The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 13.11

Lacius, who had been agonizing for a while, said so. It felt a bit unsettling, like someone blatantly showing us the exit by screaming, ‘Here’s the exit!’ but it was indeed good news.


“I’ll give it a try. Could you summon a bird one more time?”


“Of course. But first, Giogio, right? Go bring the others.”


Potential threats needed to be sent away. They might still be unsure if it’s my ability or the pen’s, so there was no need to show them my talismans. Only after Giogio disappeared from sight did I take out another black bird and summon it.


“Let’s go.”


Sketches are much sturdier and longer-lasting than wall paintings!


The black bird soared upward with a powerful flap of its wings. Lacius drew his sword, channelled his energy, and aimed at one spot. If he messed up, it would affect the entire cave, and if he did well, we’d have a way out. 


Because I trusted Lacius, I wasn’t the least bit afraid. It would be hard to find someone more careful than this man. The moment when even his breathing slows down to concentrate, Lacius swung his sword toward a certain point.


Cheaeng! A piercing sound echoed, almost tearing my ears, followed by the crumbling of stone fragments. After a moment, with a rumbling sound, a crack formed.


“… …!”


Through the tiny crack, the moon was visible. 


* * *


After that, rescue wasn’t difficult.


Following the plan earlier, we sent up the warriors first. The expressions on people’s faces were really strange when they were told to ride on the black bird, but I reassured them by showing them the giant spider web. Even if they fell, they wouldn’t die.


Although the civilians were very afraid, they still clung to the black bird’s back and reached the top easily. From above, Kun’s warriors reached out and pulled them up, ensuring that none of them fell back because they were too weak. 


“Alright, Daphne, you’re next.”


“Sister, you worked really hard.”


“No, everyone trapped here worked hard.”


Daphne must quickly return to the chief of Kun, who is probably on the verge of going crazy. 


Then it was the Terran diplomat’s turn, and I ignored him as he cleared his throat.


“Isn’t this called painting magic?”


“You’ve seen too much.”


Lacius warned, placing the diplomat on the black bird’s back. 


“It’s in your best interest to keep quiet about this.”




“Get out safely.”


He added, putting a slight force behind his words to intimidate him. The diplomat’s face turned pale. Although I’d asked everyone to forget what they saw here, I doubted they’d keep that promise.


“Finally, Giogio.”




I was a bit nervous about the remaining time of the black bird and the spider web, but it seemed like Giogio would be able to make it. If you look at his willingness to let others go first, he doesn’t seem like such a bad person, though I suspect it’s all an act, given how wary Lacius was of him. 


‘Anyway, if we get him out of here, we won’t have to see him again.’


I was a little relieved to see Giogio riding on the black bird’s back. It would just be me and Lacius left to escape. What could possibly go wrong?


But the next moment. As soon as I sensed something wasn’t right, the ground beneath us became blurry, and I could see it slowly blurring from the edges. 


“… …?”


Why did the solid ground suddenly…?


As soon as that thought crossed my mind, I saw Giogio fall.




The black bird disappeared faster than I thought. The spider web disappeared, and so did the ground beneath my feet and Lacius’. As if they’d never been there. Then we fell.


“… …!”


They say that when you’re really surprised, you won’t be able to even speak, and that’s the case now. I stared at the receding escape hatch, unable to contain my frustration. 




What is this again?


“Ughh… ….”


Groans escaped my lips as I tried to understand what had happened.


‘We were almost there!’


I’m so frustrated that I’m throwing up my hands in frustration. We were so close to getting out, but suddenly the ground we were standing on disappeared. I barely managed to pull myself upright by gripping on the floor—hard, hot floor…




What’s hot?


The fairies are gone, and the lamp is out. All I could see was darkness. I fumbled and touched the floor. 


“…If you keep touching like that, it’s going to be hard for me.”


“… …?!”


“Are you hurt?”


“Lacius? Is that you?”




“Why does your voice sound like that?”


The ones that fell were me, Lacius, and Hon Giogio. I needed to confirm if the person I was touching was really Lacius, but it was too dark to see. Besides, his voice didn’t sound quite like his at all.


“It’s because you are so lovely, my Shay.”


What follows is not a line that belongs in a place like this. It was too languid, too sweet. 


‘That’s strange.’


I stood up warily and took a few steps backward. There was no sign of him following. It was as if the voice and presence had vanished into thin air. 


‘What is this?’


Tense, I pulled out a talisman and threw it without hesitation.


Bang! A black bird appeared, making a loud noise like a firecracker, reflecting my anxiety. In the comforting embrace of its safety, I surveyed my surroundings.


“This place is…”


From afar, I heard the sound of waves crashing. Then, impossibly, a forest of mango trees appeared before my eyes. A horizon appeared in the distance, and the pitch-black space suddenly brightened.


“… …?”


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