The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 12.8

A house. Then, next time, a car. I saved every penny I could get my hands on. When I first got my savings, I was so happy that I cried for the rest of the day. 


‘Oh, my nose is stinging.’


I was deliberately not thinking about it, but when I thought of my mom, I wanted to cry. I bit my upper lip to hold back the tears. Well, my mom is walking well now, and her novel is still on the rise, so she might have hit it big by now. I believe that she, who is much stronger than me, would have done that.


“Both of your parents were brave and just people. I can see why you are such a wonderful woman.”


Lacius comforted me and stroked my hair. I shrugged and added some more words.


“This is the end of my life story, at least the one I remember.”


The concept of amnesia was a strange one. What if he thought I was making it all up? In hindsight, I felt a little uneasy about that, but there was no doubt in Lacius’s blue-gray eyes. Instead, he held my gaze and spoke in a compassionate tone.


“Good job.”


“… … !”


“It’s been difficult.”


Uh. Hmm?


“I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you while you were struggling so hard.”


“… … .”


It was an unavoidable thing. In an instant, tears burst out.


With such words, the dam, which had been firmly blocked like a fortress, shook to its core, and tears flowed without any sign of stopping.


“Euh… Heuk…  why me… … .”


I cried. I’ve been enduring well, I’ve always been strong, It wasn’t even that hard. Obviously, I thought it wasn’t hard, I thought—


Lacius hugged me tightly and forcefully without saying a word. I bit my lip again and again in his arms, trying to stifle my sobs. 


“One day… one day.”




“Mom always says that… If I ever get a chance to leave this place for a better, happier place, don’t look back.”


And I was so lucky to have that opportunity. Because I came here and met Lacius. To have such a happy moment in my life was beyond my imagination.


Do not look back. Don’t come back.


The words my mom said to me were like some kind of magic spell. So I could adapt better here. Because going back was not an option in the first place.


* * *


That’s how Shay’s story ended.


Lacius stroked her back gently as she sobbed. To help her calm down and make her feel better. All the times she smiled and said it was okay, Lacius simply and quietly embraced her.


thump, thump, thump. Heartbeats jump in sync with each other.


And after a while, Shay fell asleep. Out of consideration for her tiredness, Lacius did not move an inch from his uncomfortable position. Shay was sleeping too soundly now.


‘So I’d prefer not to disturb her.’


Flap. One by one, the unnerving flapping of wings from earlier is increasing. Cat, realizing that its owner had fallen into a dream, let out a low but threatening roar outside. The canaries no longer perch on the window sill. They seem to know it’s dangerous.


Instead, they hovered high enough that Cat couldn’t catch them. as if making fun of it. Lacius furrowed his brows and snapped his fingers.


Fire. He flicked it without looking, just sensing where they were, and the canaries that had been perched on the branch suddenly flared up. Lacius went on to roast all the flying creatures. A path of fire streaks across the black sky like the Milky Way before quickly disappearing.

Few people would have seen that, and they must have been very surprised. Because even Lacius himself was surprised.


‘Is it possible to do this?’


The sound of flapping wings is no longer heard in his ears, and he was keenly aware of the situation outside. He raised his eyebrows in surprise at himself. He didn’t expect it to work, but it did. It was such a precise aim.


‘His power was always overflowing to the point of being cumbersome…’


Lacius looked down at his chest. The strong energy that swirls inside him is now surprisingly quiet. However, this did not mean that he was weak. Rather, it became possible to use detailed power that was not possible in the past.


After thinking for a while, Lacius tried one more time. He snapped his fingers at the extinguished lantern. Fire. Then, again, the small wick caught fire. It wasn’t for an attack, so the intensity of the power had to be weakened, but what was impossible in the past became possible.


‘It’s amazing.’


When they mate with a woman with the energy of the moon, the power of the Sun God is neutralized. The power that descends upon the Sun God’s descendants is no more than a ray of light, but even that is far too powerful for a mere mortal to contain.


For this reason, all the children of Schweiden are taught strict lessons of patience and restraint. They are taught to control the power that could otherwise manifest itself in destructive ways. Of course, it’s painful at times, but he’s used to the uncomfortable sensations. He’s been like this since he was born, so he doesn’t think it’s strange. 


But now he felt so light. This was a sensation he had never felt before, except when slaughtering hundreds on the battlefield. It feels like the bowl has become wider due to the emptying, as if he has exhausted enough of his strength. At this moment, he felt like he could do anything.


“You are my salvation in many ways.”


Lacius lowered his head and kissed her white, pale forehead. It was a kiss as soft as a feather, just in case she woke up. But it was enough to stir his nether region. Lacius looked down at his weapon with a wry smile and covered his eyes with his hand. After a while, he thought he should go out and run, and get rid of those birds.

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