The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 12.2

Sitting in front of him, I stared aggressively at the neatly stacked wooden pieces. Lacius hadn’t seen Jenga before, so he didn’t know which piece to choose. I decided to go for the easiest piece, the middle part.


When I applied strength to my fingertips, I was able to pull out one piece without the stack wobbling. Holding it like a chicken drumstick, I smiled confidently, and his hands responded by taking another piece. Whether it’s the result of being a knight or not, he didn’t stumble either.


As it repeated, the originally neatly stacked wooden pieces transformed into something like a spiky fishbone.


“… … this.”


And it happened when he touched the upper middle part with his hand. The Jenga tower, already precarious, wobbled significantly. But he couldn’t withdraw his hand. Once you choose, you can’t choose another, according to the rules.


At the same time as I gave a small giggle, the pieces of wood fell beautifully.


“It can’t be helped.”


Lacius looked at the fallen wooden pieces with a disappointed expression. Then, with a swift gesture, he unbuttoned his shirt.


Tuck, tuck. The sound of buttons coming undone nonchalantly was strangely provocative. Without realizing it, I swallowed dry saliva.


Deep collarbones were revealed, along with tight abs under a firm pectoral. He was a born swordsman before he was a nobleman. A beast who is good at moving and shaping his body. Its body is so strong that it cannot be penetrated even with a knife.


‘Ha, it’s too enticing.’


I had to bite down on the flesh in my mouth to keep from reaching out and running my hands down his body.


“Let’s start over.”


He said nonchalantly, his upper body bare. His expressionlessness brought me back to my senses. The game began again. One by one, the pieces of wood that had been stacked up like city buildings began to fall away.




Clattering. I thought I had taken it out carefully, but the tower collapsed as if it were not balanced.


This time it was my turn. I moved my hands lazily, slowly untangling the ribbon that was tightening my chest. I looked down, pretending not to notice, but I could feel the fire-like gaze sticking to me. Despite pulling as slowly as I could, the top of my thin dress eventually fell off my shoulders.




My whole body was wrapped in a slip. In addition, there is also the hem of the skirt that covers the legs. Alright, It was still fine. I’d worn three layers of clothing on purpose, just for this game!


I summoned my will and cleaned up the mess of fallen blocks. Without knowing what was going on in that golden beast’s head.


The game continued. I won two games, he won three.  Since he was wearing almost nothing in the first place, there was only one cloth to take off left in his strong body, his drawer.


But the problem was me. Two layers of clothing had already disappeared. What remained was just a slip that barely covered my chest. I was curious about his reaction, especially since I intentionally wore it to be somewhat provocative.


Having lost this round, I had to either take off my slip or pull down the hem of my skirt that was still covering my legs. Which one would be better to provoke him?


After thinking for a while, I realized that something heavy was touching my thigh. I had forgotten that I always carried it in my skirt pocket.


‘I’m saved.’


I quickly took the compass out of my pocket.


“It was close to the body, so count this as taking it off.”


“That’s cheating.”


“Still, I took it off my body, right?”


It was a ridiculous line of reasoning, but Lacius only smiled and nodded.


I survived. I muttered to myself. With my head down, I didn’t see the searing fire in his eyes.


“So…… if I lose, this will be the last game.”


“… … huh.”


Click click click. Only the sound of wooden pieces being stacked echoed in the room.


It was a strange atmosphere. Neither I nor Lacius said anything. We both felt like saying something would break the mood. Our hands were more cautious than ever.


Slowly. Very slowly. Delicate fingers traced the surface of the wooden piece. It happened when I touched the lower part of the wooden pillar with my hand.


“… … ah.”


Wobbling. The stack of the wood pieces, not worthy of being called a pillar, shook greatly and collapsed with a loud noise. The hand that was pulling out the wooden piece froze in mid-air. I looked at him with trembling eyes.


But a win was a win. A trembling hand set down the piece of wood. I got up from my seat. It was ridiculously easy for me to slide my skirt down my leg. Even a child who has just learned to walk can do it, so why does it feel so difficult? Especially after boldly declaring that I would seduce him?


His gaze was intense, as if ready to devour me. With trembling hands, I untied the fabric bound around my waist. The dress slid down my smooth legs from the waist.




I was obviously trying to act nonchalantly. Pretending to be unconcerned. As if I had done this many times before. As if I were a femme fatale with lots of experience in love, trying to draw him in. However, at some point, Lacius was already close to me. The shadow cast over me made my heart sink.


As soon as I raised my head, what I met was an intense heat that seemed to burn my whole body. In an instant, he grasped my chin. His large body embraced me. It was hot, distant, and directed solely at me. Unconsciously taking a step back, my back touched the wall, and at that moment, hot lips overlapped with mine.


“Uh, huh… wait… Ah.”


My lips mumbled, attempting to speak normally. As I tried to speak, his thick tongue intruded, as if daring to explore inside my open lips. He’d kissed me many times before, but today was unlike any other.


Pronunciation became distorted as it was swallowed by him. Whose tongue belonged to whom became unclear as our tongues mixed intimately. Heated tongues,  swollen lips and the friction between us become intense. My breath is caught, unable to swallow, rolling down into my chest, causing a pang of pain.


Yet he didn’t let go of me. If anything, he only clung to me harder, as if he’d been expecting and hoping for this moment. When our lips finally parted, the corners of my mouth were swollen from the prolonged kiss.


“You won.”


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