The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 11.8

But, at that moment.


Swoop. Lacius took my empty right hand.


His eyes were still fixed on the performance, but his words were directed at me.


“Whatever happens, for whatever reason, you will be safe.”


“… … !”


“You’re safe here, right now, and you’ll always be. Even when your hair turns silver and it becomes difficult for you to walk alone, I will make sure you’ll be safe and feel at ease.”


Lacius’s low voice was soothing and calming. 


It was like a magic spell, and I found myself calming down surprisingly quickly.


My mind is still a jumbled mess, but his voice becomes a promise, anchoring me.


The strength of his grip on my hand. The contemplative look on his sideways face.


The promise of a future held out to me. 


The commotion around us suddenly ceased. The world became quiet, and my heartbeat, which had been beating like it was going to jump out, returned to normal. I shifted my gaze from Lacius to the performance.


“Hmm. I trust you.”




‘Because I’m not alone.’


I need to have a serious talk with Lacius about these incomprehensible events.


Surely, it would be better to come up with a solution together than to think about it alone.


He’s the one who’s solved countless troublesome situations.


With that thought, I tried to reach for a bite to eat—


“Summon the sword, Lacius de Schweiden!”


… But then, a sharp dagger shattered the bowl in front of Lacius.


Honestly, there was no need to ask who did it.


Who else would do such a thing in this situation?


“We should liven things up!!”




The Kun’s leader attracted everyone’s attention by stepping on the low table in front of him.


Lacius stared silently at the dagger, which was deeply embedded in his table.


“Age hasn’t made you any less reckless.”


Lacius’s white fingertips rubbed the leather handle of the dagger full of grains of sand.


As he did so, the warriors of the Kun clan made wild noises, causing the excitement to grow louder and louder.


“It will be a spectacle worth seeing after a long time.”


With the atmosphere this intense, avoiding a confrontation was impossible. The princess signaled that Lascius should go forward.


Lacius squeezed my hand once more, then released it and stood up.


While watching his unwavering back, I suddenly realized that his mood had shifted. 


If I were to make an analogy, it was as if an enormous amount of water was overflowing from a huge tank. It’s even more concentrated than before, drowning out the powerful aura emanating from the other side. 


The ground made cracking sounds and collapsed with each step he took.




Just when I thought there was no campfire, just a scattering of embers from somewhere, Lacius’s body caught fire.


“… … !”


I was so surprised that I almost jumped up, but the princess remained calm, so I barely restrained myself.


It’s safe, right?


It was a spontaneous combustion.


However, others couldn’t stay as calm as the princess.


There was a great uproar on our side and the Desert Country’s side.


The Kun’s leader looked straight at Lacius and burst out laughing maniacally.


“Ha! Yeah, that’s how it’s supposed to be. A madman like you got a mate? Nonsense.”


“Looks like the only thing that has gotten longer is your tongue.”


“That serious pretense is disgusting, so drop it and come at me.”


Kun’s leader widened his eyes and spread both of his hands.


Lacius also stretched out his right hand.


An ancient magic circle was drawn at the feet of the two greatest warriors of their nations, and with a bright flash of light, the sword of God appeared.




It’s just natural that the roar is even more intense than before. 


Lacius and the chief of Kun confronted each other in the place where an exciting performance had been taking place just a moment ago.


In the Kun’s chief hands was a pair of ivory swords.


“Fight! Fight!”


As if they weren’t already a people of war, there was an uproar at the sight of the divine swords.  Although I’m worried that Lacius might get hurt, there was no thought of him losing somehow.


The sword clashed sideways, creating a sharp noise.


It was impressive how the powerful energies collided with each other without affecting the spectators.

That’s how much they’re controlling each other.


“Don’t back down, come at me. Go all out!”


“I don’t think you were this stupid before.”


“You’re the only one who’s ever entertained me since then. I’ve been waiting to see you again!”


Now I’m starting to wonder if he’s putting on a show or if he’s serious. 




A gust of sand blew across the table and onto the people standing around.


‘Ah, it stings.’




The moment I inadvertently closed my eyes, I heard a piercing sound tearing through the air.


Then there was a gust of wind so strong that I couldn’t even lift my eyelids.




I thought I heard Daphne scream somewhere, followed by a loud, crashing sound.


I barely opened my eyes to check the situation.


‘Ah. That look on his face….’


This is the first time I’ve seen that.


Kun’s chief crosses his two swords in an attempt to block, but Lacius pushes it with Apollineus.


As he did so, his face lit up with a joy I had never seen before. 


It was as if a thin veil had been lifted from his face, and raw madness shone in his blue-gray eyes. 


The Kun’s chief roared with laughter through clenched teeth.


“Yes! This is it, this is what I’m talking about!”


Clangggg, clangg!


After a fierce struggle, the two separated and the kun’s chief swords descended again like lightning from above.


As soon as the top is blocked, the bottom slashes upwards.


Just when I thought Lacius was going to be hit.


“Do you think I will fall for the same trick twice?”


“You talk too much about the past!”




Lacius quickly dodged his body and kicked Kun’s chest with his foot.


Due to the speed at which the swords were slashing, Kun’s leader couldn’t avoid it and was sent flying.




After a while, the leader of Kun appeared from among the dust with a rustling sound.


His brow furrowed in discomfort. 


“I broke my ribs, damn it.”


“Good. Consider it payback for what happened before.”


Lacius put Apollineus back in with an expressionless face.


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