The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

TAGWF Chapter 11.19

Words like ‘How did they educate their children?’ almost slipped out of my mouth. I put my head on Lacius’s shoulder. When I did, the princess’s face turned red. As if she had stepped out for her sister, the prince approached and pointed a finger at me.


“If you see royalty, you should bow your head! If Angelica gets angry, you’re all dead!”


“Alright, I’ll be dead. Yes, I get it. Now go on your way.”


It was annoying at this point. Lacius is just looking at them with his eyebrows lifted. 


As if she didn’t like the way she was being looked at like a monkey in a cage, the princess eventually burst into anger.


“Iikkk, I’ve chosen this man as my man! Take that filthy head off him right now!”


“What if I don’t want to?”




“What are you going to do if I don’t take my filthy head off him?”


Since they spoke informally, there was no need for me to be polite. I fanned myself lazily, opening my mouth.


Fighting with a princess from a distant country with no relation to Terran would not make princess-unnie hate me.


‘No, I’m sure she’ll even encourage me and tell me to have fun?’


It’s fun to see a reaction like a spring when you press their button like that. She should be grateful that she’s facing me rather than princess-unnie.


“I’m going to burn down this forest and it’s all because of you!”


“My God, that is the most thoughtless and futile threat I have heard lately. Go ahead, give it a try.”


I didn’t stop her. Rather, I encouraged her. I was curious about the confidence with which she confronted us. Other people seemed to share the same thoughts, and they just observed the commotion with interest.


The princess stomped her feet, intending to do something. And then the older brother prodded her from the side.


“What kind of forest is this even? There are only eight trees. They deserve to be gone!”


… …! In an instant, there was a great deal of buzz around.


The desert clans remained silent even after being called barbarians. But now, there was an unconcealable rage on their faces.




You shouldn’t bring up the number eight here. There are things that can be said and things that can’t be said. There’s a T.P.O. in words too.


“What did you just say?”




“Didn’t you just say that number?”


An old man asked on behalf of the desert clans. The prince gave him a haughty look that said, “So what,” and then he made an “ah” sound and chuckled. 


“You’re not telling me to follow your strange rules, are you? There’s not a number in the world that can’t be spoken by us. Even the numbers belong to royalty.”


“Brother is right. What a bunch of savages.”


Ha ha ha, ho ho ho. The thoughtless brother and sister laughed wildly. The old man shook his head with a somber face.


“Too bad. The curse will begin today.”


“What? Only because I said eight? Then you shouldn’t have planted eight trees.”


“That’s right, you’re in the wrong so who are you to threaten my brother?”


The pathetic brother and sister refused to abide by any of the desert’s traditions and rules. The people of the desert surrounded the brother and sister and let out a low whimper. It’s an eerie sound that sounds like a direct curse. It was a chorus that sent chills down my spine, too.


“What are these people doing?”


“How dare they threaten visiting royalty? This violates international laws and treaties!”


The princess cried out loudly.


Maybe in her country, having such a personality was commendable. Perhaps she even received praise for it. But this was a foreign country, and there are things you shouldn’t do if you’re told not to. If you don’t know why, you should just be more careful. There’s a reason for everything.


‘I’m telling you not to do it because it’s a landmine.’


Well, since they have such personalities, they probably didn’t even come to the eve of yesterday just because they didn’t want to. Even Terran doesn’t ignore the desert country, so why is Edmund’s kingdom so arrogant? No, where did that brother and sister’s confidence come from? The certainty that they won’t be robbed even if they wear gold all over their body?


“Maybe a painting wizard?”


I crossed my arms and tilted my head at her. The princess, perhaps having heard my muttering, raised her head, looking furious.


“Ha, I can create a pit right under your feet right now. If you ask for forgiveness, I might be generous.”


One hypothesis was correct. A painting wizard cannot recognize another painting wizard. What about the creation through magic? I looked up among the swaying olive trees.


“Cat, are you there? Come down.”


Created for protection, Cat never left my side unless there was a special reason. This wasn’t a safe place like Shay Island, dangers are everywhere.


At my command, a fuzzy object fell swiftly in front of me. A sleek black panther with glistening fur. The appearance of Cat made the princess’s face turn pale.


“Brother, a monster!”




But the prince is also distracted from screaming. I clicked my tongue and stroked Cat’s head.


Let’s see if she can recognize it or not. 


“What kind of monster is that!”


…She can’t.


This made two things certain. Unless someone knows that I am a painting wizard, a painting wizard cannot tell if the other person is the same as himself. I patted Cat on the scruff of the neck to make it move forward.


“Lashin, the princess of the kingdom of Edmund must be a painting wizard.”


“It’s the first time I’ve heard of it, but it seems plausible.”


“Instead of kidnapping her there, it might be easier to kidnap her here…”


*(T/N: This is so princess-unnie coded—HELP)


Wouldn’t it be quick and easy?


I rubbed my palms with a wicked smile for the first time in a while.


What kind of sick luck is this?


“What, why are you coming? Why! Go away!”


As the threat became more intense, the princess took out a parchment from her bosom. However, she does not seem inclined to use her powers right away. By looking closely at her, the princess must have known that summoning her drawing would shorten her lifespan.


‘Oh, that’s even better.’


“Catch it, Cat!”


Graaa! Cat let out a roar and clawed the edge of the princess’s dress.


“Ouch, aaaagh!”


The older brother ran away unsightly, but it doesn’t matter if he’s not a painting wizard. I approached the princess with a wicked grin.


“Ikkk, I won’t let you off!”


Poof! The angry princess threw a piece of paper in front of me, and there was a terrible, big—!






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