The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 12.8

A missing dragon? What are they going to do with it?


Having studied the history books and tales of this world, I was intrigued by this story. 


“Well, it could be a legend, or it could be a ridiculous delusion, saying that the dragons are still alive.”




“But what if the dragon is still alive?”


Princess-unnie seemed amused by my interest. She broke off another pomegranate and handed it to me, adding softly. 


“If a dragon stands behind Terran, the world will bow its head to us.”




Tukk. The pomegranate slipped from my hand. Princess-unnie folded her eyes and smiled as she casually handed me a new slice. 


“Aren’t you looking forward to it? A Terran army of legendary dragons and brave dragon knights.”


It’s really cool. She said she would become a conqueror, and now she even plans to put dragons at her feet. I don’t know because I haven’t read the original work to the end, but if it succeeds, ‘Emperor Dioles’ will become an unprecedented emperor. She will rewrite all the history books. 


‘Ah, I want to witness that.’


She’ll make it happen, but will it really?


How and by what means will she become an emperor and a conqueror? What will her reign be like? 


The royal princess was such a fascinating person. She had the power to make people around her look at her blindly. She casually proposed thoughts that no one else dared entertain. And to achieve that, she uses people without hesitation, maneuvering and manipulating them. 


‘Then the members of the Yulpe Duchy are risking their lives right now.’


Well, the rest of them, except for the family head.


If they find the dragon, the balance of power will change in an instant. The Duchy of Yulpe will stand above the Duchy of Crisiona as they always have, and the princess will adore them even more. Whether or not the head of the family wants to go into politics, in the eyes of the people of the world, it will look like Crisiona screwed up so badly.


‘The members of the Yulpe Duchy will be given a title as the loyal families who found the dragons.’


Maybe it’s because I read a lot of fantasy, so it’s drawn right in front of my eyes. Of course, this is assuming a successful case, but I didn’t have the slightest thought of princess-unnie failing.


“By the way, Your Highness, the location of Trachian of the Volcano is already known. Is the Duke of Yulpe looking for the other two?”


She wouldn’t be looking for just any dragon; she’d be looking for the three most famous, right? 


I assumed so and just asked. I wanted to know what kind of plan princess-unnie was drawing.


‘It’s like a fan who wants to know when and where their idol will go on a tour…!’


I already had a crush on the princess, but now it was even worse. I pressed my chest tightly and waited for an answer.


“You are smart. That’s right, we already know the location of Trachian since its guardians are in communication with the Archduchy of Schweiden.”


“Yes, I thought so.”


“The guardians chosen by the Dragonas of the desert, on the other hand, are the Kun clan. The problem is that after a long time, even the Kun clan forgot where Dragonas sleeps.”


No, how can someone forget such an important place? 


I barely resisted the possibility of adding dozens of semicolons.


“Well, I have a vague idea of who it is that knows and isn’t telling, so it’s not a big deal because one of my goals this time is to find out its location.”


Her dark blue eyes lit up with delight. Seeing her excited like a child receiving her first toy, I was sure that whoever it was, they would spill the location of the dragon.


“We still have yet to know the location of Krazen of the Deep Sea, so half of the people of the Duchy of Yulpe are concentrated on the coast and the sea.”


“Then the other half…”


“They’re looking for lesser-known dragons.”


I see. I nodded.


“But it’s not those dragons I’m ultimately looking for.”




“What I am looking for is history that has been erased. Are you curious?”


Um, I’m honestly curious.


Just looking for dragons is impressive, but an erased history? What’s that about?


Reading my expression, princess-unnie smiled. 


“It probably won’t be in the history books. The most beautiful and brilliant dragon. Born from the void of the beginning of time, the closest thing to a god. Now obliterated…”


Her husky voice lowered and became even more enticing. I nodded my head eagerly, concentrating as if I were being sucked into it without even realizing it.


“Rekiel of the Sky. It is the dragon I am looking for.”


What. The eyes of princess-unnie deepened as she spoke, as if she were digging through a very old memory. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn’t seeing it wrong, and it disappeared. But I was sure of my eyes. Longing was painted on the side of princess-unnie’s face just now.


‘Is she longing for that dragon?’


The emotion of longing is triggered when you have met and interacted with the other person. It’s not incurred just by a simple discovery, “Oh, there’s a dragon!” or a brief encounter; it’s an emotion that only comes when you’ve spent a lot of time with that dragon and accumulated memories. So I was a little confused. 


Unnie, are you hiding something?


After a moment of hesitation, I cautiously asked more questions.


“What does Rekiel of the Sky look like?”


First, Trachian of the Volcano has three heads and a reddish carapace. Its tail had numerous sharp horns, and its leathery wings were crimson. And, most importantly, it had a tiny flame burning at the crown of its central head. I’ve only seen it in illustrations, so I don’t know the full extent of its majesty, but I can only imagine how terrifying it would be. 


Second. Dragonas of the Desert was a dragon with an ochre-black carapace. The fluid lines of its heavy body resembled mountains of desert sand, and its long tail was said to emit a rattlesnake-like sound at the end. Dragonas was said to be able to prophesy, and each time he did so, the bell on his tail would ring out with a rattling sound. It was also said to have gentle eyes and a sleepy expression, and to be the gentlest and slowest of all dragons. 


Third, Krazen of the Deep was fierce and vicious in nature. He hated humans. Therefore, it is said that when he slept, he sought a place where humans would never find him, and that place was the deep sea. He was described as having a bluish-pale carapace, piercing eyes, and sharp spines like sea urchins all over his body that were not to be messed with.


Other dragons also had their own characteristics. Then, what would Rekiel of the Sky, a dragon I’ve never heard of, look like?




“… ….”


“… was the only dragon with a silvery-white, transparent outer shell.”


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