The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 12.4

He spat out each word in a growl. A large hand left its mark on my white thigh. 


The first one was painful. The second was dull pain that felt like my body was being pushed out. The last was a mind-bending sensation of pleasure. A shiver ran up my spine and down to my toes like a bolt of lightning. 


My consciousness floated for a moment, only to be slammed back down like a vice tightening around my neck. The dull and warm sensation scattered a wild heat. Our tumultuous movements swallowed me and engulfed him.


“La… shin—!” 


Ha. Haa. The breath that contained his name was cut off before it could be exhaled. The turbulence exploded inside of me with great heat. And it was when I took a deep breath.


The corners of his eyes crinkled into an amused smirk. He was observing me panting. But it’s a facade. That look on his face, right now, at this moment, means this isn’t over yet. I realized instinctively. 


“Shay, you said it. You said you could handle me.”


“Ah, that’s…. that… … .”


“You will have to take responsibility. Endure it, endure things that seem to make one’s head spin. You don’t even know how hard I tried.”


“Ah, Lashin!”


“To say that. How brave of you.”


The tips of my toes curled again; he was so hard, so huge. I’m not short, so why am I so helplessly swept away in front of him?


“Walking beside me, side by side, all I wanted to do was lay you down and take you right there and then.”


Lacius’ blue-gray eyes glistened like an animal. His lowered voice is as murky as a milky white liquid. The affectionate tone was the same, but why did it send shivers down my spine?


There was only one reason. I could feel himself growing inside. Lacius would not stop easily.




He moved his hips. It was just a slight lift, but I couldn’t help but gasp for breath, forced to clutch the sheets.


“Even if you regret it, it’s too late.”


He presented a courteous smile. It was nothing more than an outer mask displayed by a beast preparing to devour its prey.


“Wait, wai—!”


Lips devoured lips. I had to take the huge beast in with my whole body all through the dawn. 


“You are irresistibly impure to me and equally lovable.”


Lacius whispered in a suppressed voice, biting my ear.


“Everything we did together is my first, undoubtedly there are clumsy and foolish parts.”




“I want you to think of that as me being molded into your shape.”


He said with a gentle and affectionate tone, although his lower half didn’t reflect the same. He was like a volcano erupting without end. Was he hiding this desire under his neat and stoic face?


I clawed at his shoulder, my head spinning.  Even if you do, it is of no use. Because nails don’t dig into overly hard shoulders.


“I covet even the darkest parts of your soul.”


Lacius poured himself onto me. I stopped breathing as I felt flames crackle and pop before my eyes. 


Wait, what is this? What’s happening?


“Please, just stay in front of me, exactly as you are. Without hiding a single thing… just be as you are..”


His words were so erotic. It’s a double entendre, and I feel a momentary surge of excitement. Lacius whispered in a seductive tone.


“When I say I want you, it means…”


“Ohhh, there!”


“It means I can’t bear to see the future you’ll have without me.”


His voice grew rougher and rougher as time passed. His touch makes me gag on a hot breath. I jerk my head back, twisting at the waist, but Lacius only bites the nape of my neck, leaving a mark. He’s never let go of me. Not since the beginning, not until now. 


This time in a different position, a new one. He’s sitting, I’m sitting, and we’re both looking in the same direction. My thighs are shaking from the extreme pleasure. My head was bleached white and I couldn’t think anymore. As if he knows I’m in this state, Lacius’ lips twist and his hips move a little faster. 


“You… You insist that I don’t desire you, but…”


The words failed to form, and a sound muddled in my mouth. Every time his fierce breath brushed against my ear, only sweet sounds of lust burst out of my mouth.


“Shay, watch closely… I’m already succumbing to temptation.”


I tilted my head back at the unbearable sensation, and Lacius looked at me, his eyes narrowing with a pleased smile. Sweat glistened on his forehead.


I hugged him and kissed his lips. His lips are roughened from licking and sucking, and they taste like nothing else but this moment, and it makes my heart pound. It’s a little salty, a strange flavor I’ve never tasted before, but this is mine after all. It is because he loved me and tasted me.


I moved my hips, feeling my breathing getting faster and faster. I feel like I’m soaring upward every time I sway to his rhythm. The feeling of being constantly tossed higher and higher into the clouds while floating. The pleasure of my chest dropping suddenly, coupled with the heightened tips of my toes, amplified the sensation. Simultaneously, something hot burst forth. Perhaps it was evidence of love, pouring out in abundance.


My eyes squinted involuntarily, and my mouth slightly parted. Amidst the fervor of the act, something sparkled, but the intense pleasure made it impossible to discern what it was. After his body pushed in for a considerably long time after we became familiar with each other…


‘ah… It’s so good, I feel like I can die now.’


I leaned into his arms, limp, and our connection remained. I didn’t want to let go because Lacius was still confessing his feelings to me. It was good to hear the continuous devotion this close together, with no space between us. 


His voice, now even more luscious due to pleasure, was sweet like pressed candy. Lacius kissed the top of my head, the nape of my neck, my shoulder, anywhere he could leave a kiss.


“It’s just as if you encounter a giant wave, you have no idea how big it is.”


Soon, he playfully opened his mouth, teasing my tender areas, earning audible gasps from me. I let him do what he wanted and closed my eyes.


“You have already filled my heart.”




“Few uses of tongues cannot express its size.”


“I like that. That’s a good analogy.”


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