The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 12.13

Me and Lacius were on the cautious side. Of course, it’s not the same as people who meet someone for five or six years before dating them, but it wasn’t love at first sight or anything like that either, because even though my heart was pounding in my chest, it wasn’t until I got to know him that I realized I liked him. 


Besides, I’m not even ready to return the words “I love you” yet. That’s why Daphne and the chief of Kun were strange. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with that, it was simply so amazing that a love like that could be possible.


“You know what really surprised me? As soon as he saw me, Geisha knew. He knew that I was going to be his mate. And I knew it too.”


“It must have been fate.”


“Is it? Does Sister think so too?”




I feel a little guilty, but my presence has already changed the original story.  It was wonderful to see Daphne being herself and making her life her own. 


“Ah, really, I can’t sleep because I’m excited. Well, Geisha doesn’t let me sleep either, unless it’s daytime.”


The smell of love wafts from the endlessly pouring words. It was like sweet cotton candy, and also like shaved ice topped with cute cherries. Daphne wears her happiness on her sleeve, and it makes me happy to see it. 


“Be happy. If you marry the chief of the Kun, you will stay here, so we won’t see each other often.”


“But I talked to Geisha yesterday. I’m definitely going to visit the amusement park in Evershal at least once every four months!”


Daphne’s eyes sparkled. I stroked Daphne’s head and nodded.


“Okay, if I can go on the day you say you’re coming, I’ll go too.”


“Yeah, it’s only three times a year! You’re the one who gave me the chance to live my life, I’d love to help you if you ever need it.”


Good, good, good, I thought to myself, praising Daphne in my heart. Then I suddenly flinched and stopped my fingers. Help… There’s something I need help with right now.


‘Fata-Morgana. Wouldn’t Kun Geisha know about them?’


We’ve been here for a while. So I’m sure I’ll be traveling to Kun’s territory sooner or later. Then we will naturally get closer, and have a chance to ask. As Kun’s top Lakurum, he would not be able to stay idle if he knew that people like Fata-Morgana lurk in the desert. He may already have a plan in place. 


‘An amazing twist of fate, isn’t it?’


It’s like returning the favor for seeing the original female lead selling carrots and not simply passing by. People should use their hearts wisely. That way, good things will come back to them. I praised myself silently, giving myself a pat in the back.


Dates marinated in honey were sweet and delicious, and the drink was refreshing. It was a perfect day to hang out with friends. At that time, a loud cry reached in my ears. I tilted my head, wondering what it was, and Daphne explained while sipping on her drink.


“Ah, the canaries are singing again.”


“… Canary?”


“We’ve been seeing a lot of canaries lately, and everyone is surprised that they can live in such a hot place.”


“… … ?”


The canaries increased in number while I was asleep?


They can’t have suddenly multiplied, it’s obviously artificial. I glared at the noisy bird as it squawked, as if mocking me. Of course, the canary was so small and cute that it wasn’t easy to get a closer look of its appearance, but the thought that it wasn’t real and that it was a painting gave me goosebumps…




I accidentally dropped the reed straw I was chewing on.


‘Wait. I have a canary as well, don’t I?’


Would they know if I secretly sneak it and let it blend in? They can’t even tell if it’s a painting or not. The canaries all looked the same and had no ribbons or anything tied to their feet. There were so many of them that one spy bird would surely not be noticed.


“But that’s strange, I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many birds in one place before…”


Daphne tilted her head in disbelief. I nonchalantly picked up my straw again and put it in my mouth. I know who they’re looking at. 


‘It must be me.’


But why?


‘Because they realized that I’m a painting wizard.’


How? By what means? There could have been no one to tell them that.


‘Someone found out who I am. And they passed the information on.’


But I haven’t used my powers recklessly since I came to the desert, and I haven’t talked to Cat in public, which means it’s likely someone who knew me from Terran. I ran through the faces of the many people who knew me in my head. 


‘Cynthia, no. Raziana, no, no. Madame has no reason to do that either.’


The suspicious ones…


‘The Princess or Sir Aragorn.’


One or the other. 


The princess was no fool; she must have suspected that I might be a painting wizard. However, it could not have been just for fun, perhaps to use me to draw out Fata-Morgana. If that were the case, I’d be more inclined to applaud than to be offended; Not everyone has the ability to catch big things with small baits.


‘But if it’s not Her Highness the Princess. Lord Aragon…’


In fact, there was no basis. If there is, there is only one that comes to mind.


I scanned my surroundings with a sharp gaze. I had the distinct impression that Aragorn was going to appear out of nowhere. Of course, that wouldn’t be the case, but since he’s such a dubious guy, I wonder if I’m being unreasonably suspicious. And just as I’m thinking this, fervently suspicious of Lord Aragorn, I heard a bang. 




A terrible cry rang out after.


“It is dangerous!”


“Protect Alajah!”


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