The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

Swish, swish. With each swing, Cat’s eyes roll around. But after a few swings, my weak and useless arm began to ache.


“Let me do it.”


“I would really appreciate it if you do, Lashin.”


Playing fishing with a tiny cat is already exhausting, let alone a huge black panther.


Lacius deftly took the fishing rod from me, and with much more flexibility than I had shown, he swung it back and forth.


In response, Cat lowered his upper body, lifted his butt, and began to shake it as if preparing to pounce.


Then, in one swift leap, he snatched the rod!


—I mean he tried to, but Lacius’ reaction speed was a bit faster.



Thud. Cat landed on the ground, unable to catch what was dangling from the end of the fishing rod, and turned its head with a snarl. 


Its pupils dilated and its nose twitched. 


Even the bridge of his nose was wrinkled.


However, Lacius was not taking it lightly either. He gently shook the fishing rod in front of Cat’s eyes and dangled the bait.


‘… … It’s a scene you’re surely going to watch with your hands sweaty.’


If anyone were to overhear that, they’d probably say, “What’s there to be nervous about playing with a cat? 


But again, that’s not a cat but a beast. It was a scene reminiscent of a bullfight.


Thwack, thwack! After that, the exchange between Cat and Lacius continued a few more times.


Cat jumped here and there, enjoying its own form of hunting, and Lacius played with him without much effort.


Then, just when I thought he’d had enough. 


Cat caught the end of the fishing rod and landed lightly in a very dignified posture.


“Ah. Our Cat is so cool.”




“Hey, you’re really good. So cool.”


I gave Cat a thumbs-up, matching his mood. 


The fishing rod was harpooned, but since it was a makeshift, it was worth it.


“Now the preparations for the feast are complete. We have come to welcome our distinguished guests!!”


After a while, I changed into the new dress I had prepared.


As I watched Cat scratching its big back on the floor, a desert man came running to announce the start of the feast. 


“Cat, give me a ride.”


– I am not a ride.


“I know. But wouldn’t it be great if your master leaves a fantastic impression in this place?”


Before leaving the empire, the princess gave everyone a goal to accomplish in the desert. 


My mission was simple. 


To captivate everyone’s attention. And that was something I could do best. 


* * *


Dozens of beautiful dancers draw pictures with their movements. The pounding of drums mixed with the sound of the flute created a majestic timbre. 


The feast was held in a common space that was neither the domain of the Ram clan nor the domain of any other clan: it was a wide open space near the ruins. It is said that the warrior test begins when the party is over and the entertainment is at its peak.


I entered with Lacius, perched atop a gleaming black panther.


“Who is that?”


“I heard that she is the mate of the Archduke of Terran.”


“Smart move. She must have calculated that she would be able to win the favor of the people of the desert country.”


“That’s right, those desert savages really love wild beasts.”


Whispers are heard everywhere. People from other kingdoms, dressed in various styles, looked at me and whispered to each other. While wearing a dress resembling a priestess, I stood tall with an air of arrogance.


“Ha ha ha, welcome! Long time no see, Dioles!”


“Long time no see. Ram’s 1st Lakurum.”


“This is our first meeting since the war, isn’t it? Why on earth did you participate in something so wasteful, huh?”


“Right, I was thinking the same thing.”


The one who greeted the princess was a very handsome warrior.


He looks so much like Ram Hertiti that anyone can tell that he is her father.


‘That person is Ram’s top Lakrum.’


In that case, Kun Gasha should be somewhere around here too.


Even a madman would not be stupid enough to miss such an important event in his country. 


It was then.




Suddenly, a tremendous cheer shook the air. The leader of Ram clutched his forehead and shook his head, visibly overwhelmed.


“A bunch of idiots who only know how to fight.”


If it’s the clan that Ram hates and would appear in such a manner, then it’s obvious who.


‘It’s the Kun clan.’


Thud, thud. Thud, thud, thud!


The sound of leather drums resounded so powerfully that it overwhelmed all other noises. 


At the same time, warriors with black tattoos on their faces appeared shirtless and tumbling. Despite the term “tumbling,” it was quite impressive in reality.


Their banner, a red cloth with a falcon embroidered with golden threads, dazzled the eyes. The silver scorpion on the green cloth of the Ram tribe was obscured by their red banner. And in the meantime, warriors from the Kun clan appeared all at once.


It was one hell of a performance.


“It’s been a while, Dioles.”


“I would have been better off never seeing you again. It’s unfortunate to see you again, Kun Geisha.”


Huh? Did Dioles and Gaisha know each other?


Pushing through the fierce-looking warriors, a particularly handsome man walked forward. His physique was extremely solid. Though he was naturally brown-skinned, he appeared even more tanned under the scorching sun. His short black hair matched his dark red pupils, which gleamed like a wild beast’s.


A man who makes no attempt to conceal his dangerous aura, like a wild beast who was simply lowering his body to the fullest.


He was unmistakably Kun Geisha. But I was puzzled.


‘That’s… … Geisha?’




That’s not the Kun Geisha I know.


As soon as I saw the leader of the Kun clan, I realized.


‘That’ can’t be the Geisha I know.


“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, too. Have you been training?”


“… … Kun Geisha?”


“Yes, you remember my name. Lacius Schweiden.”


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