The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 11.30

As Lacius took the grapefruit from my hand, Princess Hertiti threw her arm around my shoulders. Like we’d been best friends for a decade. 


“Oh, I mean the clothes I bought from you. While looking for a shop to sell them, I ran into Zachary. After seeing his face a few times because of some issues in the store, we grew fond of each other!”


“Wow, what a fascinating connection!”


“Hahaha, right?”


Meeting someone, at some point, in some place, unexpectedly. A mutual attraction from the beginning, without forcing or contriving it. That, perhaps, is what fate is.


I smiled to myself as I looked at the princess and her mate, who were so well matched. Princess Ram Hertiti has black hair, green eyes and a sturdy build while her partner is also a black-haired warrior. The two of them will fight together on any battlefield and protect each other.


A strong woman and a strong man— truly an ideal relationship.


“So, when is the ceremony? Is it after Lakurum?”


I need to prepare a gift, what should I give?


While I was pondering for a moment, Princess Ram Hertiti continued her words energetically.


“No, there is a night where we can hold a joint ceremony for married couples during Lakurum. That’s tomorrow, I think?”


“Is there such a night?”


“Of course. During Lakurum every clan gathers, so many couples are formed.”


So, it was tomorrow.


I glanced up at Lasius. But before I could say anything to him, Zachary first spoke loudly at Lacius.


“Covenant* Night! You must come and enjoy it!!”


*(언약식/Covenant- It refers to a ceremony held when something is promised verbally to each other. However, ‘covenant’, unlike its literal meaning, is used here to mean ‘a promise of heart and mind’, rather than a promise made only in words.)


“We will, if we can.”


The name is also romantic. The Covenant Night.


Zachary and Lacius exchanged a few words, and after watching them for a while, the princess nudged me in the side. 


“You showed us a fantastic show before, so I thought I’d return the favor.”


“What do you mean?”


“Originally, the Ram clan likes to repay with something equally fun if they’ve witnessed something fun. So, come along. I’ll show you something really surprising.”


“May I ask what it is?”


“A shop that sells items for couples. Couple items.”


“… … !”


Alas, humans are so susceptible to temptation. 


Leaving Lacius behind, I was voluntarily dragged toward an obscure alley. I could feel Lacius’s gaze for a moment, but I had already fallen at the word ‘couple’s items’.


“This street is probably not well known to outsiders?”


“What is … !”


“Hahaha, everything you can imagine is here!”


Princess Ram Hertiti let go of me and spread her arms wide. And there it was…


‘Lin-Lin-Lingerie shop?!’


Instead of not being able to look straight at it out of embarrassment, I looked at the display stand with my eyes wide open.


“I don’t think you’ve ever been to this street before.”


“Your Highness, what the hell is this place?”


“You know what it is. Don’t you pretend to be innocent.”


I-I certainly do, I know but…


Trying to suppress my roughened breath as I looked at the very provocative and lewd items displayed right in front of the glass door, I felt a struggle within me. In addition to lingerie, there are already more than ten stores where various tools are displayed.


The princess, with a mischievous smile, drew my gaze to another side.


“Hey, over there, there’s a tavern where male dancers pour you drinks. Want to check it out?”




“There are plenty of handsome men. You can choose your preference and have them pour you a drink.”


“Um… … .”


I’m curious! I’m so curious! So curious that my heart felt like it was going to burst.


However, I couldn’t bring myself to say I wanted to go, considering how much Lacius would dislike it. On the contrary, it was all the more so when I think about him going to a place where female entertainers served drinks. I didn’t know what I might do, engulfed in jealousy.


“I don’t enjoy drinking. I appreciate your offer, but I will politely decline.”


“Oh? Too bad. Dioles also hate it, people from Terran seem to not know how to enjoy it.”




“People in the desert can do whatever they want until they meet their mate and get married. They don’t ask about each other’s past pleasures.”


“I see.”


Well, it wouldn’t matter if both the man and the women think the same. As long as it’s fair and they are both fine with it—I hate it though!


“Well then, let’s take a look inside the store. Come on in!”


Just browsing around wouldn’t hurt. I have money, and I might buy a few items for personal collection. I followed the princess and quietly headed into the store.


Just looking at the items on the shelves made my heart pound, and adrenaline rushed through me. Among them, a set of pure white underwear caught my eye. It was a white fabric with bright red rubies embedded in it.


“Should I buy this… … ?”


It’s racy. Unconsciously, I mumbled and contemplated in front of the underwear for a while.


It was functionally useless, but aesthetically, it made me want to keep it. There were dozens of other slips hanging on the rack that looked like dragonfly wings. The dim lighting and strange scent created an atmosphere that made me feel like I had to buy it.


“This is a scented candle that turns virgins into beasts. What do you think?”


The shopkeeper, who had been watching me, chuckled and held something out to me. It was a red beeswax candle, sparkling with gold dust. It looked so special, like something you should buy right away, even if you don’t need it. 


‘… Should I buy it as a gift?’


It’s a little too much for me to use. But I want to buy it.


I swallowed hard and ran through the list of people I could give it to in my head.


Ziontin, no. Raziana, Pass. Cynthia, definitely no. So who remains…




No. I knew better than to give her anything that could get into her body, lest she suspect I was trying to poison her. I finally swallowed back my tears and looked away from the candle. 


“I’ll buy a slip. Everything from here to there!”


“Aigoo, thank you. Since you are an excellent guest, I’ll give this mysterious scented candle as complimentary!”


“… … ?!”


I spent money, and a scented candle was included for free? Then I had no choice but to use it, right? 


It would be impolite not to acknowledge the kind gesture of the shop owner.


Of course, I should investigate whether this freebie had any hidden dangers, but if there weren’t any?


What if there weren’t?


I muttered eerily and grabbed the scented candle tightly.


“I… should… give it a try…”


Desire took over my brain.


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