The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 11.27

One, two, three… 


As he turned his gaze, several yellow canaries perched on the window sill and even on the branches outside that gave a good view of the room.


It’s something you’d normally think of as odd, but since he just heard about Fata-Morgana, how can they mean good? Besides, the birds were strangely looking straight at Shay.


‘How dare these audacious things…’


Lacius stood up and immediately swung his sword and decapitated the birds.


Slash. The decapitated heads of the birds fell grotesquely. Outside, with a loud thud, Cat appeared and began catching the birds.


-Hey, these are weird.


“Don’t they seem to have no will to survive?”


-Yeah, they’re not even trying to run away. It feels gross.


Cat, gracefully landing through the window, spat out what it had bitten off. Several small birds, soaked in saliva, scattered across the floor.


He had hunted them down, instinctively realizing that they were a threat to hus master, even without words. As he watched, Lacius muttered slowly.


“She hasn’t used magic since we came to the desert… … .”


His eyes narrowed slightly. Lacius instinctively sensed that there was something strange.


Shay may seem to act impulsively, but she was more cautious than you’d thought. She had a careful nature, and although she gets all the attention, she rarely go forward. She has a lot of compassion, which is why she was kind to the spoiled princess earlier, but that doesn’t mean she’s going to share about her power easily.


Looking at the information about the security of Rawiya and Kiran, and the various security-related information coming to him, he was certain that Fata-Morgana had not infiltrated Teran. So, even if an amusement park was created in Terran, they would not have guessed that it was created with painting magic. Especially since they hired workers for digging canals, building shops, and plotting the land.


‘And yet, here they are, clearly targeting Shay.’


It was a trap set by someone who knew she was a painting wizard.


Theobalt, Maynard. Both of them were suspicious, but there was no reason to do so. So the conclusion was simple. Information was leaking from a place he didn’t know.


Lacius stared off into the distance, his face dark with displeasure. It can’t be seen with the naked eye, but he feels an irritating aura. He could tell because he had been stalked his entire life.


Although it wasn’t visible, something was there.


Lacius immediately grabbed the quill pen on the table and infused it with energy.


Swish! With a sharp sound, the flying pen tore through the air like a dagger.


‘Did I hit it?’


But there was still nothing to be seen there.


* * *




He almost got caught.


Aragon leaned back, narrowly avoiding a quill pen aimed precisely at his forehead. Even if it had hit him, he wouldn’t die, but he would likely get injured due to the energy of the Sun God it contained.


Aragon smiled mischievously as he looked at the blazing descendant of the Sun God. He seemed irritated because of the canaries sent by his new friend, but there was nothing he could do about it.


Well, he has to reduce her lifespan somehow. 


“She still has a lot of life left. I can only materialize when it goes down to 10 or less, so I have no choice.”


Because I’m in a hurry, I have no choice but to make such an incident quickly.


Humans don’t use their powers unless there’s a crisis. Aragon knew that well.


“Please go ahead and be in danger, so I can go find a dragon.”


He wants to find that damn bastard and rip him apart.


Aragon gritted his teeth and dissolved his invisible body into thin air.


‘Alas, the soul of a traitorous bastard is surely sweeter than anything else.’


A long time ago, the “she” who betrayed him who was naive received help from a dragon. Even though the dragon knew what punishment would befall him, he still sided with ‘her’.


After enduring almost eons of suffocating pain, he escaped from that heavy and dark place. And finally, when he woke up in the present world, the splendid times of the ancient world were gone, and the dragons fled somewhere and could not be found. 


No, only the demons can’t find the dragon. Because there is a precondition that only humans could find the hidden “dragons.”. 


Revenge. For the sake of that alone, Aragon could endure any hunger today.


* * *


I unexpectedly fell asleep for the rest of the day, but in the end, the canary experiment was a success. I couldn’t go back to the “clock room,” but now I could feel how much my lifespan had decreased. And it was such a meager amount that I almost didn’t feel it.


‘System, life span skill has been opened. I think a status window should open like this.’


Starting the morning energetically, I went out to the street with Lacius. The meals provided at the hostel were okay, but I wanted to try the ones sold in restaurants.


“That place looks good. Shall we sit down there?”




Sand dust blows under the blazing sun. Because of that, I refused to sit outside and went straight to the cooler table inside. There was a menu on the table made of blue and yellow tiles, and after ordering two of the moderately popular dishes, I immediately started asking questions.


“What do you think is Paradise?”


“It’s questionable but I have an idea.”


“Really? I have an idea too, but I’m not sure.”


Just then, an ice-cold glass of water arrived. I gulped it down and set it down with a thud.


“It’s a crazy and frustrating feeling where you have all the other pieces but the puzzle pieces to complete the face are missing.”


It feels like chewing on a sweet potato and choking on it, but there’s no milk.


Carrying a cake excitedly only for it to fall upside down.


Or happily bringing ramen to the hotel, but there were no chopsticks!


It is the feeling that makes people go crazy. I’ve never wanted to see the fake Kun Geisha so desperately like this before. He spoke in riddles, that’s why there’s still no progress on this part.


“Those caught by Fata-Morgana know about ‘Paradise’, and those who aren’t, don’t know.”


I lowered my voice and whispered to Lacius. Then, Lacius silently nodded his head.


“That’s one way to look at it,” he said, “which is to say, the paradise could be some sort of religious place, or something that would improve their situation.”


“Then a temple? old ruins? But what are they going to do there?”


The combination of two smart heads led to some analogy. The problem is that it could be a temple of the Sun God, or it could be a completely different place.


Frankly, it didn’t seem likely that it was the Sun God’s temple, but it’s not like the painting wizards worshiped any other gods, so there was no way to find out.


Picking up the hot chicken dish, which was served quickly since we were the first customers, I said something in a passing tone.


“But really, she’s persistent.”


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