The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 12.19

“I’m pretty sure I’ve never heard of a silver-white dragon before.”


“Yes, because only Rekiel could have that color. Its scales shine in the sun and are said to be a thousand times more beautiful than diamonds.”


The tense seemed to subtly change. While the beginning sounded like someone who had directly seen Rekiel of the Sky, the latter part seemed more like hearsay. I noticed the subtle difference but didn’t say anything. Instead, I aimed for the key question.


“So, what special powers did Rekiel of the Sky have?”


Trachian of the Volcano deals with fire and lava. Dragonas of the Desert have control over soil and prophecy. Krazen of the deep, of course, can manipulate water. So what about Rekiel of the Sky? Is it the wind?


“Time and Lifespan.”


However, the answer that fell out of her mouth was beyond my imagination.


“It was said to have the power to freely manipulate those two treasures, which only gods could control.”


Well, that makes him almost a god. What kind of god would give away such important power to a dragon? 


“Well, that’s the story.”




But there seems to be one error. I wondered if I should say this or not, but I ended up trying my luck.


“But if the ultimate goal of Your Highness is to find Rekiel, why doesn’t the Duchy of Yulpe focus most on Rekiel?”


Is it just a roundabout way of saying they’re looking for it? I scratched my cheeks, seeing the fascination in my sister’s eyes. Did I ask the wrong question? 


“No one can find Rekiel. The conditions necessary to open the way to him are complicated.”




“To find Rekiel, you need three special treasures and the right to one of them.”


“Hmm, I see. And of course this is a secret, right?”


“Yes, it is. I’m so glad we’re even sharing secrets.”


Haha. I must keep it a secret that I’m a painting wizard. 


I had no desire to join the dragon-searching party. I asked out of curiosity, but the fact that she was willing to share such valuable information with me means that she’s trying to weave me into the search for the dragon. A very strong premonition sends a shiver down my spine: if the Duke of Yulpe fails, I will be next to continue his mission. 


‘As expected, after dealing with Fata-Morgana, I’ll have to make a swift exit.’


I have to live with Lacius for a long, long time, until my hair turns grey. I don’t want to have to do this again, and I don’t want to be away from home. 


“Ah, it’s time for Lacius to come out looking for you.”


“Well, the sky is dark.”


“I don’t want to give you up today, so tell him to sleep alone.”


Princess-unnie made another face I couldn’t refuse and gently squeezed my hand. I didn’t want to leave, but sleeping here alone didn’t seem right either! I struggled with conflicting thoughts.


“Hmm? Can’t you?”


She stared at me, who couldn’t readily answer, and pretended to be sad. I knew she was faking it, but why couldn’t I just say no? 


“Who says she can?”


But right before my mouth opened, the door burst open, and Lacius appeared. He immediately embraces me, a wary glint in his eyes. 


“Don’t try tricking Titania.”


“Oh my God, what trick? This is what they call women’s fellowship, cousin.”


Apparently, princess-unnie knew that Lacius would come soon. Judging by the way she clicked her tongue in disappointment, it was her intention to tease him all along. I quickly stood up and said my goodbye.


“Thank you for telling me an interesting story today.”


“No worries. It was just a reward for the ‘interesting story’ you told me.”


Princess-unnie raised her hand slightly and waved. It means we can leave now. Lacius and I left Her Highness’s quarters without looking back.


“Ah, the air is cold today!”


“You might catch a cold. You should have seen the doctor first.”


“A doctor? I didn’t even inhale any smoke because the black bird protected me.”




“Never mind. More than that, did you get anything out of that man from earlier?”


At my question, Lacius slowly shook his head.


“He lasted longer than I thought. It seems he’s been brainwashed, so the Kun chief called in a shaman. We’ll know in the morning.”


“I hope he had some useful information.”


I stretched and yawned, feeling comfortable. It felt both strange and comforting to return to this unfamiliar yet familiar lodging after so much had happened. After a quick shower, me and Lacius share a quick kiss and crawl into bed. 


“I like this time of day the best.”


A few moments later, Lacius rolls over onto his side, stares at me, and opens his mouth. 


“I love seeing you safe and knowing you’re by my side.”


Ah, are all members of the imperial family born with honey on their mouths?


Lacius’s voice right now was low, as if emanating from deep caves. Yet it was sweet and mesmerizing—in short, it was heavenly for my ears. I smiled bashfully and rubbed my cheek against his hand.


“Me too. It’s my happy time.”


No matter what danger lurks out there, we are safe under this blanket.


‘It’s dangerous out there.’


Yet, it’s so peaceful here.


I lay down very comfortably and closed my eyes. I think it would be nice to fall asleep like this, but I can’t stop feeling Lacius’s gaze on me. When I finally crack open one eye, it’s to find Lacius staring at me with a look that could eat me alive. 


“That rain today, you must have done it.”


“Uh, yeah?”


“Then you must have spent that much of your lifespan.”


“… …?!”


He’s sharp as ever.


As I stared at him intently, Lacius, sensing my permission, climbed on top of me. His tight, muscular arms gripped the bed. And then his lips descended to my neck. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, feeling the intensity of his breathing. The heat surrounding me was as intense as the flames of Trachian.


The night of pleasure continued today without fail. The only one watching us, perhaps, was the moon in the sky.


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