The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 12.12

Tok, tok. Cute, adorable Daphne knocked on the door. I dropped my spoon and glanced at Lacius. We’re not doing it again today, are we? When I put such an intention into my gaze, Lacius smiled vaguely.


“Alright, I guess we should get back to our daily routine.”


“Yeah. I’m going to the teahouse with Daphne! Don’t try to stop me.”


“… Alright.”


No, why are you making a sad face!


Lacius’ face has become incredibly expressive in a matter of days. But I quickly grabbed my purse and went outside before he pull me into an embrace. Thinking about the meat soup made me feel somewhat regretful, but I still wanted to escape this room. Sun! Sunlight! Sun! come to me! I wanted to feel the real sunlight, not Lacius.




“Sister, I’ve missed you so much!”


Daphne was wearing the traditional costume of the Kun clan today. And five feet away from her were Kun warriors I recognized as her personal escorts. 


“Let’s go to the tea house, I need to hear what’s been going on.”


“Alright. Anyway, I’m here because I have something I really want to give you!”


Daphne’s eyes skimmed over my barely covered chest. Then, as if she knew everything, she curled the corners of her eyes and smiled softly. I was a little embarrassed, but I just walked more confidently. It would be awkward to cower here.


 It’s too hot in the desert for me to cover up all the desires Lacius has carved into me. I’d have to button up to my neck to do that. 


“Please bring us some pickled dates and something to drink.”


“Ah, Alajah is here! It is an honor!”


Ring. As soon as the pretty bronze bell rang, the owner came running out. Thanks to Daphne, I was treated more warmly than usual. And as I sat down in a cool seat, I felt my head finally return to normal. 


“First, Daphne.”


“Yes, sister!”


“The Covenant Night, did it pass already?”


Of course it had, the question was how much. Daphne nodded, a little ambivalent. 


“The night of covenant has passed a long time ago, sister.”


“… Huh? How long ago?”


“A lot of things happened while you were gone, sis, a lot.”


At Daphne’s words, I quietly touched my forehead.


Uh, so I’d been gone for at least four days now? 


“Wasn’t Princess Ram Hertiti offended?”


“Oh, she seemed a little disappointed at first. Sister was nowhere to be found. However, Her Highness the Princess explained everything… uhm… herself…”


No… Why is your face so red while saying that?


Feeling impatient, I hurriedly asked back.


“What… did Her HIghness say?”


Princess-unnie, please….


Come to think of it, I think someone knocked on the door during that time. I was so engrossed in Lacius’ kisses that I didn’t realize it, but it must have been a knock that lasted for quite a long time. 


‘Was that princess-unnie?!’


Oh my God. I banged my head on the table as I felt my face turn white.


“Ack, sister!”


“It’s fine… I’m fine. I’ll stay like this for a while.”


How would I be able to look at princess-unnie’s face now?


At first, I stifled my screams, but as time went on, I just let it all go. It couldn’t be helped, our bodies had become attuned to each other over the course of the night. From then on, I was panting against him like a starving man—


“Ahhh… … .”


I wrapped my arms around my head and slammed it against the table a couple more times, despite Daphne’s worried glances. 


‘I have to pretend to be shameless in front of princess-unnie. I must act brazen. That’s what I needed to do to avoid awkwardness!’


But here, I need to be even bolder. Kicking the blanket aside just won’t be enough.


To ignore the fact that someone must have heard us in the middle of all of that!


“Umm, the princess… Her Highness, so, at the wedding of Her Highness Princess Ram Hertiti… … .”


“… … .”


“Uh, sister and Archduke Schweiden are spending hot days and nights over and over again, so they said they couldn’t bring themselves to call—”




Bang! I hit my forehead once more. Then, this time, my forehead became red and swollen. I clutched my forehead and squirmed in embarrassment. 


It was a hot day and night! She said it!


‘Ah, princess-unnie is so mean…’


She must have done it on purpose because she knew I would suffer if she said that. It’s true that I really like the princess, but it’s also true that she has a bad personality. I can shamelessly hold my head high on the outside, but on the inside, how embarrassing. 


“Ha, so… did the wedding go well?”


“Uhm that’s right. It took a while because it was a joint wedding, but everyone enjoyed it.”


“I see, that’s good to hear.”


I’m so glad.


At this point, I should just walk around arm in arm with Lacius shouting, ‘We did it!’ What’s the harm in announcing now that we’re the couple of the century who broke the bed’s leg? At this point, boldness came and covered the shame inside me.


Daphne quietly patted my arm before continuing to speak softly.


“Today I came… … Because I wanted to give this to sister first.”




“I-It’s a wedding invitation! Originally, the Kun clan doesn’t hand out wedding invitations, but I’m from Terran. Geisha decided to arrange it to my taste!”


“… … !”


What a storm this is!  I’m not surprised by the marriage, but now she’s even calling him ‘Geisha’. 


“Congratulations, Daphne!”


I put aside the shock of this insane speed and spat congratulations. Daphne smiled broadly, showing her gums for the first time since we met, then cupped her cheeks.


“Really, I never dreamed that I would get married so quickly. But Geisha is so insistent… that… and I also didn’t want to refuse.”


Not ‘I couldn’t refuse’, but ‘I didn’t want to refuse’.


The two had very different meanings. Daphne sincerely wants to be Geisha’s wife. The real Kun Geisha also seemed to want to be Daphne’s husband.


‘Is it possible to fall in love with someone so quickly?’


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