The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

Bowing to the princess out of courtesy, the chieftain of the Kun clan skipped over the prince and went straight to Lacius. 


The hand he extended for a handshake was rough and coarse. 


The numerous blisters that had formed and burst, turning into calluses tougher than the rocks of the desert.


I looked at his hand incredulously.


‘No. This is a different person.’


The faces were similar. So much so that you wouldn’t know unless you look closely. However, the aura surrounding his whole body is different. The sense of intimidation was also different. It was heavier. The level of intense hostility, too. 


Thump, thump. I felt the unpleasant sensation of my heart pounding in my chest. My breath caught in my throat, not from the heat, but entirely because of that man’s presence. 


Like a falcon with wings outstretched in the sky, this man, the leader of the Kun, felt as if he’s about to devour the Terrans in one fell swoop. 


However, that pressure vanished the moment Lacius extended his arm in front of me.


“Let me ask you one thing. Do you have a twin brother?”


“Brother? I don’t have anything like that. They all died. The last one left, you dealt with them, didn’t you?”


“I seem to recall I did, but an interesting fellow showed up the other day so I had to ask.”


A wave of energy spread around Lacius.


If the opponent was like a sandstorm, Lasius was like a deep abyss, unfathomable.


A heavy force clenched the raging crimson wind, taming it.


When a grain of dirty sand entered my mouth, a thrilling feeling ran through my whole body from the top of my head to my toes, as if a waterfall was falling all over my body to wash it away.


The intimidation that the other man didn’t even bother to hide was offset by Lacius’ own release of energy. 


I could barely breathe.


‘Meeting of the strongest spear and the strongest shield.’


The Kun’s leader and Lacius were polar opposites.


The leader of the Kun was ruthless. If he disliked someone, he would kill them, regardless of who they were. 


But Lacius only drew his sword to protect. Pointing the tip of his sword meant to defend. 


A sword that kills and a sword that saves.


Finally, I understood the description that appeared in the original work. 


How learning the ultimate meaning of wielding a sword makes such a big difference.


“Well, let’s end the reunion greetings here. Is the beauty next to you your mate?”


If power had a sound, it would have just made a ‘pop’ noise.


The intangible energy that had silently approached to dominate was suddenly retracted. At that, Lacius also retracted his energy.


‘I’m having cold sweats.’


A chill ran down my spine. How can the same face look so different?


No, to be precise, their faces were also slightly different. 


The Kun Geisha I know is much more elegant and younger. However, the head of the Kun is a grown adult man. That was what he was.


“Pleased to meet you. Forgive my rudeness. I was just excited to meet a friend I haven’t seen in a long time.”


The leader of the Kun slightly lowered his head and extended his hand to me.


I pushed my astonishment deep into my heart and let out a bright smile.


“Yes, it was nice to meet you too.”


“Yeah. By the way, your face looks familiar.”


What is he saying? I felt cold sweat trickling down my spine.


Not knowing what to say, I remained silent. The leader of the Kun clan made a ‘hmm’ sound and brushed his chin.


Then, he snapped his fingers.


“Aren’t you the painter at that time? What a coincidence this is!”




“Why are you pretending not to know? I still have the full body portrait of me you drew and it’s still hanging in my bedroom!”


When the head of the Kun looked back and shouted loudly, all the warriors jerked their heads.


People who suddenly remembered me popped up from here and there.


‘… … I’m going crazy. This is crazy!’


I’m smiling, but my head is spinning fast. 


So, Villainess #4 ran away from Fata-Morgana and crossed the desert. Then, when she needed money, she was hired as a painter by the Kun clan?


‘No, no, there’s something more… clearly.’


Paradise. Kun Geisha with a different face. Obsessive nature.


The puzzle pieces finally fit together.


‘I’m f*cked up.’


I smiled wider and clapped my hands.


“Oh, my goodness. I’ve been so forgetful lately because of my illness. It was a long time ago, so I only remember now.”


“Yeah, it’s been a while. 4 years? Or has it been five years?”


“I’m not sure either.”


The princess, the prince, and even Peridot. Everyone in Terran turned to me at once.


I knew very well what word was mixed with those gazes.




If it was four or five years ago, wouldn’t it be shortly after the end of the war?


You worked as a painter to draw the chief of the Kun clan at that time?


It sounded so suspicious even to me.


“So, are you going to keep the guests standing like this?”


“Oh, sorry, sorry. I was just so happy to see her again. Kun never forgets a guest who has done them a favor.”


There’s no way that the quick-witted princess wouldn’t know what the current situation was.


I mentally bowed to her a thousand times, contemplating how I should deal with this.


I mean, I prepared everything just in case Fata-Morgana suddenly showed up but what the hell is this?


Seriously, if you’re a painting, just say you’re a painting!’


The corner of my mouth twitches. 


Although I managed to take my seat safely, my heart felt like it was being pounded against my ribcage.


Thud! thump thump! thump thump!


I can barely notice the difference between the sound of drums and my heart? 


Suddenly, my appetite was gone. 


I managed to handle it well, but the world before my eyes felt hazy. 

T/N: Heyaa everyone~ First of all I’m really sorry for not posting for a very long time. School started and I got busy sm because of it. Plus the change of site and the struggle to get used to the new functions lol. BUT, don’t worry because I’ll be posting all the chapters I owe you.

I didn’t update for 6 weeks so that means I owe you a total of 18 chapters but since I’m still busy I’m only gonna post 6 chaps a week till I posted it all then we’ll go back to the regular 3/week update. I hope you all understand & also thank you to the readers who are still waiting despite the irregular update. Loveyahh all~

You can now sponsor a chapter by buying me a Kofi! 1 Kofi = 1 extra chapter


  1. jtrinity says:

    Thanks so much for your hard work and time in posting these chapters!! I was so excited at seeing the updates 💖 Take your time for the next releases if needed – school and life defs gets busy!!

  2. A says:

    I was just wondering id this has been dropped?

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