The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 12.14

As soon as someone finished shouting, Kun’s warriors moved in unison and surrounded Daphne and me. Startled, Daphne grabbed my hand and scrambled to her feet. I didn’t want to let go of her either, so I held on to her hand, my other hand clutching my bag.


‘Could this be a ploy to make me use my power?’


Maybe I’m being overly self-conscious, but it’s worth questioning. As if to prove it, the canaries that had been chirping earlier disappeared at once. 


“Danger is approaching.”


“You must evacuate to Kun’s territory.”


I rushed outside the cafe and saw that it was no small fire. About three stores are burning at once. Thick smoke billowed into the sky and the pillars crackled and snapped. It’s a dangerous situation, as the area is so dry that small fires spread wherever embers crackle and sparks. Civilians and distinguished guests had already fled in fright, leaving only warriors scooping water from nearby shops.


“Kyaaa, please help me!”


“No, in there! My brother. My younger brother is in there!”


Panicked cries erupted from the shuffling crowd. Those who hadn’t yet made it out screamed. This wasn’t a prank or a game, this was real. 


“I can’t go.”


Seeing what was happening, Daphne didn’t run. Instead, she looked back at the Kun warriors, calm and collected, and gave them instructions. 


“Please evacuate sister to a safe place. To the residence of His Highness, the Archduke of Terran.”


“But Alajah, your life is more important to us!”


“No. Sister’s life is more important to me. And I’m an Alajah. isn’t that what you all call me? Alajah must be in a dangerous place. For the sake of those who are injured.”


Wow. I marveled at Daphne’s assertiveness. 


For a character who was supposed to be blind and meek, this Daphne is fierce. She did not back down nor bend, but she does it for what she believes is right, not out of stupid stubbornness. I love people like that. I wanted to cheer her on and help her as much as I could. 


“It is the desert that Geisha loves, I’m going to treat any patients that come out of here. Go right away and inform Geisha of this situation. One person is enough for my escort, so the rest of you can help put out the fire.”


Daphne said with a determined look on her face.


‘To think that the kid whom I thought was cute and weak would be so confident.’


Though I didn’t do anything, I felt proud, as if I were watching my own niece grow up. I decided to help Daphne.


“Sister, you must go to the Archduke’s side as soon as possible, he must be incredibly worried.”


“Yeah, I will. But are you sure you’ll be fine?”


“Yes, don’t worry about me!”


I patted Daphne on the shoulder and started walking away. Then, out of nowhere, Cat swooped down and wrapped itself around me. A few feet away from Daphne, I put my hand to my forehead and stared into the distance, calculating where to take cover. 


The fire is spreading further and further. The shaman had finally come and produced water, but it wasn’t enough. What good would it do to pour just dozens of buckets when the fire is now engulfing the sixth store?


“Cat, you know what to do, right?”


-Don’t do it. Why help them?


“Why help? I’m helping because I can. Besides, people are in danger.”


Whose daughter do you think I am I? Should I run away just because it is dangerous? Should I simply hide just because it might be a trap aimed at me? Knowing that I have the power to solve that problem quickly and easily? I wasn’t that kind of coward. 


‘Why don’t they come once and for all and try catching me?’


I’m not sure if they already know that I’m a painting wizard, but the way they chose to send the canaríe to put psychological pressure on me, it’s fair to assume they already know. However, I’m not going to run away just because of that.


Pudeudeuk, Pudeuk. I cracked my neck and turned my wrist. Then I took out a magic fountain pen from my handbag.


An uninhabited corner. Everyone is only focused on the fire, and they are not interested in me. Plus, with a wall behind my back and Cat blocking my front, it couldn’t be safer than this. I dutifully took care of my safety first and called out a painting bird as my guard.


“Protect me from above.”


The painting glowed, and a black bird with jet-black wings appeared. It’s one of the protection charms I always carry with me. Cat wrinkled its nose in disapproval, but didn’t say anything. 


‘Okay, now let’s draw quickly.’


The black bird is protecting the top of my head, so no one would be able to see me. I painted quickly, scrawling across the walls and dirt. Dark clouds and heavy rain. The most appropriate thing for this situation is a giant dark cloud, capable of pouring gallons of water, as much as a waterfall.


“Lacius gave me a little more life…”




“That means this will work. Soar up and shower water, clouds.”


First one. Then two. And three.


I put my hand on the cloud and infused power to it. Then, as if it hadn’t been blocked by Cat and the big bird, an excessive amount of light flashed, and soon a pillar of light shot up into the sky.


“… … ?”


I stared at it in amazement. 


The picture response seems stronger than usual, so I was bracing myself for some aftereffects, but I didn’t even feel wobbly or dizzy. The pillar of light quickly became a giant cloud, and in the time it took me to blink once. 


Whoosh. The rain poured down. 


“Let’s go, Cat!”


-You sure exposed yourself with that.


“I know, I know. I know, but people are in danger.”




Cat picked me up and climbed the wall, looking very dissatisfied. When onlookers, startled by the pillar of light, rushed to where I was, I was no longer there. Cat had climbed the outer wall and in one leap had carried me to the top of the tallest building. 


I sat down on the roof and watched the flames go out. I didn’t get wet in the rain because the black bird I summoned covered my head with its large, long wings.


“Now is the time to rescue everyone!”


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