The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 11.29

“… … Uh? uh-huh.”


If Lacius acted like that, I would really hate it. I didn’t like being told what to do aggressively, but I guess it’s just a difference in preference.


I slowed down as I watched Daphne walk away. Then, Lacius, who walked quickly, took my side again, and the group naturally formed into couples. He studied my face closely, then spoke softly.


“You don’t seem to be in a good mood..”




“You don’t have your usual expression. Did that young lady say something to you?”


“No, nothing like that.”


It’s true that he is rough around the edges, but what should I say to him about it? Should I boldly shout, ‘Let’s do it!’? Or should I prepare an event?


Lacius had told me several times that he wanted me, but he hadn’t pounced on me. Instead, he soothed me, which of course drives a person even crazier.


‘Why can’t two consenting adults who like each other do it?!’


It’s nice to be considerate, but come on, it’s good! It’s really good!


I’m not a child anymore. I’m a grown woman. Now that there are no barriers between us, isn’t it time for us to establish a more mature relationship


‘No, he’s too cautious and careful. He’ll definitely wait until we get married.’


A man of principle. Of course, I liked that about him. Despite the discomfort, I loved that side of him.


‘If so… … .’


Guess I should pull more. Wrapping up my head, I pondered over how to seduce Lacius.


Just boldly go for it?




I pushed aside the wicked thoughts that were trying to burst forth, barely clearing my mind. Whatever I was planning, it had to be done at night. It was still broad daylight.


Lacius, unaware of the thoughts swirling in my head, looked at me, who was having such licentious and lewd thoughts with a puzzled and innocent expression.


“Shay, now we have a prince in addition to the Princess of Edmund.”


“Mmm. You don’t think they’re going to be chasing us the whole time we’re here, do you?”


The two footsteps follow closer and closer. It was a little annoying, so I was about to enter any store nearby.


“Ahh, bird poop!”


Prince Nas screamed loudly.


“No, don’t step there! Brother!”


“What is this now! Dog poop? I really hate the desert!”


The strange noise caused Lacius and me to simultaneously stop in our tracks. We had no choice but to turn around.


“No way, is that…”


“It’s like a curse.”


“Right? Was it true that saying that number would bring a curse upon you?”


The old man in the olive grove had mentioned it, but I never thought it would be real. However, none of the desert people around them showed any pity.


“Eh, tsk. Who told you to utter that ominous number?”


“That’s right. The spirits of our ancestors are still around here. You’re in for more trouble in the future.”


“True. It’s better to have such an example to learn from.”


Murmurs filled the air.


The story of the siblings from the Kingdom of Edmund seemed to have already spread among the desert clans. It’s unfortunate that they weren’t well-received in their homeland, and even here. Well, breaking a taboo has its consequences.


“Lashin, do you think there really are such things as spirits?”


“I don’t know about that, but looking over there, it seems like it might be true.”




An unpleasant scream echoed through the air. This time, I turned around, wondering what it could be, and saw Prince Nas jumping up and down.


“Snake! It’s a snake!”


“Oh no! Pipi!”


It hasn’t even been five minutes since he stepped on something dirty, and now a snake? With this level of misfortune, it would probably be much better to just stay quietly in the lodging.


I considered helping, but Angelica’s Pipi 7 had already taken care of the snake with a few precise pecks. Prince Nas looked at them with a dazed expression, and Angelica seemed quite exhausted.


“Sister… … .”


Angelica shot me a pleading glance, but I shrugged it off and kept walking. If a life were in danger, I would lend a hand, but that situation seemed to be the consequence of recklessness. I couldn’t do anything about that. It wasn’t my obligation either.


Lacius also seemed to agree, as he continued walking without intervening. We didn’t have a specific destination, but it felt nice to stroll leisurely with him.


Today, the oppressive heat was somewhat subdued. While the sun still shone, there were occasional clouds in the sky, giving a hint of the possibility of rain.




Having wandered around, admiring various things, I began to feel a bit tired. It was around the time when I was wondering if it would be a good idea to get some sleep before the evening banquet—I found a familiar figure, though not very familiar, and tapped Lacius on his forearm.


“Lacus, over there.”


“The princess of Ram.”


Princess Ram Hertiti was picking fruit alongside a man with an extremely burly build. The man’s face was adorned with a scorpion mark, and tattoos covered his brawny arms and exposed shoulders. However, his eyes weren’t green, so he didn’t seem to be a warrior or Ram.


Out of curiosity, I approached the princess first. I also wanted to know how well clothing was selling here anyway.


“Hello, it’s been a while!”


I greeted casually, picking up a grapefruit as big as a baby’s head.


“Oh no! Look who it is!”


“Long time no see!”


“I heard you were part of the delegation, but I was away on my honeymoon, and now that I’m back, it’s good to see you!”


Ram’s princess was still energetic as ever. As I was about to pay for the grapefruit, I pricked up my ears at one word that bothered me.




“Right, I guess I should introduce him. This is my mate, Zachary.”


When Princess Hertiti held out the money bag to the merchant, a male warrior standing next to her took a bag of fruit resembling an avocado from the merchant and put it over his shoulder. He then turned to me and Lacius and greeted us in a gruff voice.


“Nice to meet you!”


I mean, I thought they looked good together, but… were they really married? God, everyone is romantic except for me.


Now, I feel a little frustrated. Princess Ram Hertiti lightly elbowed her mate’s chest and smiled.


“Due to overlapping schedules with Lakurum, we had to delay our wedding, so we went on our honeymoon first.”




“Haha, thanks. I was actually going to express my gratitude. Our meeting is essentially thanks to you.”




Thanks to me? What’s that supposed to mean? Was I unknowingly a cupid in this situation?


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