #4. Should I use the monkeys to create an opportunity to rescue them?


And just when I was thinking about it. 


Roarrr! A familiar roar rang out from somewhere. Then, in the blink of an eye, the guy’s neck was bitten off. I opened my eyes wide and screamed.




As expected, you were working hard to find me.


“How did you get in here?!”


Thank goodness. The hordes of cockroaches I’d created were gone, and Cat was a ray of light that appeared just when my strength was waning. But it wasn’t just Cat that appeared.


“I know the way.”


“You… …!”


A person with the same face, same height, and same build as the chief of Kun. However, he is a man with a much more youthful vibe and a much more aggressive feel. His red eyes, which I have often thought were filled with sorrow, turn to me.


“Long time, no see.”


His lips curl, and he spits out a greeting. I stare back at the fake Kun Geisha, slightly flustered. The fake Kun Geisha smiled at me and stretched. At that moment, the sword held in his tanned hand was getting waved up and down.


“Oh, I really missed you. After all, we’ve been apart for too long.”


There’s every reason to be glad to see that face. Lacius frowned at the sudden appearance of the fake Geisha, but he didn’t make a sound of disapproval. Instead, he issued a warning in a blunt tone. 


“Do not kill. Keep them alive with all their limbs intact.”


“Ah, is that why you were so helpless?”


“… ….”


“But what about this? I don’t want to do that.”


No, I thought you were here to help. 


His snarling made me question whether he was truly here to help us. The fake Geisha grinned at me, resting his sword on his shoulder.


“Just say you missed me.”


“… Did you eat something weird, perhaps?”


“After you left for the desert, I did a lot of thinking alone. It was almost the first time since I was created that happened. I’ve never thought that deeply before.”


“… And?”


“I clung to you like a squirming dog, begging for affection, but… I don’t want to do that anymore.”


Swish. The sword flew like a boomerang. killing another bird mask before returning to its owner.


“After all, you don’t remember creating me; you don’t even remember me.”


The fake Geisha spoke calmly while holding the sword with blood dripping from it.


“Then there’s no reason for me to follow your orders, right?”


This time, he disappeared while holding the sword and returned a moment later with the head of a bird mask in his hand.


“So I’ll just do as I please.”


Madness glinted in his red eyes. Since when had he been in the desert, and where had he been watching me? There are a lot of things I want to ask, but it’s not the time to bring them all up right now.


“Summon the gargoyle!”


“Then the lifespan—”




Seeing their comrades die in the blink of an eye, the remaining bird masks screamed. Five painting wizards gathered together and placed their hands on a piece of parchment, shouting so loudly that it took their breath away. Why are they still following orders like that even though it is evident that the tide will turn against them at any moment now?


The fake Geisha pointed at the painting wizards with the tip of his sword.


“These are the people who knew you before you lost your memory, and I was hoping that seeing them would bring back some of your memories.”


“… Not at all.”


“Figures, which is why they’re useless now.”


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