The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 11.22

“We are wizards from the Edmund Kingdom. We came here in a hurry after hearing that our princess was in trouble.”


“Trouble? What trouble are you talking about?”




“I already said we were just having a chat. Just now.”


My eyebrows arched to show my displeasure. The wizards looked at each other in confusion, then back at the prince with murderous glares. I watched the prince’s face turn pale and came to a conclusion.


The Kingdom of Edmund, often called the kingdom of magic, is actually under the control of these wizards.


“Is it not good for the wizards of the Kingdom of Edmund that the Archduke of Terran and their princess are friendly?”


I intentionally made a provoking remark to the wizards. Are you keeping the princess in check? It was a well-wrapped sentence.


“Uh, what are you talking about? We just listened to what His Highness the Prince said—”


“Oh, you mean that rude prince? He recklessly breaks the taboo on numbers, so why don’t you start by re-educating him that when you’re in someone else’s house, you have to follow their rules?”


“No, didn’t this happen because you kidnapped the princess?”


“Oh my God, kidnapping. It’s the first time I’ve heard such a scary word. It seems they don’t know what shouldn’t be done in the desert, so I thought I’d teach them personally.”


Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m defending the princess and prince’s behavior earlier. My eyes widened in genuine surprise, and I turned to the princess. 


“Did I kidnap the princess?”


In this case, the quickest way is to ask the person directly. The princess, holding Pipi 7 in her arms, shook her head. Her arms still trembled as she cradled her chick like she was handling her doll.


“Look at this, I told you so.”


“Surely His Highness the Prince… … !”


“You misunderstood, misunderstood. Now that the misunderstanding has been cleared up, you should apologize for coming here and causing a commotion.”


I don’t know what’s going on, but for now, the princess seems to be afraid of them. The wizards with sly eyes were not appealing from the first impression.


‘Then this is a good opportunity.’


Would princess-unnie get angry if I knocked down some of the people here? I don’t think so. She’d rather say it’s fun.

(T/N:Princess-unnie is such a bad influenceㅠㅠ)


“Apologize, why do we have to do that?”


“That’s right. We are the wizards of Edmund Kingdom. Apologies are for royalty, not wizards… … .”


Blah blah. So loud, so much talk. 




I gently called my man by his nickname.


“We should ask something to these wizards too, right?”


At my words, the prince looked uneasy. The princess also glanced at him. In a moment— Bam! The wizards collapsed with a dull sound. The culprit was, of course, a blond handsome man.


* * *


After being forcefully knocked down and tied up with ropes, they couldn’t come to their senses


I called the prince and princess back inside. I’m not the type with a particularly strong sense of justice, so I would have ignored whatever was happening in Edmund’s kingdom. But now there was information to be gained.


“The king has not fulfilled his role properly since the queen’s death.”


“That’s right! Those heinous and insolent people dare to rebel against the royal family!”


“A princess or a prince only has status, but has no real power… … .”


Tap, tap. I drummed my fingertips on the table and looked at the prince standing in front of me, looking a bit like a cucumber and very victim-conscious. 


“Everything is decided by the Wizard Council.”




The prince looked anxious and glanced at the wizards tied up in a corner. I glanced in that direction for a moment, then quickly looked away.


Lacius quietly asked a question on my behalf.


“Who is the most powerful person here?”


“The one with the three golden bands. That’s the one who tried to dethrone my father……!”


No, I’m not very curious about your family history.


I sighed and figured out who was in charge of Edmund. I’ll have to tell princess-unnie later. I soon returned to the main topic and summarized the story I heard.


“After Angelica was born, you thought that since she was a painting wizard, the royal family would be able to use more power, but that wasn’t the case either.”




“So you were going to marry her somehow this Lakurum so you could get out of Edmund’s kingdom together?”


“… … right.”


Edmund’s Princess, Angelica. Edmund’s Prince, Nas.


Both were uneducated, young and possessed only the pride of being royalty. Unfortunately, they weren’t very smart either. Hence, even though they attended Lakurum, they probably wasted this important opportunity.


‘If it had been me, I would have gone to the princess-unnie first and offered a deal.’


Cleverness has nothing to do with age. It’s determined by innate intelligence. Moreover, Angelica seemed to be around 14-15 years old, but her mental age seemed to be only that of an elementary school lower grade.


I clicked my tongue and looked at Angelica and Nas. Perhaps thinking he was being ignored, Nas’s face turned red. Well, I was indeed ignoring him.


“If you both leave the Edmund Kingdom, who will take over the kingdom?”


“That… We have nothing to do with that!”


“Prince Nas. What you’re wearing, everything you’re wearing. You know it’s all from taxes, right?”


“So what?”


“Sigh, that means if you leave the kingdom, you won’t have any of those. You’ll be beggars. Do you know what beggars are?”


This is somewhat the level of conversation that makes me think I should listen to the story of the wizards. I’m starting to wonder if, at some point, they were frustrated and thought of forcing the royal family to step down from the throne and take power themselves.


Originally, in other people’s households, there was no good or bad guy in particular. Lacius seemed to have similar thoughts, but he just looked at the prince pathetically and said nothing more. There is really no interest whatsoever.


I liked his single-mindedness; I would have been annoyed if a good and upright man had given his heart all over the place. I liked that his heart was entirely mine. So that I wouldn’t be tempted to want him not to care about anything but me. 


I smiled happily and held out the parchment in front of Nas and Angelica.


“If you answer my question, I will prepare you a small house in Terran so that you can live well after leaving Edmund Kingdom.”


“A-A small house?”


“If you don’t like it, you can continue living in the palace, but I’ll introduce you to a precious person who will teach you about the mindset and attitude that royals should have.”


There is nothing to lose either way. The choice is up to these kids.


“Tell me what the bird of Fata-Morgana is. You can draw it if you can.”


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