The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

Lacius guided the camel slowly beside me and kept pace.


I asked again, trying to adjust to the unfamiliar swaying.


“Is Prince Ram Ainur the chief’s favorite son?”


“Rather than the most cherished, he’s the most likely candidate for the next chief.”


“What? But he’s still so young?”


“He’ll most likely participate in Lakurum this time and receive the mark of a warrior. Don’t be fooled by his appearance.”


Lacius furrowed his eyebrows.


He must have noticed me eyeing Ainur. 


“You kept glancing at the imperial prince, and now even to Ainur.”


“W-What? When did I? I didn’t.”


Sharp as ever. He might not have said anything, but it seems he had noticed where my attention was. I shook my head firmly, denying it outright.


Of course, that didn’t erase the glint of suspicion in Lacius’ eyes. 


“Ainur is truly dangerous. Unlike the simple-minded Hertiti.”


“I-I’ll be careful.”


“And it’s best not to go anywhere near him. You’ll only be influenced negatively.”


“Yeah, I won’t.”


“Come to think of it, I heard that that kid has a thing for red-haired beauties…”


“… … .”


Lacius spoke to himself and then gnashed his teeth slowly.


I became a contented observer, chuckling softly and gazing up at the sky. 


The trouble came when we got off the camels. 


“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. May I have the honor of holding your hand?”


The young Ram Ainur walked up to me and held out his hand. 


Ainur looked at me with a smile like an angel. However, when I saw Ainur up close, I could read his true intentions.


‘It’s a fox, a cunning fox.’


There’s no way he couldn’t have seen Lacius lingering by my side since earlier. 


In other words, it was a provocation.


“Ram Ainur, she’s my mate. Refrain from being overly familiar.”


“Oh, is she? Then, please pardon me, your Highness the Grand Duke of Terran.”


Lacius stepped between us with a displeased expression, blocking Ainur. In response, Ainur’s smile only widened, and he respectfully bowed. 


Since Lacius had fought against the desert country’s warriors in the past, Ainur’s gesture was likely a way to assert some authority over him. If he only meant that, I was willing to cut him some slack.


But the Ainur did not stop there.


“However, is the beauty unable to speak? Why is it that when I ask the beauty a question, Your Highness answers instead? I don’t quite understand.”


Well, look at this little brat.


The way he grinned mischievously and playfully poked at me wasn’t exactly innocent. 


It probably wasn’t common in the desert for men to answer on behalf of women.


I had just remained quiet to see what would happen, but I decided to speak up while suppressing a chuckle.


“Oh, I refrained from speaking, worried about what to do if the little prince fell in love with my voice. But causing such misunderstandings… I’m embarrassed.”


I especially gave emphasis to the ‘little’ prince.


Ainur’s expression momentarily stiffened, but he quickly regained his composure.


“Yes, your voice is as elegant as the ripples of an oasis and as sparkling as the Northern Star illuminating the night sky. Your celestial voice, like plucking a lyre, has captivated Ainur, causing him to fall for the beauty.”


“Oh, indeed. I am a beauty, but when you say that, it only makes me feel more shy. My name is Titania Oberon. I’ve already met your sister, Princess Ram Hertiti.”


Bzzzt. It’s been a while since I had an interesting opponent.


Ram Ainur narrowed his eyes and looked at me.


I smiled playfully and looked straight at the handsome boy.


They say he’s not an easy opponent, and they’re not wrong.


His tongue rolled well as if it had been coated with coconut oil, so it was very annoying and difficult to deal with for someone like Lacius.


‘Not for me, though.’


I gave various information to Ram Ainur.


That I was already on Ram Hertiti’s side, and that the dress the princess had contracted belonged to my shop. And I even warned him that I would punch him in the nose if he looked at me the same way he looks at those weaklings he had been dealing with so far.


“It’s good to make friends, but it’s a bit hot. Shall we go inside?”


“I apologize, Your Highness. It’s just that the prince is so cute that I couldn’t help it…”


The princess intervened with a smile. I chuckled softly, playing with the ends of my words. Of course, Ainur’s expression briefly contorted at hearing that he was considered ‘cute,’ but he quickly smoothed it out.


‘Who does this little one think he’s attacking?’


I chuckled to myself and got off the camel.


Of course, it wasn’t Ram Ainur, but Lacius, who lifted and put me down.


“… This is the territory of our Ram clan. It is an honor to serve you.”


Ram Ainur cleared his throat once and stretched out his arms.


Rows of white, square-shaped buildings were surrounded by numerous palm trees. Each house had its own neatly arranged courtyard, where various fruits were grown.


“After unpacking, you can enjoy the feast that’s been prepared. I’ll continue to guide you afterward.”


“Thank you for escorting us this far, Prince.”


“No need for thanks, Your Highness, the Princess. Please enjoy your time with your companions.”


After that, Ram Ainur looked at me one more time and went on his way.


The princess divided the group of fifty people into five smaller groups. 


Lacius and I, of course, moved with the princess and the prince.


“Come this way.”


Following behind the princess made things quite convenient. The place we were going to stay was larger and more spacious than any other house, with an expansive garden, and there was even a fountain in the center. In the desert, mind you.


After a while of wandering around the large, open garden with dates, the princess, who had been talking to a desert man who seemed to be the caretaker, came over with a key. 


“The number of rooms is a little short because royalty from other countries are also staying here. So you’ll have to share a room with Lacius”


“… Pardon?!”


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