The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 12.1
  1. First Night


The time spent with Princess Ram Hertiti was extremely informative. It was a learning experience unlike anything I had ever had before. After passing through the first lingerie shop we visited, we arrived at a store that sells items of surprisingly high quality, even among the shops in this hot alley.


“This triangular wooden horse can also be used by men, but how to do it…”


You can beep the rope, beep, beep…


When the princess explained, I swallowed dryly and nodded impatiently.


“And this is a male chastity belt, created by a widow from the Um clan…”




Numerous stories flow through my ears. This continued until Lacius came looking for me.


“Nia, what are you doing here?”


“Just sightseeing, just sightseeing.”


“Sightseeing? But what you’re holding in your hand—”


“Oh, I just bought some clothes. Clothes!”


Lacius, who is usually formal in front of others, raised his eyebrows as he saw the numerous paper bags in my hand. I pushed his back away awkwardly.


‘Ugh, that was dangerous.’


I almost bought some of those things while I was listening. I wouldn’t have minded if they were normal, common couple’s items, but they aren’t.


I tried to clear my mind as I walked out into the sunny street. My heart pumped rapidly, as if I had watched a steamy adult video. I exhaled deeply, and it seemed like my heartbeat was returning to normal.






“Why are you so surprised?”


However, all my efforts were in vain when Lacius called me with his lips to my ear. The glint of suspicion in his blue-grey eyes deepened as I screamed at the feeling of my hair all over my body standing on end.


“Did the princess show you something strange earlier—?”


“No, really, it’s nothing! Ahaha, what are you talking about?”


I interrupted Lacius and avoided eye contact. I couldn’t bring myself to talk about the uses and purposes I learned of those items I saw earlier. It was too embarrassing.


“Ah, it’s hot. So hot! Let’s have a drink or something, and maybe check out the dress shop that sells my dresses!”


“… Hmm.”




My face flushed not because of the scorching sun but for a different reason. I desperately tried to avoid Lacius’s gaze by looking around unnecessarily.


Then, as I recalled all the things I’d seen and bought earlier, my courage soared. The courage to seduce Lucius.


It will work, right? He is such a stoic and unyielding man, but he will be unable to resist if the woman he likes seduces him, right?’


I glanced at Lacius’ profile.


My strong and upright man, as if nothing could get past his defence. Tonight would determine whether his patience or my seduction would prevail.


* * *


An unknown bird cries in the dark of night.


After Lacius went in to wash, I dried my wet hair and sprayed the perfume I purchased today. It was described as a perfume that released a pheromone and came in a suspicious red crystal bottle. Of course, before spraying it on my body, I tested it on a silver comb to ensure that it was poison-free.




A sweet scent vibrates all over my body. I sniffed the skin on the inside of my wrist before unfolding a parchment. My hands are busy trying to summon something before he comes out. It’s a good thing it’s just a rough sketch, because I’ll only need it for the day.


‘I hope this works.’


I called out the object in the picture while clasping my hands tightly as if making a wish.


“Come forth, Jenga!”


If it were a regular Jenga game, it would consist of stacking wooden blocks and taking turns removing them. However, for couples, it could be a game for enjoying intimate moments. I smiled contentedly as the Jenga popped up on the low table.


“Hmm? What’s this?”


Just in time, Lacius emerged from the bath with a towel on his head. It’s really like him to keep his shirt on even though he’s soaking wet. He could have taken it off. I pointed to Jenga, slightly sourly.


“It’s called Jenga. It’s a game.”


“You want to play together?”




Lacius nodded without speaking. I handed him a full cup of wine that I had prepared in advance. Then, I also drank a glass.


“You might get drunk if you drink that much.”


“I will not get drunk just by this much!”


Drunk? I won’t get drunk! However, frustration has made my chest feel full.


“Has something bad happened to you today? You do not seem like yourself.”


Lacius is quick to notice. Although he does not know what decision I made, he can tell something is different today.


I glanced at the window, where the dark night sky is visible, and took a step closer to him. As I did, he wrinkled his nose and fixed his gaze on my neck.


“Did you put on perfume?”


“Yeah, you hate it?”


“Rather than hate, I smell a faint but dangerous scent.”


“There is no poison; I checked before spraying it.”


I had to lift my heels and lean against his chest to whisper into his ear. I murmured in a deliberately low tone, almost kissing his ear. 


“Let us play a game, Lashin; the goal is to remove blocks, but the loser must remove one piece of clothing.”


How about that? I asked as casually as possible. But my heart was pounding furiously, unaware of his feelings.


What if he refuses? No matter how much effort I put into setting the mood, if Lacius rejects, it will all be for naught. I emphasized my words by pointing to the stack of wooden pieces.




He raised the corner of his lips while looking at the Jenga pieces. Lacius silently took a seat. It was a sign of agreement.


“Good, then I will go first. Is that okay?”




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